
Showing posts from April, 2015


We tune into Spirit. In a meditation we FEEL we are the Light. We get our Purpose and commune with our Angels and Guides. Still every morning the alarm rings. We get up, go to work, face traffic... and people, make mistakes, etc . What is the point. Meditation allows us to feel better, and re-connecting with Spirit is good and fun. However we came into a human body for a reason. Balls of light cannot feel emotions in order to learn about suffering, compassion, or joy. Yet so many seek to escape the very life they set up with their Guides before coming here to earth. How can that be ?  Why do we choose something then have a melt down when it happens ?   If we think about it, this is not so unusual. How many times during pregnancy have women had hours or days of panic, worry or downright disgust because of the feelings or circumstances surrounding pregnancy and wish they could bail ? How many times have new parents "suffered" through the first year of a colicky baby...

Channeling Spirit Guides

We all have Guides. However Guides are just that.... guides. They cannot live our lives for us, remove our lessons, or replace our human relationships. Well, they can, but it is not healthy or balanced.  Sort of like eating a menu is not the same as eating the meal itself. Balance is key in all aspects of life and balance is a work of art, a process, not a static position.  Many spiritual folks are quite uncomfortable around humans. Often spiritual folks have had a rough childhood filled with alienation, alcoholism or abuse. This forces the child to not trust Earth resources or relationships and hopefully steers the adult into some kind of spiritual outreach or practice for healing. As an adult, one can grow up out of balance if one has not sought out healing and/or if one has gone too far into spiritual solutions as a way to escape or manage pain and fear issues. People who Channel spirits and who are not in balance, can use their Guides as crutch, speaking more to "Them" ...

Friendship Courage

I distinguish between associates, activity companions, intellectual companions and Friends. Associates are people we have to deal with: clients, vendors, community etc.  Activity companions for me are people who: ride horses, go to hot springs, hike, scuba, etc.  Intellectual companions are people I can talk to about psychology, spiritual practices or experiments, health, the environment, and other topics of interest. Friends are people who I love and I feel their love for me no matter what. The love is there even when we are not getting along. The commitment is there to talk things out-- no matter what. Maybe not right away, but in a timely manner. We can agree to disagree. We can acknowledge and live with our differences and respect those differences. There is something about the person that endlessly fascinates me and engages me.  And I can feel they see me in the same manner. It is how I see nature-- always changing, sometime challenging, always inspiring. I  lov...


After a day of Riding the Fabulous Arabians, and spreading pine chips over an acre, my 62 year old body creaked a bit as I rolled (reluctantly) off my polar fleece (mmm mmm good) king size cuddle sheets.  Crawling over my two (yes two) soft fleecy body length pillows (they do not snore, or sweat) and the purring Ranch Manager (Mateo the cat) I must say I still relish an aching body. A long time experience as a dancer...... a day without aches would mean I was dead.  It is amazing that this body still functions as well as it does. The Zen of picking up horse poop (I still love the smell) with the morning sun warming muscles, crows commenting on the state of the union, and the crunching of the cherished Arabians eating hay offers the ever amazing symphony of Sacred Prayers that sing their way through my consciousness as I slowly awake to another day on Earth. The dogs (getting older, just like me) loll about in the sunny sand pit soaking up warmth (and sadly, the buckets of du...

Personal Responsibility

On being human.  Other than a few years as a performing artist, most of my life has been focused on helping and saving humans and animals (starting at 11 years old I was going door to door to collect money and organized my first demonstration  to stop KKK weekend pleasure burnings of African Americans).  One day my meditation teacher (a Channeled Being) was speaking about selfless service and I asked him (the Spirit comes in through a male body in this country) a question about selfless service. "He" looked at me, and said "in your case, first you have to have a self, then you can work on giving it away."   I must say that Spiritual matters do not scare me, nature does not scare me, animals do not scare me. However, humans.......  constant learning. Thank Creator I have a team of non-physicals that hold and guide me and constantly remind me to hold onto Soul Transport-- viewing life as a Soul, not just human.  My Life Path attracts a huge range of hu...