Channeling Spirit Guides

We all have Guides. However Guides are just that.... guides. They cannot live our lives for us, remove our lessons, or replace our human relationships. Well, they can, but it is not healthy or balanced.  Sort of like eating a menu is not the same as eating the meal itself. Balance is key in all aspects of life and balance is a work of art, a process, not a static position.  Many spiritual folks are quite uncomfortable around humans. Often spiritual folks have had a rough childhood filled with alienation, alcoholism or abuse. This forces the child to not trust Earth resources or relationships and hopefully steers the adult into some kind of spiritual outreach or practice for healing. As an adult, one can grow up out of balance if one has not sought out healing and/or if one has gone too far into spiritual solutions as a way to escape or manage pain and fear issues.

People who Channel spirits and who are not in balance, can use their Guides as crutch, speaking more to "Them" and ignoring their own Inner or Higher Self to engage in endless conversations with Spirit Guides for consolation and also as a way to avoid uncomfortable or confrontational human realities. Worst case, Channeling can become dissociative, if one is not careful, a way to escape reality rather than a tool to make one stronger while negotiating life challenges.

Channeling comes through a human and one has to speculate why some people  seem to be chosen to trance Channel. True trance channeling is rare. It involves calling in a Spirit and the human "leaves" allowing the Spirit to enter the person's body and present as a teacher or healer. The human so used, has no recollection of what occurs or is said during the Channeling session.  I have only met two people that truly trance channel and they both had incredibly spiritual charts. A trance channel-er misses out on a great deal of life on earth as s/he spends much time "away" while the non-physical being inhabits the body.  I have a  suspicion that those that trance channel were going to die an early death, but instead are granted more years (not really more time -- as they are gone a great deal of the time)  in return for allowing another being so much earth time access.  I also believe that those that trance channel were going to self destruct at a young age and by allowing another being to have so much of their earth time ,they were kept alive much longer as a means for them to work out a great deal more karma in exchange for donating so much time to trance channeling. Just a working theory, based on my observations.

We can all "channel" to some degree. Channeling is not a cure all or a magic bullet. Guides have their own agenda's as well and not all Guides are Higher Beings.  Additionally,  if one has a fractured energy field (via trauma, drugs, alcohol, abuse, etc.)  lower entities can find a way "in" and present as a higher being. Just because a being is on the other side, does not guarantee that it is a highly evolved Spirit! 

Channeling, like all psychic gifts, need to be used with discernment. We came into a human body and a human life for a reason. If you Channel,  make sure your ego in check, and that your courage, persistence, and discipline are up in running for you to follow a spiritual path  as well as participate in an actual daily practice. If you choose to go to a Channel-er, I suggest you check that they are keeping up on their human responsibilities by caring for their body, have healed childhood issues, and show signs of emotional balance and well being. Channeling is a gift, not an excuse for not taking care of one's own self. Often we overlook human imbalances because we are so impressed or overwhelmed by an array of psychic talent.  I prefer to consult with a psychically gifted person who is ALSO a gifted, educated, balanced human who treats his/her own human journey with reverence, intelligence, courage, and compassion.  



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