
Showing posts from 2015

Love Affairs, Marriage, Spirit: Honesty

Love Affairs:  We love courtship, flirting, hormones, desire, dreams come true. When this kind of  "weather" manifests in our life it is like a sunny day on the beach after a long winter.  To me, all emotions are weather-- to be enjoyed thoroughly, or handled, knowing it will always be changing. Most of us cannot live at a constant level of arousal for years  Some people can, and indeed are meant to live in that velocity and we will see that in their Life Chart and that path,  like all things, has both good  and rough sides.  Spiritual development is indeed a love affair. We  "wake up" -- not just once, but many times. However it can also mature into a marriage. And just like in any great marriage, we rediscover the intense feelings of connection as we continue to mature.  Great marriages take time, personal investment, creativity, money, willingness to take chances, willing to feel feelings, able to make mistakes and get over it, the desir...

Dark Knight of the Penis

Dark Knight of the Penis I hope this narrative helps others. By sharing our experiences, strength and  hope, we help each other to become braver....brave enough to grow. Growing almost always means leaving something behind, giving up old bad behaviors and thought patterns.  While growth ultimately brings us a better quality of life, there is some sadness and loneliness when you step into new territory, sometimes all by yourself, until you find some new friends. I have heard stories of male gurus, teachers, etc. sleeping with women under their care. Not all, but many. And to be fair, there are stories these days of women doing the same with young men, and same sex stories as well. The bigger topic here is a look at the ethics of being a helper person, and how to be on the receiving end of help or support, while paying attention to red flags and boundaries.  When do we set boundaries?   One does not want to be too paranoid, however waiting too long might give t...

The Dark Side of Millenium Normal

From the 1960's through the 1990's there were thriving subcultures learning and living parallel to the mainstream American norm. Vegan, vegetarian, collectives, womyn power, rituals, be-ins, black power, American Indian Movement, peace-niks and more. People were seeking, creating and living lifestyles that incorporated new priorities, new rituals and a new relationship to the world both the seen and unseen. Even today, in a majority of cultures Spirituality (as compared to religion) is alive and well. Readers, Astrologers, Numerologists, Shamans, Medicine People are consulted on a regular basis (instead of going to church and listening to a lecture on how to interpret scripture). Like checking the weekly weather report, going to a Spiritual adviser is seen as useful as needing information to face changing temperatures. In America, the land of possessions and addictions, most people seek out Spirituality when their earth life is having bumps in the road. Suddenly praying ...

Modern Shamanism-- to Bling or not to Bling

In this historical time period, most people in the industrialized world are zoned out and shut down. Social media, sugar, over work, over stimulated,  tuned out. With so much sensory over load most people have lost the ability to feel energy and this makes "bling" very appealing in the New Age/Metaphysical/Motivational industry.  If one cannot feel energy or touch the other side, one turns to advertising and the promise of promises, grandiose results and spectacular evolutionary leaps simply by paying good money, hopefully in a gorgeous setting.  The reality is people are guided to find and choose a Healer that is at the level of development they can currently handle. It makes sense that at this time there is a plethora of "healers" in circulation that have been "certified" with some super quick expensive program (the same is sadly true  these days with yoga teachers).  No  personal development or talent required. Just a willingness to pay and a desire for...

Addicted to Being Busy

 Addiction  (Being out of Balance):  Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, nicotine, sugar, etc,) or engages in an activity (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping, workshop junkie, over exercising) that can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, health, or mental health. Users may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others. What we mask by being busy. Addiction is a numbing behavior. We use numbing behaviors to shut out feeling our feeling and which can make one feel vulnerable. And lest you think numbing doesn’t apply to you, because you’re not hooked on cocaine, pot, sugar, tobacco, or alcohol one of the most universal numbing strategies is keeping your self  crazy-busy. People also use self-created "busy" as a way to avoid making time for he...

Dignity and Respect

Readings, Energy Work, and other Healing Arts typically attract people who are confused, and/or in pain. When one is in a bad place, behaviors can be affected.  People who lack self esteem or self respect usually treat others as poorly as they treat themselves.  Being a Light Worker (like being a therapist) challenges one to care for one's self, while also caring for others. People show up late, or not at all. Some expect to be "fixed" and are furious when they discover the work has to be done by the person. Others come for validation only and do not want to be told new information or asked to discover anything about themselves that does not fit their current view of themselves. Some people respect the Light Worker profession and others take the years of training and discipline for granted. The flag of entitlement is flying high in the millennium. Some come to Light Workers because they believe or feel they are "gifted" and want the secret key to their success...

Perceive to Receive? Nonsense !

