Application for Monthly Work with Dr. Marie
Application for
Intensive Monthly Work with Dr. Marie and Life Path Healings
Intensive Monthly Work with Dr. Marie is not to be taken on
as a casual commitment. It is meant to be intensive, advanced studies that will move your life and Spiritual Development to a more expanded and connected
reality. This work is equivalent to enrolling in a Master’s Degree Program.
Typical enrollment with Dr. Marie lasts 4-6 months. Some go longer. When you
are finished, not only will your life be in a different place; you will have tools and the beginnings of a discipline and Spiritual practice to continue your own Spiritual development and deepen your connection to Spirit and better maintain a daily balance of body, mind, Spirit. This
balance will allow you to more fully enjoy and love your life and the pleasures offered as well
as the challenges You will learn to make the tools, practices and self-discipline your own, and to use
them all as you continue to grow and expand. Studying with Dr. Marie will
open the door for you to develop your own intuitive gifts as well as to be
better able to receive deeper Spiritual Guidance on a daily basis while you travel
your Life Path. The door will be presented, and you will be Guided to it. It is
up to you to then walk through that door.
How the work is done and the time
it will take
There is a Level 1 and Level 2 enrollment. For either Level,
you will be given “homework” assignments and will need to daily track what you
do and do not accomplish as well as how you are feeling, behaving, and thinking.
Want to know more about how or why this works? Here is a great short article on
the power of Mindfulness (research based material) with an embedded video worth
watching (10 minutes long): . Homework ranges from meditation and other
Spiritual exercises, to Mindful breathing throughout the day, reading books
and/or articles, practicing new behaviors such as learning to smile or ask
questions. The emphasis is not on accomplishment, but on daily Mindfulness that is focused on what you are learning including new practices and behaviors. The only way people notice their internal
progress and new learnings is to focus on it daily. Documenting what you
have learned on a daily basis inspires and frees you to take yet another step off your old stuck place onto a new more connected and balanced Path. Daily writings focus on new behaviors, Spiritual experiences, and any emotions that arise as you work.
Daily tracking will take 30 minutes a day minimum for you to write up a summary of your day. This will be based on notes you take throughout the day. It doesn’t have to be a novel; it does have to be some kind of written tracking. In addition to daily tracking, you will have a weekly reflective written assignment to do as well that typically takes 1.5 to 2 hours the first day and another 45 minutes to rewrite another final draft the second day, before submitting the work.
Daily tracking will take 30 minutes a day minimum for you to write up a summary of your day. This will be based on notes you take throughout the day. It doesn’t have to be a novel; it does have to be some kind of written tracking. In addition to daily tracking, you will have a weekly reflective written assignment to do as well that typically takes 1.5 to 2 hours the first day and another 45 minutes to rewrite another final draft the second day, before submitting the work.
In addition to learning solid tools and gaining a real
practice, Dr. Marie works with you energetically daily every month you are
enrolled. Some people will feel this, or see it in dreamtime. Others will not.
You are under her wing as a Student.
monthly work is done via email. You are welcome to schedule sessions with Dr.
Marie (at the regular cost) at any time if you want or need more support. Email
is used because writing forces people to spend time documenting and focusing on
their work. Writing teaches you to take the time and make the effort to acknowledge
and document your own progress. Many people have learned to seek approval from
others, often by acting as a victim or by taking on people pleasing behaviors.
Documenting your own progress teaches you to be your own best friend, your own
cheerleader, your own knight in shining armor rather than manipulating others
to seek their approval. Becoming your
own best friend is an acquired skill that takes time and practice.
allow people to go back through their work and see their progress as
they review what they did over time. Written material eliminates
discussions about who said what and when, as it all there in writing. This being said, you do not have to write a
great deal, or you can. Some people submit 8 pages a week, others write more of
a list, or some short paragraphs. All versions are fine. Just make sure you are being reflective, not just writing up material last minute to send in “something”, which is a waste of your time and Dr. Marie’s time.
Proof read your reflective writing to ensure it is well organized (clearly labeled, explained etc.) for a stranger (Dr. Marie in this case) to be able to read what you wrote and understand what you are talking about. It is your job to address the work of the week that you agreed to take on. You are welcome to share any material (emotions, thoughts, events, etc.) that you find important and relevant however remember that it is your job to address the work of the week that you agreed to take on. In other words, you would not talk to personal fitness trainers about your favorite movies when you only have an hour to train with them and you hired them for their expertise to you get in shape, not review movies. Focus your material.
