
Showing posts from September, 2014


When we get to the lowest place in our life, when we are sure there is no way out, we reach a place where there is no fear....... we have given up and we are in a place with no limits, only possibilities, while we search for the next step. People often find Faith for the first time when in this "low" place, stripped of "everything."  The art of living with Spirit, with Guidance, is to get to the place of no fear and no limits before having to be brought to our knees, to the lowest place. The art of surrender is not the art of giving up when we are down and out, but instead to become open to options before we are brought to our knees. I have worked with people who have had a true nervous breakdown when life became everything they ever wanted. Why ? Fear. Now they have more to lose than ever before-- the perfect career, a wonderful relationship, big income, precious child, amazing house, etc. When people struggle, any light at the end of the tunnel is a gift. ...

Speak, Pray, Release: Gossip versus Healing

Gossip or sharing?   Privacy or protection ?   I don’t have the answers   but I have lots of questions. I once dated my friend’s brother; she did not mention he had history as a pedophile. She did not want to “gossip” about him. Really ?!   I had to find out for myself ? Yikes.   Part of dysfunctional family systems is the culture of “keep the secrets,” usually taught to children under fear of threat by the adult violating and or abusing the child.   “Keeping the secret” is also typically part of the family culture of alcoholism, and often even mental illness.   Many people then do not give out useful information, not realizing that it is not necessarily what everybody else does. If you were taught the culture of keeping a secret as a child, it probably never occurs to you to question that behavior or choice.   So what is gossip.   It is mean spirited talk about another, with absolutely no intention of resolving problems or work...

Why is it called "The Present" ?

Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today a gift from Spirit. THAT is why it is called the present. Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today a gift from Spirit…….. THAT is why it is called the present. The present IS a gift, one that is often ignored. At any given moment we can be miserable. Life is constant series of choices and decisions. We decide what we want to pay attention too and what we let go.   This can be a dangerous path. If you are in denial, unconsciously run away from your feelings , live in a fantasy world, use magical unrealistic thinking, smoke lots of weed , drink etc. you can indeed ignore reality and red flags.     There is a balance. We live in the world but we do not control it.   A wonderful saying from 12 step meeting is: Do the footwork, let go of the results.   We can add to that, don’t forget to smell the roses. Staying in the present, making plans, yet letting go of control (This is not resignation …. ...

Psychic Readings are not Enough

Readings are trail maps. They show you the path, the obstacles, sites to visit, places to avoid. It is like getting a weather forecast--that still doesn't tell you how to spend the day, or how to handle moods, issues, hurts or pains, obstacles.  And if you are headed for a swamp, or a dead end, going to a psychic for short what's my future readings typically will not open the door for you to get the more complicated message that you are taking the most difficult trail to your destination or that your destination is way off track.  Most people resist their Life Path -- like children avoid vegetables and go for foods that are not the best for them. That is a natural impulse. We choose a life, and then when we get here we get distracted with sex, drugs and rock and roll (so to speak).  Often you want answers to questions about events that may never happen in your life time, because you chose a different path !  The most common example is wanting a soul mate. Well, not a...

What IS Faith ?

Really good question ! I was raised an atheist and was taught life and all that happened was solely the result of my own efforts.  Meaning all failure was my fault and all success came from my efforts.  Whew !  This IS the heart of the American culture. Just do it. No fear. Even the New Age-ers state -- well if it happened to you it is because you were thinking it. The ultimate guilt trip. This means I can have no bad thoughts or they will manifest like the devil itself and it will be all my fault. No wonder people commit suicide ! I know for a fact the New Age-ers are wrong, because with the amount of pain and tough issues I have had to process (so far) I should have blow earth up at least 5 times by now. We DO plan our life, before we get here (see Michael Newton's book Journey of the Souls; or The Education of Oversoul 7). Once we are here, we can decide to abandon the plan. We can follow the plan drunk..... Or we can (gulp) trust we made a good plan with our guide...

Yin Yoni Power - Warrior Meditations

In the modern societies we are all about "just DO it", "no fear" etc.  We worship Yang energy-- the energy of DOING-ness. The power of the flow, the wisdom of psychic guidance is the opposite-- don't just do something, SIT there.!  We are afraid that if we hold still we are quitting, resigning, giving up, procrastinating.  Have you ever tried to get through to a friend who will just not shut up !?  That is how it is for Spirit Guides, Higher Power, Yoda, Jesus, The Force-- what ever you believe in. When we don't hold still and shut up, NOTHING else can come in to guide us. We are then at the mercy of our crazy human mind with its puny imagination that is limited by the imagined boundaries typical of earth plane thinking. The power of Yin is pregnancy-- allowing something to grow. Yin is magnetic energy (Yang is electric-- and we are an electromagnetic field so we do need a balance of both). Yin is the ability to ask questions, to create room for "...

The Psychic Spiritual World: Pain and Pleasure

The Psychic Spiritual World: Pain and Pleasure There is a balance between pain and pleasure. We need to be hopeful, choose happy and be positive. But what if you are sad, depressed….? The students that committed suicide at the colleges whe re I taught were always, the brightest stars known for being happy, helpful to others. People were always shocked when they chose suicide. America worships “happy” and “positive attitude.” What is the aversion to the so-called negative? Why are we rejected for being a “downer”? If a person is truly happy and content from the inside out, some one else’s upset mood, depression or anxiety will not affect you ! People react badly to “negativity” because it stirs up their own un resolved issues. It makes them feel (again) their unresolved issues. The great sadness for me is 1) sad people have no where to go and share—except a 12 step meeting or a therapist’s office 2) so many people are layering a false positive over a stinki...

Remote Psychic Energy Healing

Remote Psychic Energy Healing We are indeed all energy— bundled with human emotions, ego, agendas….whew.   So along with a healing session, follow up includes work on the self !  And a spiritual practice to help maintain energetic ...

I, Me, You , Us

"I" Statements In this age where information can be so easily found (I— used to have to go to the library …… or buy—- gasp— books to learn ) I find it amazing (and disheartening) that so few people know or practice the basics of good communications with people they care about. This seems to especially true with new age or spiritual folks who can communicate better with the mother ship or ghosts than with fellow humans (who could really use the company and conversation). When communicating or resolving conflicts with someone you care about (when you don’t care you can just walk away) I suggest these behaviors: 1) Take responsibility for YOUR half of the event/situation-- of what was said or done. . This means using “I” statements instead of sentences that being with “you” (you said, you did, etc). 2) This is the hardest one !  Refuse to take someone else’s inventory !  What does this mean? Do NOT tell the person what s/he did wrong. That is his/her business (and we don’t even ...