So many self improvement industries (New Age to psychology) thrives on paradigms that tell you-- imagine what you want and you will get it. And if you don't get it, it is your fault for not succeeding... and of course if you fail or feel bad you need another workshop/session/treatment.  If bad things come to you, that is your fault -- because somehow you are attracting it or something is wrong with you.  While this does produce repeat business for the industries, it is dangerous and destructive propaganda. In the industry paradigm, one has to wonder what is the role of Spirit ?  Are we to be the ones telling Spirit to give us what we want ? What we imagine?  Like children in a shopping cart pushed by mommy and daddy, we are screaming for Fruit Loops and Twinkies. That is our level of development compared to our Higher Self and Spirit!  Children think sugar and toys make life better. Children dream and imagine on that level.  Just like good parents do not gi...

Leaving.... the dangers of transference

Studying with a Teacher. In the West people often "personalize" their Teacher. They want or need to be "friends" with their Teacher. Friendly is good, friend, not so much. Friends work hard to make each other feel good. Teachers, good ones, out of love and commitment to the expansion and growth of their students are willing to travel a rocky path to help a student move through an area in one's life that is blocked (addiction, obsession, incest, narcissism,denial, fears, old wounds, etc). This is especially true if we are discussing a Spiritual Teacher.  Spiritual growth often requires that one must crack open an old wound or a untie a knot .... and that can be a "this doesn't feel good" moment.  Students who try to make friends with their Teacher, expecting to trade a Teacher for a feel good friend, can suddenly feel betrayed when their "friend" stays true to his/her Guided role as a Spiritual Teacher.  Sadly this is when one typi...

"I" Statements

It is quite a common occurrence to hear people talk about experiences using the word "you" instead of "I".  Why is that ?  Many therapist types do not say "I" as the mainstream profession discourages too much disclosure, a protocol I abhor. I personally want to know who is trying to assist me. Is it some book educated youngster, or someone who has lived some life lessons close to my challenges?  I prefer the latter but it is hard to find out if your "therapist" ever struggled with drugs, poverty, sexual orientation, suicide, etc.  What a shame that this is the trend in psychology and other helping professions in this time period. In the days of tribal living, the Shaman or Medicine Woman lived in the village where one saw them, their behavior and their lifestyle on a daily basis. These days, we have no idea other than school transcripts as to who is claiming to be a therapist or some kind of New Age healer (often meaning one had the money to pay ...

Meditation makes me depressed ... really ?

Not dealing with issues makes us depressed. Suppressing our old hurts or fears can cause depression. What we do, typically, is (as we are taught in Industrialized Nations) to layer "fun" on top of the stinking swamp of our unaddressed wounds be they Soul wounds or childhood wounds or anything in between. This is like using air freshener rather than take out the garbage. The pursuit of "fun" is the American drug of choice. Shopping, forcing one's self into "adventures", attending endless social events, over sexing,  eating, or participating in yet another New Age "this is the solution to your life" workshop/seminar/retreat are some of the acceptable distractions people indulge in to keep oozing emotional wounds in check.  Sadly, like untreated cancer, suppressed emotions do metastasize. The layers of distractions cause side effects to leak out and infect/affect all behaviors. Lying becomes second nature..... starting out as small white lies ...


Some days, when awakened by my Ranch Manager Mateo (the tiger tom cat) who has decided that I have slept way too long (5 minutes past the beginnings of the sun to  yawn over the horizon), I open my eyes to marvel at the beauty of the lines of fur around his infinite eyes. I feel my bones healing from the vibrations of his purr and then the satin of the sheets sliding across my skin as I move to accommodate His Majesty, feeling the exquisite softness of his fur. It is at these times I am absolutely convinced that there is a purpose to life, that there is a Creator and that having a body is so completely worth it. For the moment. As the day crashes in (truck breaks, dryer dies, pail full of gallons of horse poop cracks open, and so on) there is a tendency want to excavate a rabbit hole and dive in. Retreat from this life. From the culmination of these kinds of moments. That is, until the wind brushes my skin, a horse whisker blesses my neck, and one of my ever present Angels whispe...

Muggles and BFF's

It is hard to have friends when you are a psychic or spiritually gifted person. Often others want to be your friend just so they can sneak in some “free questions”   or get some support while in a tough time (and to end the friendship as soon as life gets better again). Below however is a lovely description I found via Karen Davidson (edited down) of what it is like to have a BFF that is spiritually gifted. I have had Spiritual friends since the 1970's and this is how it was for me before I "came out" so to speak and started doing Readings. "What’s it like to have a psychic best friend ?   Why ask that? Because there is a bit of weird fear people seem to generate when they find out what someone is a full time psychic and does that for a living. People get all uncomfortable in their own skin.   What would a society be like where you couldn’t lie or even hide your true feelings?! So I figured I’d let you know what it’s like to hang out with a psychic: Whe...