Often there is unconscious resistance to this work. It cannot be stopped until it is acknowledged. What does resistance look like? One example would be doing this very personal and deep work on a cell phone in the middle of your family gatherings in a living room while also keeping the fact you are doing this work a secret. Attempting to do deep reflective work while you are distracted, working on a miniature screen, lying to your family and hiding the work you are doing right in front of their faces is an example of self sabotage. This will lead to you declare yourself “failure” for not being able to do the work when in reality you were trying to work under impossible conditions. Another example is writing in such disjointed bits and pieces, with no proof reading or rewrites, making it impossible for the reader to follow your ideas. Others submit written New Age junk they have learned via books, Facebook, and Instagram or write about every topic in the world except their own work, their own feelings, their own actions, and their own behaviors which is the heart of this work. Some write over and over about all their problems, and pain, and how they are a victim, with no tracking of the weekly work done and tracking the small steps of progress made. This means they are spending hours reinforcing old toxic behaviors and thoughts, hoping to get rescued by Dr. Marie. This is typical manipulative behavior of people who present themselves as victims, and use other people’s empathy to prop themselves up with “feel good” rescue responses of praise and encouragement. Sadly this method, in addition to being manipulative and dishonest, also indicates that you have not yet learned how to encourage and motivate yourself.
Proof read your reflective writing to ensure it is well organized (clearly labeled, explained etc.) for a stranger (Dr. Marie in this case) to be able to read what you wrote and understand what you are talking about. It is your job to address the work of the week that you agreed to take on. You are welcome to share any material (emotions, thoughts, events, etc.) that you find important and relevant however remember that it is your job to address the work of the week that you agreed to take on. In other words, you would not talk to personal fitness trainers about your favorite movies when you only have an hour to train with them and you hired them for their expertise to you get in shape, not review movies. Focus your material.
Often there is unconscious resistance to this work. It cannot be stopped until it is acknowledged. What does resistance look like? One example would be doing this very personal and deep work on a cell phone in the middle of your family gatherings in a living room while also keeping the fact you are doing this work a secret. Attempting to do deep reflective work while you are distracted, working on a miniature screen, lying to your family and hiding the work you are doing right in front of their faces is an example of self sabotage. This will lead to you declare yourself “failure” for not being able to do the work when in reality you were trying to work under impossible conditions. Another example is writing in such disjointed bits and pieces, with no proof reading or rewrites, making it impossible for the reader to follow your ideas. Others submit written New Age junk they have learned via books, Facebook, and Instagram or write about every topic in the world except their own work, their own feelings, their own actions, and their own behaviors which is the heart of this work. Some write over and over about all their problems, and pain, and how they are a victim, with no tracking of the weekly work done and tracking the small steps of progress made. This means they are spending hours reinforcing old toxic behaviors and thoughts, hoping to get rescued by Dr. Marie. This is typical manipulative behavior of people who present themselves as victims, and use other people’s empathy to prop themselves up with “feel good” rescue responses of praise and encouragement. Sadly this method, in addition to being manipulative and dishonest, also indicates that you have not yet learned how to encourage and motivate yourself.
Resistant behaviors such as these suggest that you may not be ready to enroll in Intensive Studies with Dr. Marie at this time. It might suit you better to work with her in person (or find another resource) until you are more comfortable with yourself to trust opening up and sharing with another person. If you are not accepted for work with Dr. Marie, understand this decision is made to protect you and to honor where you are at currently in your development. It is not meant as criticism.
This is intensive and accelerated work meant
to give you a jumpstart to get you back on the main road of your Life Path. In a University (Dr. Marie was a Professor for 20 years),
50% of achieving success is dependent on the efforts of the student. A great
Teacher does not produce a great student. Great students learn, no matter what,
because they are committed to the Journey, to Learning, for their own sake. Not
to gather praises, impress another, or to win a credential.
Because this work focuses on the Self (body health, mind, emotional balance, and Spiritual Connection) it is much more challenging than University studies which focus on topics that are not emotionally connected to the student. This work involves studying you. It requires the risk of authenticity, honesty and caring for the Self when your ego feels threatened. If you have gone through much of life not feeling your feelings, claiming to be a victim, passively manipulating people rather than simply stating your needs, desires and opinions, you will find this work challenging, filled with love, but challenging.
