Psychic Readings are not Enough

Readings are trail maps. They show you the path, the obstacles, sites to visit, places to avoid. It is like getting a weather forecast--that still doesn't tell you how to spend the day, or how to handle moods, issues, hurts or pains, obstacles.  And if you are headed for a swamp, or a dead end, going to a psychic for short what's my future readings typically will not open the door for you to get the more complicated message that you are taking the most difficult trail to your destination or that your destination is way off track.  Most people resist their Life Path -- like children avoid vegetables and go for foods that are not the best for them. That is a natural impulse. We choose a life, and then when we get here we get distracted with sex, drugs and rock and roll (so to speak).  Often you want answers to questions about events that may never happen in your life time, because you chose a different path !  The most common example is wanting a soul mate. Well, not all of us chose to come here to have a soul mate every single life time.  So while you are obsessively asking about a soul mate, you shut out the opportunity for Spirit (via a psychic or other means) to give you a heads up that you are here to learn and master (for example) independence.

One of the other reasons people miss out on the gift longer sessions offer  (in other words working Spiritually rather than just the quick "find my cat " or "find my soul mate" sessions )   is the concept of money.  When we were tribal, each village had a Shaman or Medicine person and the village COMPLETELY SUPPORTED that person with food, housing, clothing, any material needs, and even beautiful gifts.  Well, we aren't a village any more and if you find a Shaman/Medicine Person you love and you don't  want to be part of the community that supports that person, that person will be working at Walmart.  And since we can't offer up goats any more, support looks like monetary payment.

Additionally, people put self care at the bottom of their "to do" list, rather than at the top!  It amazes me that people will fork out money for nails, hair, a car wash, tablets & cell phones, eating out, ........ but then say they have no money for a healer (or a therapist).  No one questions the need to pay for  plumbers, gardeners, housekeepers, Botox,  hairdressers.  Humans seem to understand we need to clean the house, put gas in the car, and mow the lawn etc. Yet the PERSON-- the one who lives in the house, uses the electronics etc. is treated as some kind of perpetual motion machine that needs no maintenance other than cosmetic.

Unfortunately most people only go in for help when there is a trauma.  We get our car tuned up by an expert before the car breaks down. WE need a tune up and doing that before we break down is usually the best idea. Don't wait until you are "broken."  When you go in for help with a trauma-- you work on the trauma. And then most people quit the work after the trauma is over, never getting to the source of why the event happened in the first place. So the symptoms are treated and the root causes never addressed..... like giving cancer treatments to cigarette smokers and never addressing or changing one's nicotine addiction.  The best work is done when you are doing well--- then you can go in and do some deep work to heal "cause" rather than just treating the symptoms over and over and over.

Some people say, well a good shrink-- or psychic-- is hard to find. I agree !! But so is a good car mechanic, hair stylist, dentist, plumber etc.  And finding a trained psychic with a psychology background (or any mainstream background) is even more difficult.  Well, most people will search long and hard for a good hair stylist or mechanic. The same effort often has to go into finding a Shaman Healer type that is excellent for you.  It takes time to find a good service person of any kind. Spend some time to find a good healer person-- then keep up on your tune up work. Don't wait until you are "broken" and have to spend lots of time, money and emotions on recovery.


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