The Dark Side of Millenium Normal

From the 1960's through the 1990's there were thriving subcultures learning and living parallel to the mainstream American norm. Vegan, vegetarian, collectives, womyn power, rituals, be-ins, black power, American Indian Movement, peace-niks and more. People were seeking, creating and living lifestyles that incorporated new priorities, new rituals and a new relationship to the world both the seen and unseen. Even today, in a majority of cultures Spirituality (as compared to religion) is alive and well. Readers, Astrologers, Numerologists, Shamans, Medicine People are consulted on a regular basis (instead of going to church and listening to a lecture on how to interpret scripture). Like checking the weekly weather report, going to a Spiritual adviser is seen as useful as needing information to face changing temperatures.

In America, the land of possessions and addictions, most people seek out Spirituality when their earth life is having bumps in the road. Suddenly praying looks like a good idea.  Advisers are sought out, primarily for some feel good comfort or hopefully magical constructs that will work better (and cheaper) than Prozac. Spirituality is pursued with the hopes that it will make one feel better and then (finally) we can get back to our "real" life --- of love and sex, money, and the pursuit of fun...... until the next series of bumps in the road of life.  This is the pattern of addiction.  Take, partake, or consume .... something.... anything to make one feel better, be it sugar, alcohol, food, over sexing, compulsive social media, or even the most boring of all.... meditation or magic classes.

The new New Age industry is happy to comply, with promises catered to the desires of the Muggles.  Take this workshop (seminar, class, exotic trip, etc) and you will be able to increase the in-flow of love, sex, money, and fun into your life. One wonders, does this make New Age providers similar to sexual providers? Or is this truly the result of ignorance.... a sign of the times.  A long time ago organized religion went down this path... join our church (give us money) and your earthly desires shall be granted.

Being a spiritual practioner these days is as obsolete as wanting to wait for "the one" in order to have the deep connection that can be achieved in a sacred sexual union.  Yes sex can be fun, yes New Age workshops can be enlightening entertainment.  However some of us are cursed with a proclivity towards the Sacred. Food is blessed and tasted. Sexuality is indulged in as a sacred rite (even the quickies with a beloved) even if done with a stranger for healing as in tantra. Being a practioner these days can be lonely... and shocking. Like a woman expecting to meet a partner with a heart, and who shows up instead is someone looking to score for the next hour as per Tinder and Grindr. This is not about bad and wrong, simply the sadness that even more so today the Sacred is in remission and the addictions to feel good, including feel good New Age experiences, are on the rise.

On the positive side, addicts are easy to please and control. Their thinking is focused only on their next fix (an encounter with a Spirit, a cool Reading, an exciting mystical experience, etc). Addicts will always tell you they don't have any money yet will freely spend their money on anything that makes them feel good, or these days, just feel.  All of this allows the New World Order to get on with business. This new norm isolates and ultimately minimizes those who might be a threat to society because of their tendency to wake up the population. True practioners.  We try to remember, that which does not kill us......well, you know the rest. The underground lives and is there for those that truly Seek. 


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