If you would like to read entries from two Students who enrolled in the monthly work with Dr. Marie, click/tap here.
Because this work focuses on the Self (body health, mind, emotional balance, and Spiritual Connection) it is much more challenging than University studies which focus on topics that are not emotionally connected to the student. This work involves studying you. It requires the risk of authenticity, honesty and caring for the Self when your ego feels threatened. If you have gone through much of life not feeling your feelings, claiming to be a victim, passively manipulating people rather than simply stating your needs, desires and opinions, you will find this work challenging, filled with love, but challenging.
If you would like to read entries from two Students who enrolled in the monthly work with Dr. Marie, click/tap here.
The Application Process Explained
This first week is your application. The cost is $100 and is non-refundable and you will learn something in the process of applying as you will get feedback on your application. Your application will determine if you
are in a place where Dr. Marie thinks you will benefit from working with her in this manner, at this time. There
are two levels one can be enrolled in. If you are accepted, Dr. Marie, will
place you accordingly.
Level 1 is for those who do not
have a strong background in self-reflection, self-awareness, and do not have a
regular Spiritual Practice (other than Facebook or reading cool books). If you have never kept a Journal, gone to any kind
of counseling, therapy, group (12- Step for example) or studied as a committed
student of a Spiritual Teacher you will most likely be in Level 1.
If your ego is now bruised because you would rather be classified as “advanced” Spiritually even though your health is bad, your love life sucks and your work/career is killing you…. now is the time to turn away from working with Dr. Marie. Life Path Healings means that. Healing so you can tackle your Life Path, the path you chose before coming here. Dr. Marie does not support using Spiritual pursuits as an antidepressant or as a way to falsely boost the ego by using so-called Spiritual Gifts as a way to win the approval of others or as a prop to help you feel good about yourself while your life and/or emotions are a mess.
If your ego is now bruised because you would rather be classified as “advanced” Spiritually even though your health is bad, your love life sucks and your work/career is killing you…. now is the time to turn away from working with Dr. Marie. Life Path Healings means that. Healing so you can tackle your Life Path, the path you chose before coming here. Dr. Marie does not support using Spiritual pursuits as an antidepressant or as a way to falsely boost the ego by using so-called Spiritual Gifts as a way to win the approval of others or as a prop to help you feel good about yourself while your life and/or emotions are a mess.
The first week is your application. The cost is $100, non-refundable. If you are accepted for Level 1 work, the cost
is $300 a month as long as you are continually enrolled. If you stop or take a
break, you must reapply and pay the first week $100 fee again. Once you pay for a month there is no refund,
even if you leave before the month is up.
You can leave the work at any time, however, before you end your work with Dr. Marie, please arrange to make time to submit a summary regarding everything you learned and tools you can continue to use. A great ending is important. Give notice you plan to end, write your summary in a timely manner to ensure Dr. Marie has time to respond, congratulate and give you some final Guidance.
You can leave the work at any time, however, before you end your work with Dr. Marie, please arrange to make time to submit a summary regarding everything you learned and tools you can continue to use. A great ending is important. Give notice you plan to end, write your summary in a timely manner to ensure Dr. Marie has time to respond, congratulate and give you some final Guidance.
Level 2 means one is familiar with
reflective writing and has a background of engaging in deep (often
embarrassing) self-examination. Level 2
also means you see Spiritual Gifts in a balanced manner. You do not use “gifts”
as an excuse to ignore facing current life challenges or healings needed. Level 2 people have little to no ego
associated with Spirituality. In other words, you are not attached to being a
“gifted healer” or “amazing psychic”.
Dr. Marie’s Life Path teaches us that we determined our
Destiny before we ever incarnated. So if you are “meant to be” a “healer”, it
will come and get you. In the meantime, your work is to get your health in
order, clear out old emotional wounds and deal with unhealthy, self-centered,
egocentric tendencies, strengthen your Spiritual Connection, etc. This is a
humble Path. Do your work, be ready at all times, be the best you can be at all
times, then when your Destiny comes to get you no matter if you are "meant to be" a parent, a lawyer,
a spouse, or a street cleaner. If you are centered, and connected to Spirit you will be able to bring
Spirituality into any career, any life situation rather than you chasing the
fame a fortune of being a “gifted star child” and other New Age nonsense.
