Predictive Learning versus Predictions

Predictive Learning versus Predictions

Psychics are fairly popular these days and I do work on Psychic Access (under the name Nonna) and understand that sometimes, in crises, people really need answers such as “Am I going to get fired?” Is my husband going to die of cancer?” etc.   There is nothing wrong with seeking answers, support, or help when one is buried in the fear of crises.  However, there are many psychic “junkies” (called “regulars” on Psychic Access) who call go to psychics frequently over the years and these folks consider themselves “spiritual” because of their use of psychics.  But what do psychic readings really do? They predict the future and when that future comes true, it proves the psychic was right (and more business for them). The people seeking these predictions (on a regular basis) are actually the furthest thing you can get from being spiritual. Wanting to know your future, over and over, is about fear, lack of control and most of all, absolutely no trust whatsoever in Spirit (or your Higher Self). If you trusted Spirit, if you felt safe, secure and protected by your Guides and Guidance, why would you need to obsessively know what the future is going to bring?  Going to psychics is not a spiritual path or practice. It is you wanting to control your life, to soothe your fears by trying to “be prepared” so you don’t get hurt.  What many do not realize is that going to a psychic rather than strengthening your own intuition and your own connection to Guidance actually makes you weaker, more dependent, and more vulnerable to manipulations by both other humans and your own ego and weakens your belief in Spirit and  your confidence in your Self. 

Being a psychic who is committed to also being a Spiritual Teacher in order to help people wake up (in this life) and get on, or continue on, their path of Spiritual Development often means the loss of clients, at first. Serious seekers come back but the fluffy ones do not.  Asking people to consider what they are going to learn rather than promising them they are going to get what they want is not popular.  I have lost people when daring to tell them they will have legal problems, or that they are not destined to have a so-called soul mate this life. And people unconsciously (some consciously) believe that if a psychic says it, it will become true.  Meaning that if a psychic tells someone will have legal problems, that person often considers the psychic to now be bad juju. They will tell the psychic that it is his/her fault that caused the legal problems (manifested them), because s/he said it.  Funny that if a psychic gives someone amazing news and that does not happen, the psychic is still considered bad juju because it did not happen.  Why do people have conflicting standards?  Because these kinds of readings are all about control and people trying to get what they want rather than wanting to learn how to follow the Guidance of Spirit. No wonder that psychics who want to stay in business feel the pressure to read the superficial wants and desires of people and give those readings. I understand it.

Predictions that focus on what you will be learning, and why you chose to learn this topic, and in this fashion, are meant to guide people towards a more Spiritual perspective of their current incarnation. Telling someone they will not have a love interest as the main focus of his/her life can at first make the person feel s/he is cursed.  However, helping the person to see the benefits of this path s/he chose, the learning, strength and development that will come as a result of this choice, offering views of alternative kinds of relationships other than a white picket fence and 2.5 children, can shift this person’s focus from endlessly trying to get married (and perhaps in the end marrying “anyone” because of neediness, or family pressure) to working on something else such as a career, or a Spiritual Path.  Parents gently (and sometimes firmly) guide a child away from candy or digital games towards better food choices and outdoor games. A balanced psychic with a strong personal Spiritual Practice (which most psychics/healers do not have these days) will do the same for seekers; help people shift their focus when they are chasing butterflies and unicorns when they need to be digging some ditches and re-piping their house.  This also means the psychic needs to be strong enough to weather the initial reaction of rejection (or worse, as some people will actually attack a psychic for “causing” bad juju) by person who came for a reading fully (even obsessively) committed to getting the answers they want to hear.  I have had people scream at me (then hang up) when they called to find out if someone is cheating on them and I confirm it.  I now come with a disclaimer; if you don’t want to know, don’t ask.

Everyone created a road map of their life before incarnating; that is how we can do Readings. Your road map was created BEFORE you came here and is on file to be Read by Gifted people. That is why the idea of “manifesting” is ridiculous. You manifested this life before incarnating while in the energy of your Higher Self (rather than your needy, ego driven human brain) and while working with your Guides. Now here, your baby brain wants to manifest “chocolate”: a soul mate, money, being thin while eating everything, etc.  Now here, HOW you travel the trip you planned is your free will. You can travel your path drunk, obsessed about “love”, being hard on yourself, being lazy. You can travel your path connected to Spirit, following Guidance, committed to learning and growing rather than “getting.”  Readings that focus on Predictive Learning (my specialty and my passion—because it saved my life as well) look at growth and progress rather than obsessing about outcomes and “gains”.  Yes it is helpful to get some warning of big ditches in the road; there is nothing wrong with that. However that is not main purpose of good Readings.  Why is there a ditch? What can you learn from it? What can you learn about yourself when navigating the ditch?  Predictive Learning (concerned with Soul Evolution rather than human gains) helps people reframe life events, motivates people to develop their own intuition and their own connection to their Spirit Guides.  Sometimes this kind of Reading tells you to go for the ditch, fall in, get out, but do it by choice, consciously rather than as a victim. Why? Because going into a lesson with eyes (and heart) wide open can accelerate your growth. Dodging lessons (that you chose to learn in this life) is like dropping out of high school and ultimately does not benefit you. Choosing to participate in your growth means you can prepare rather than being blindsided. If you know you are hiking up a mountain and choose to do it, you can also decide to lose the flip-flops, buy hiking boots and hire a Sherpa. This makes the trip fun and interesting even if challenging and certainly a softer journey than being dropped off on the top of the mountain while still in your shorts and flip flops (which will happen if you keep dodging the “class” you signed up for in this life).

Be aware of why you are seeking a Reading.  That will also help you make a better decision in choosing a Reader and will help you have an open mind (and heart) if hearing information that could be potentially challenging.

Journey On.


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