Remote Psychic Energy Healing
Remote Psychic Energy Healing
We are indeed all energy— bundled with human emotions, ego, agendas….whew. So along with a healing session, follow up includes work on the self ! And a spiritual practice to help maintain energetic health!. Remote healing or a Reading can set one back on course, but we humans have a tendency to ignore our guidance, to ignore our Self— often spending more time learning about our cell phone and and more money on hair styles than cultivating the Self.
Course correction, until you learn to internalize this for yourself, or can have decent conversations with your Spirit Guides is a good thing to consider.
We live in a culture that belittles, or ignores the Spiritual as unreal. It is interest to note, if you read autobiographies of extremely successful people (especially leaders), how much they credit intuition for their successful decisions in life. I wish we taught intuitive skills in schools— but we do not…..yet. As adults, we have the option to pursue this kind of self education/self improvement. When we share this with others, discuss our experiences, it helps to make it all solid ….real.
Reach out, practice, explore. The unseen world is a real…if you let it be. But in this culture, you have to be a Seeker.
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