Muggles and BFF's

It is hard to have friends when you are a psychic or spiritually gifted person. Often others want to be your friend just so they can sneak in some “free questions”  or get some support while in a tough time (and to end the friendship as soon as life gets better again).

Below however is a lovely description I found via Karen Davidson (edited down) of what it is like to have a BFF that is spiritually gifted. I have had Spiritual friends since the 1970's and this is how it was for me before I "came out" so to speak and started doing Readings.

"What’s it like to have a psychic best friend ?  Why ask that? Because there is a bit of weird fear people seem to generate when they find out what someone is a full time psychic and does that for a living. People get all uncomfortable in their own skin.  What would a society be like where you couldn’t lie or even hide your true feelings?!

So I figured I’d let you know what it’s like to hang out with a psychic:
When she looks at you while you’re talking, she sort of looks fuzzy at you.  Like when we normal people pay attention to peripheral vision? Your eyes get sort of not focused at anything in particular… That’s her. The more something matters to you, the more fuzzy she gets.

She asks questions out of the blue.  She’ll look at something and ask something seemingly simple like “where’d ya get that?” And it just HAPPENS to be something my grandmother gave me just before she died.

She’ll ask where I keep my oatmeal AS she is looking directly at the cabinet where it is..

When I’m having a difficult time with she will sort of appear and ask me something totally ridiculous that completely doesn’t matter and I’ll smile and tell her I’m fine.  And she walks away and surprisingly, I really AM fine now.

She points to an empty space on the floor and says “What used to be THERE?”

She knows when to shut up.  Now this is a good thing. Sometimes you want a friend to leave you alone.  Not mean. Not negative. Just… space. She can, without even realizing it, stop in the middle of a sentence and walk away.  Cause I’m feeling like I need to work here or I just don’t want to talk right now or etc. I don’t even realize I’m feeling that until she stops mid-sentence and leaves. And it’s not obvious or forced, she just looks like she forgot to do something and walks away.
She’ll ask about the history of the surrounding yard as she is looking at it… weirdly. As though there is some invisible soldier standing there in full uniform and in not so great shape. (I live very near Valley Forge.)

She’ll stare at my cat and my cat will stare back at her – for like way too long.

I’ll suddenly feel like I should ask my guest if she’s hungry, or wants to go to the supermarket or wants to look at what to do touristy – and she says gee, thanks, I was just thinking that…..
She’ll stare off into space.. and that’s my favorite time to ask “What are you seeing?”  because the answers are always just so awesome.

Jokes have way too many layers.

She does sometimes start talking about the subject I’m thinking about.  Now, she is not “reading my mind,”  she is picking up on the subject I’m thinking about.  See, I know this because I often do this as well. It’s just sort of conversation. If you have a cell phone, or have ever seen broadcast TV (before cable) or have listened to a radio station – I ask you, do you believe your thought waves just bounce around your skull and don’t get out? No, she’s not reading my mind but she is paying attention to the broadcast that’s in the same room.  It would be impolite not to. And it’s not really on purpose.  Sort of like you hear the mower in your next door neighbor’s yard.

We’ll be out somewhere and someone will say something that we overhear, and we’ll just look at each other with the EXACT same knowing face.

Which brings me to the living with each other part. We respect each other’s space more than my husband and I do. Now I don’t mean that badly; my husband is a great guy.  But sometimes, he just doesn’t pay attention.  My friend doesn’t have to pay attention because something inside her does it for her. So she finds herself sort of just NOT doing something or doing something she feels like what should be happening, based on the information floating around her. Mostly we just ignore each other… until we don’t. Like night and day."

People ask me why I teach. And my answer is always ..."because I am lonely."  I am lonely for awake, gifted, talented people who care about Earth and Spirit. I teach hoping to wake up more and more people so I can be with my Tribe.  The Tribe of people who remember they are primarily Spirits, not Muggles. Show up and we can hold hands and play in ways that make sense in the world of Energy and Earth.


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