Beyond Bondaries
Beyond Boundaries
Your evolution and growth never stops.
Certain skills need to be learned and practice, then as your energy shifts and
changes (more rapidly, more profoundly and with greater consciousness if you
have a Spiritual Practice) you are able to change your skills, enhance them,
and learn to handle and use new skills.
Earth plane changes in skills typically start with cognition, left brain
learning of new ideas, theories, or skills (this is true in mainstream
therapies as well). After you learn an
idea, you practice it, and then learn to handle what happens when you use these
new ideas, concepts or skills. You learn to handle the energy of your
implemented changes. Life does this too…
you get a divorce, your spouse cheats, you are fired…. This changes your
energy, and then you have insights, a rough way to go.
Profound Spiritual based changes happen
differently. When Spirit is leading you forward (Source, not your “guides” that
“talk” to you in the shower so your left brain can understand) you are being
led into changes you cannot, at the moment, comprehend. You cannot “ask” for
them, or “manifest” them because they are beyond your imagination. They are
about to become miracles, but not the ones your childish brain imagines. A
child asks for candy for dinner. When you try to “manifest” or “intend” you are
like that child because your requests, your imagination, can only go as far as
the limitations of your brain, and your own current Spiritual development.
Both skills are needed. Learn Earth
skills. Explore your childhood of origin. You chose them before you came here.
Time to first face the lessons learned (psychology) and the skills needed to
overcome the challenges of childhood (psychology again). Then you can move on
to a Soul Perspective. Only after the
hurts and confusion have confronted can Spirit grant you the power to detach,
and grant you forgiveness. I am a firm believer YOU cannot forgive. You work on
your emotions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors.
Spirit will then GRANT you forgiveness. You cannot force yourself to
feel emotions, like gratitude or forgiveness.
You have to accept what you feel, face it, mourn, celebrate progress,
and ask Spirit to Guide your work and progress.
You will know when you have “graduated” the current “class” when you “notice”
that your feelings have changed, through the Grace of Spirit. Forgiveness appears. Detachment arrives. Just
like someone cannot force you to love, you cannot force your Self to feel what
you think is politically correct because you are an “advanced” person.
Accept your Earth plane challenges.
Work on them and learn appropriate skills. After all that is why you
incarnated, not to be Jesus, but to evolve and grow as a Soul. If that means
you are a healer or a janitor, the Path is the same, Soul Evolution. How you do it does not make you “more
advanced” than any one person. That is
hype. Now, you can work on the Earth
skills you learned, via facing your challenges, to an energetic, Spiritual,
Soul level. Many so-called Spiritual people like to jump to this step using
left brain thinking, avoidance and denial.
But it is only by going through the tunnel of your challenges is your
energy field changed enough for you to be led by Spirit into new ways of
behaving and understandings. If you
avoid the tunnel of change, it is your old brain, your old thinking, trying to
find a “new” solution within the limitations of the “old” brain. You know the saying;
insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different
results. You can add to this, trying to
get different results using the same old left brain energy field of your
limited human mind. If you are using language
to explain your solution or insights before you change your behavior, you can
bet on the fact it is your left brain, your ego, your wounds, and your fears
talking to you, trying to lead you to a “new” place, not Spirit.
So what IS Soul Evolution work? After
you have done your Earth plane work, or after Earth plane work has flattened
you because you keep dodging the class you don’t like, the first part is to notice
how different you are. How? Implement
your practice of mindfulness, and self-awareness, and start writing down what
you notice about your changes, your progress. Next, start trying new behaviors.
Which ones? Any that are not what you used to do. Trial and error is the only
way. It keeps you humble and will strengthen your relationship with Spirit,
with your Sacred Self, and teach you a deeper level of living with faith. If you do not have a Spiritual Practice
(beyond reading books and doing affirmations to get what you want) this phase
will be difficult to say the least and those without a Practice often make a U-turn
at this phase and go back to the old dysfunctional behaviors because it is
easier and less frightening than moving into truly new territory. People
without a Practice will feel out of control and lost especially if they cannot tell
their “amazing story” to others. How frustrating to have to surrender to Spirit’s
Guidance. You cannot appear “amazing”,
you cannot take “credit” and you cannot at the moment explain what you are
doing or why. If you have a Practice,
usually at this stage your tolerance for being in the company of “muggles” (or
mundanes, those who live without the magic of Spirit) will be practically
non-existent. Be patient, this will pass after you synthesize and integrate the
“new you” that Spirit is leading you towards. A student once described this
perfectly” “It is like being reincarnated over and over, but you keep coming
back into the same body.” This is a good
description, about as close as you can get to a description. If you don’t work
with energy, feel energy, learn from energy, you are not working with Source.
Energy (often called “Sound”) is the language of Source, of Higher Spirit. If
you don’t have a True Practice not much of this article will make sense to you.
At some point you will notice that you
move beyond your Earth plane skills. For example, you learn boundaries, you
practice them, and you become comfortable with being uncomfortable with the
reactions of others when you set boundaries. After some time you might notice
that you have these “feelings” about people. You notice that you can sense
something beginning to happen before it happens and it is so subtle you cannot
describe it to others, or even to yourself. In fact, if you try to, people will
react poorly, state you are “being negative”, paranoid, or even crazy. Because
of your shift in energy, you can now handle higher levels of “vibes” coming
from others and keep your center, your connection to Self and Spirit. So you “listen”
to Spirit, to the energy of what is happening despite the words coming out of
someone’s mouth. You take actions that to others may not make sense, but like
animals sensing an upcoming earthquake, you “sense” what is coming from another
person and shift your choices of words and actions. If you feel Guided to do so,
you may walk away from someone, change the subject, make a joke or not ask the
question you were going to ask. Or, you may “feel it coming” and be Guided to
proceed, with your eyes wide open, knowing what is coming from the other
person. Some people, if you try to explain this, will accuse you of “making”
something happen because you are having bad thoughts. These are the “manifest
your reality” people. If people manifested all of their thinking, trust me, you
would see it. Everyone would be rich and thin and happy, and that has never
been the case with humanity and it is never the case with the manifest people
once you get to know them you will find out their presentation does not match
their reality.
With this “new you”, boundaries (in
this example) are no longer so necessary. Your energy field is vibrating so
differently your energy field will now 1) draw a new kind of person into your life
2) handle boundary issues for you before they happen because people will treat
you differently 3) make changes to your current relationships 4) your ability
to receive Guidance is expanded so you will be able to handle situations
staying more connected even under pressure.
You will notice these changes, rather than feeling like you are the one
implementing these changes. Words do not describe this well as it is an
energetic occurrence. You will sometimes
still need to use boundaries and that will take less effort and be less
difficult, perhaps even fun to do. But you will have “graduated” this class and
will soon be engaged in a “new” class that will again change your energy field
first and impact your Earth plane world second.
Life will give you “classes” so you
evolve. Everyone is evolving; even in the process of devolving, you are learning
and changing and growing. If you have a Practice, you enroll in your classes,
participate in them, are willing to accept them and surrender to Spirit as the
Teacher. Your choice: to enroll or be enrolled. Don’t dodge your Earth plane
work. You incarnated in order to learn through experiences whether you are an “Advanced
Soul” (as per new age jargon), a mom, an artist, a tarot expert, reiki master,
etc. No matter how “gifted” you are
(again, new age nonsense) you will either expand or decline depending on
whether or not you have a Practice.
Journey On
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