Why I Write the Way I Do

Why don’t I write more about what to do, rather than what is “wrong” or what to look out for in order to be discerning. I don’t write much about what you can “do” as there is an overabundance of information out there. Information is good, and it is left brain, and you all know how to “google”, read, watch YouTube etc. What I teach is based on my personal Spiritual Cultivation and Practice with Energy, the language of Spirit and my experiences in life, with Spirit and my extensive education and work in the muggle world.  None of which has been turned into anything where one can be “certified” (even if you asked me to make up one for you, you know it is fake and you want that?). Even my Teacher, after over 32 years, we have no temple, no system, no audio, or books. None of these things are bad, just not part of what I Teach or work with.  I believe that Teaching Divine Energy cannot be written about. For example, you can write about sex, but you cannot in any written or oral fashion express the divine ecstatic energy of making love with someone who is your cosmic partner. And that cannot be taught without the experiential learning of the  language of Energy.

Therefore given  who I am, what I believe, and what I work with all I can write about is what I see as “not working” hoping to send a life line out to people who are the walking wounded and are spending thousands of dollars self-medicating  with promises offered by the new age industry. Does this mean the new age is bad? Is Christianity bad because we now know about all the pedophile priests and the cover ups? That is a personal decision for each of you. What you choose to believe in, and what your tolerance level is for participating in belief systems, institutions, rituals, religions, etc. that have practices that are questionable, that is on you. In the meantime, read and learn, consider, contemplate, and at least get your head out of the sand or any other dark smelly place so you can make choices you are proud to own. Consider your criteria for studying with a Teacher. Examine if you are doing new age things because it is fun (nothing wrong with that, better, yoga than drinking though many do both which is not a yogic practice) and make sure you are clear that you are choosing to do something because it is fun and know it is not truly challenging you towards enlightenment or personal growth. 

Why am I writing about this so much now? That is a question I asked myself and realized I used to do the work I do now, secretly. In the muggle world I was a professor or whatever other job I currently had.  People who needed my Spiritual talents “found” me and they were always what I would call true seekers, honest sincere open people looking to shift themselves into a higher plane of existence both as an Earthling and a Spiritual Being.  No one was seeking a “career”, or asking about THEIR “gift” and “mission”; all of that is the current new age egomaniacal preoccupations.  Now I am public with this work I have more contact (that is about to drastically change) with the commercial new age industry and it has been a bigger shock than I was prepared for. And, as I now make a living this way, I am seeing people who are suffering because of the crazy indoctrination I see and hear people mocking up and adopting as their own via the cult like culture of the new age. While I cannot teach Energy thorough the written word, I can at least make observations about what I see in the new age industry that I consider dangerous and damaging. I hope it helps and for those of you who get angry when reading some of the articles I write, do yourself a favor and remember that typically one only gets angry if something in you is being triggered.  Something for you to consider and examine, if you dare. If my observations are not for you, and you are neutral about it, perhaps still have an open mind to consider and contemplate, good enough.

Journey On


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