When we get to the lowest place in our life, when we are sure there is no way out, we reach a place where there is no fear....... we have given up and we are in a place with no limits, only possibilities, while we search for the next step. People often find Faith for the first time when in this "low" place, stripped of "everything." The art of living with Spirit, with Guidance, is to get to the place of no fear and no limits before having to be brought to our knees, to the lowest place. The art of surrender is not the art of giving up when we are down and out, but instead to become open to options before we are brought to our knees. I have worked with people who have had a true nervous breakdown when life became everything they ever wanted. Why ? Fear. Now they have more to lose than ever before-- the perfect career, a wonderful relationship, big income, precious child, amazing house, etc. When people struggle, any light at the end of the tunnel is a gift. ...