Transparency: A Warrior's Choice
Transparency: A Warrior’s Choice
Secrecy, social presentations (FB,
Gram, Snap etc.) and the motivational and new age industries, even the ancient
Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, well hell perhaps humanity is the only species that tries to create and live a false front, a false
presentation of self. I am not talking about dressing up for ceremony, or when
one is in their “medicine power” as a Shaman or Healer. I am talking about
working day and night to “present” to the public what you want them to see, in
order to get something back: adoration, money, power, or sometimes just to be
left alone. Often, this work, this presentation, becomes your drug of choice.
You begin to believe your own BS (denial). It can be a powerful pain killer.
“That’s my jam; It’s who I AM” can be the pill popping response to inner
struggles with low self-esteem, addictive behaviors, poor body image. Not the worse behavior in the world, or is it?
Perhaps being an outright addict is more authentic. When you model deception,
you teach deception. You teach other to ignore their intuition, their vibes,
and to “buy” into deception. This in turn teaches a society to not look
deep (like German citizens during the Nazi regime). It creates fertile ground
for sociopathic and narcissistic personality types to bloom and flourish by
creating an unending pool of those waiting to be bamboozled by deceit, bling,
fast talkers, and clever presenters. Wait, that sounds like…. now. It is.
What happened to live by example? Walk
the talk, not talk the talk. Well for one thing, it doesn’t make money. For
another, it takes the courage and persistence of a warrior, but you will lose public
adoration and will not be able to lie to your Self anymore and that also means
you will have to actually live your life and feel your feelings with no
guarantee of acknowledged success or fame or awards. Did I just lose you as a reader? Be honest.
Transparency is complex. There are unbalanced
people out there and revealing too much to narcissists, social climbers (those
that “study” with a Teacher or Healer when their real agenda is to “get ahead”,
to fuel their own vocabulary rather than actually learn something through a
real Practice on their own, or by healing themselves first), or the still wounded
people who will use personal information to lash out at some point when some
unconscious unhealed wound gets triggered.
Boundaries are good. Personal safety is good. Transparency takes discernment, honesty with
the Self (Spirit already knows you, even if you lie to yourself), and courage.
People will attack and betray. If they betray a false front, if they betray the
lies you created and presented, you can feel like you are keeping yourself
safe. After all, they are attacking your image not you. You created your image
to hide who you really are. So a false front also serves as a “great” defense
mechanism for those wanting to hide.
So how does one live with transparency?
How do you let people see what it really takes to have a Practice? How do you
demystify the “guru” image without losing respect, without exposing yourself to
boundary issues? Guidance, and there is no Guidance without a personal Practice.
A personal Practice goes beyond applying oils, crystals, listening to music, “talking”
to your “guides”, attending ceremonies, workshops, seminars or classes but not
actually carrying out what you learn there on your own, home, alone, just you
and Spirit.
Being transparent is a choice and each
choice, every time, will be individual based on the person, content, timing,
and so much more. Transparency has to be
balanced with boundaries, and with an assessment of what information a person
can handle at the time. For example, when, if ever, can a mother bear to hear
her child was sexually molested by her husband? Working with the Energy of Guidance, there can
be a time that is not only appropriate, but also cathartic and healing. Not
only is Guidance necessary, but so is self-awareness, mindfulness, and perhaps
most of all, shadow work. How deep you are willing to go into your own
self-healing with Spirit will determine how clear your channel is to receive
Guidance without your wounds and ego getting in the way and distorting what you
receive. And, the level of your own development determines the level of Energy
you are able to receive and handle from Spirit.
So, where to start? Start with knowing the Self and develop a deep
relationship with yourself and Spirit. Learn
some earth plane skills such as boundaries, heal your childhood, and learn to
identify dysfunctional personality types so you can be safe when working with
muggles. Develop and keep a personal Spiritual Practice. Study with an Energy
Teacher (if you can find one these days) who also has a Practice and who models
transparency. Have the courage to be honest with yourself about your Self. Take
a daily personal inventory on what is working and what needs more work. Learn
to safely share about some of your deeper truths. Choose a safe environment to
practice (12-step, meetings, group therapy, meditation classes with qualified
Teachers, etc.) with other humans. This will help you develop courage, get
support, learn to make mistakes and survive. Your practice in sharing with
other humans and your personal Spiritual Practice will help you to develop
detachment regarding caring less about what people think about you and you
becoming comfortable about all parts of who you are (instead of hiding them in
shame or due to your ego wanting to impress everyone because you still care
what people think of you).
Why transparency? An earmark of dysfunction and abuse is
silence and secrecy. Abuse of power (sexual, physical, and economic) requires
the silence, secrecy, and therefore compliance of the victims. When a culture learns to “obey” via silence
and secrecy, tyrants rise to power be in in the family, cults, or politics. In this era of social presentation
transparency, asking questions, being able to “feel” if someone is telling the
truth, has become paramount. If your ego or wounded Self is running your life,
you will be seduced by someone (or many) who will appeal to your overbearing
ego or the holes created by your still weeping wounds. You all have the potential to be a Healer.
How? Model balance, a balance between transparency and appropriateness
(boundaries and sensitivities), a balance between a “great rap” for all you
talented talkers and enough transparency to prove you are walking the talk not
just talking the talk. Teach others to ask questions by allowing yourself to be
strong enough to be questioned. Demystify what it takes to be a good person and
walk an Awakened Path by sharing your experiences, your learning through
mistakes, and your humanity instead of building yourself up in the eyes of
others. Don’t let others put you on a pedestal, climb on down and join hands
with those coming to you for help or questions or guidance. You cannot be this kind of Spiritual Warrior
if you don’t know You, and you cannot do this if you are not working with Guidance
and detachment, and you cannot get those without working on your Self and you
need a Personal Practice to do all of this, or you can learn the harder way via
Life experiences forcing you to grow and learn. One way you choose to be a
warrior, the other, life will make you into one.
Journey On
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