The application process is the same for both Levels, with
the same non-refundable application fee of $100. The monthly cost is $200 a
month as long as you are continually enrolled. If you stop or take a break, you must reapply
and pay the first week $100 fee again. Once you pay for a month there is no refund,
even if you leave before the month is up. The same notes as given above regarding
leaving the work apply. Endings are up
to the Student.
The Application, PART 1
Contact Dr. Marie to see if there
are openings available. If so, make a payment of $100 (Venmo, or PayPal.Me/DrMarie)
- Write up what it is you think you need or want to work on in your life. Write a first draft, then wait a day to re-read and rewrite as needed.
- Pick one or two aspects from #1 above that are really bothering you such as overeating, over-drinking, depression, feeling lost, work issues, love life issues, unable to meditate, etc. Daily note and track (Mindfulness) how these issues are affecting your daily life. Dr. Marie will never see these notes, they are for you to use at the end of the week.
- Take notes, journal or list specifics on how the issues you want to work on are impacting your life. Notes can be on emotions that arise during the day, behavior choices you make, actions you do or do not take and how you treat yourself or others, etc.
- Do Not Submit
this to Dr. Marie. It is for your benefit only.
- Research, find, read up on reflective writing. Google such phrases as reflective writing for therapy, reflective writing for Spiritual growth. Try other phrases.
- Copy and paste the sites that you like.
- Write up (after your research) what you now understand about the process of reflective writing, how it works and how you think it will work for you.
- Create and write down an exact schedule that will allow you to submit a reflective write up once a week on a regular basis. For example, every Saturday morning at 8 am I will be able to review the week’s writing. Every Saturday evening at 6pm I will write my first draft…. Etc. Sunday afternoon at 4 I will do my re-write. This means you will do your best to hold to this schedule—for yourself. To save your own life. Remember, this is committed intensive work, for a few months (University and Graduate School takes years of this kind of commitment—as does raising children).
4. Go back over your daily notes for the week. Write (then wait a day and
re-write) a reflective piece on what you tracked for your week.
Follow the process you researched, that resonates with you.
Remember: Reflective Writing always takes
1) Reviewing all of your work for the week – daily mindful tracking. Daily. In writing.
2) After the review of daily written work, a first draft.
3) Then a day later, re-read the first draft and re-write, going deeper.
The Application PART 2: Submit the following to
Dr. Marie within a week of your $100 payment. Submit #1, #3a, #3b, #3c and #4 and please CLEARLY
Final Note:
The application week is the most rigorous and time consuming
the weekly work would ever be and the structure given for the first week is
only offered as a guideline for future work for those who desire or need structure.
After week one, you can continue with the structured approach offered in the application
process, or you can create your own structure and procedures if that suits you
You do not have to work at this level every week. You do not
have to work at this level ever. It is all up to you as everyone is different.
The application week offers a model for one who wants to take on the monthly
work full on, 100%.
Not everyone can or should work at this level. People have different life circumstances, responsibilities and other commitments they are juggling. Some people take a week or two during the month to “coast” and that is fine as long as you understand the process. For many, slowing down a week or two helps them to integrate and more fully and deeply understand the changes that are occurring.
Not everyone can or should work at this level. People have different life circumstances, responsibilities and other commitments they are juggling. Some people take a week or two during the month to “coast” and that is fine as long as you understand the process. For many, slowing down a week or two helps them to integrate and more fully and deeply understand the changes that are occurring.
However, others do NOT do the work suggested by Dr. Marie, and then complain of little to no progress. It is imperative that you realize that it is
up to you to pace yourself.
The week application process is meant to challenge you to see if you can own the responsibility of taking on this Journey. Dr. Marie can show you the way, however only you can decide if you will embark on the Journey, and how hard, fast, deeply, and honestly you will travel. There is no right way to do this work as each person has his/her own way of learning, different stress levels, different reasons for doing this work. The bottom line is that this process does take TIME. Time and focused energy on you. your development and your Spiritual Evolution.
Click/Tap here to read comments from former Students
The week application process is meant to challenge you to see if you can own the responsibility of taking on this Journey. Dr. Marie can show you the way, however only you can decide if you will embark on the Journey, and how hard, fast, deeply, and honestly you will travel. There is no right way to do this work as each person has his/her own way of learning, different stress levels, different reasons for doing this work. The bottom line is that this process does take TIME. Time and focused energy on you. your development and your Spiritual Evolution.
Click/Tap here to read comments from former Students
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