Yin Yoni Power - Warrior Meditations
In the modern societies we are all about "just DO it", "no fear" etc. We worship Yang energy-- the energy of DOING-ness. The power of the flow, the wisdom of psychic guidance is the opposite-- don't just do something, SIT there.! We are afraid that if we hold still we are quitting, resigning, giving up, procrastinating. Have you ever tried to get through to a friend who will just not shut up !? That is how it is for Spirit Guides, Higher Power, Yoda, Jesus, The Force-- what ever you believe in. When we don't hold still and shut up, NOTHING else can come in to guide us. We are then at the mercy of our crazy human mind with its puny imagination that is limited by the imagined boundaries typical of earth plane thinking.
The power of Yin is pregnancy-- allowing something to grow. Yin is magnetic energy (Yang is electric-- and we are an electromagnetic field so we do need a balance of both). Yin is the ability to ask questions, to create room for "not knowing" so we have the space to learn something new-- even if we think we know it all (and do we every really know it all?).
With all the pressures of the world, we often succumb to the pressure of just do it-- and do it now. I know-- I was a professor and my job was to "know"....... everything. This is why spiritual talents need persistence, practice, and discipline if one wants to develop and grow. Just like everything else-- earning a degree, learning to fix a car, staying in shape, eating healthy-- we have to work on it if we want to be good at it. Even if you have a talent, say being a gymnast, one still needs to practice to stay fit and practice hard to become better and/or successful. And like most endeavors, it is beneficial to have a .....yes... wait for it......Teacher ! Or coach, or accountability partner or just an encouraging friend.
Meditation, learning to hear and converse with Guides, developing or increasing our own energies so we can stay more centered and be more psychic, exploring our ability to heal, or to communicate more with our loving pets are all skills that can be developed in stillness and cultivation. Having a Teacher, or human helper is a huge benefit.
I hear so many complain about the quality of life, but rather than pay money or spend time on self cultivation, they choose other priorities such as a perfect handbag, a weekend on the beach. There is nothing wrong with these choices, and often it is appropriate to hang out in the pleasures of the earth plane. However, one needs to remember that the experiences of the material and sensory world are transient and will produce only a temporary sensation of joy or happiness. Self-cultivation produces permanent joy that cannot be rocked by the ups and downs of life's circumstantial events.
Yin energy teaches us to go "in" and up-- to connect with Self and Above. Yang energy teaches us to take that and go out into the world to manifest. Without Yin we are without the Self -- and then we are not manifesting, but rather simply "acting out" (as they say in classic psychology).
Learn to cultivate and use Yin. Get a teacher/helper. Become "one" with YOU-- as that is one permanent relationship in your life (the other is Spirit). Learn to sit there, listen, learn, get guidance and THEN act.
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