Love Affairs, Marriage, Spirit: Honesty

Love Affairs:  We love courtship, flirting, hormones, desire, dreams come true. When this kind of  "weather" manifests in our life it is like a sunny day on the beach after a long winter.  To me, all emotions are weather-- to be enjoyed thoroughly, or handled, knowing it will always be changing. Most of us cannot live at a constant level of arousal for years  Some people can, and indeed are meant to live in that velocity and we will see that in their Life Chart and that path,  like all things, has both good  and rough sides. 

Spiritual development is indeed a love affair. We  "wake up" -- not just once, but many times. However it can also mature into a marriage. And just like in any great marriage, we rediscover the intense feelings of connection as we continue to mature.  Great marriages take time, personal investment, creativity, money, willingness to take chances, willing to feel feelings, able to make mistakes and get over it, the desire to make a successful relationship a priority over say shopping or eating.  No matter if you are "gifted" or not,  mature Spiritual Development takes all of the same factors.

Keeping a relationship alive, to avoid stagnation or boredom (which can lead to abandoning the relationship) is an art form -- whether this is with your children, significant other, boss, spiritual teachers, or most of all your Higher Self and Guides. Too often we leave our Spiritual Path and pursuits when the excitement fades and we start looking for people or experiences to entertain us back into a practice.

There is nothing wrong with periods of quiet or what even may look like regression or stagnation.  Often  these are times of deep change (Yin energies reorganizing our matrix fields) and discernment is a must. Our honesty, attitude and mindset will determines if we are lying to our self and thus misinterpreting whether it is a time of Yin change to be honored, or escapism, or some combination. For example,  I hear people complain about being stuck  and also state they have no money and/or time to invest in their own development. Within days they are vacationing in Hawaii or have purchased an expensive recreational vehicle.  The choices are not bad (or good), however telling yourself a victim story instead of owning the choices you have made is destructive.

Choose your choices. "I want to buy wine, not go to a meditation class. I just spent $700 on sunglasses so I cannot attend a spiritual workshop."  Have the courage to tell yourself the truth of your choices. This way you will stop manipulating others because you are too embarrassed to own your priorities, and you will be able to end the inner dialogue you habitually use to convince yourself that you are a victim of circumstance rather than facing the results of your own choices.  If you need time to "vege" out, take it!  If you would rather your resources vacationing, shopping, or getting massages, etc, just own it. Stop criticizing your choices, accept them and only then there will be room for things to shift and change when it is appropriate.

If you chose to deceive your self, you deceive your Self as well as others. Not good for any marriage, or in fact for any affair.  Commit to the marriage, or not. Either choice is good, for now. Honesty to the Self is the way to Honor the Self. Change is constant. Do it with integrity as hiding from your truth only complicates and dilutes your relationships with Self and others. It obscures your lessons, growthm, and most of all your Serenity.



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