
Showing posts from May, 2018

Unconditional Love or Narcissistic Need

Unconditional Love or Narcissistic Need Practices can turn into religions, practices like new age tools and even yoga. In fact, religions usually start out as a Practice and then morph as leaders emerge and the religion is commercialized and an industry profit driven power structure is constructed. As soon as power, prestige and money come into play, many (if not all) Spiritual Practices can become corrupted in order to attract and keep followers who will support a religion with the hopes of redemption, rather than doing the work of Spiritual Cultivation themselves. Religion is where you take on the beliefs of someone else’s experience; a Practice is where you have the personal experiences yourself that may or may not match what your religion tells you to believe or feel. You can have safely have spiritual experiences under the tutelage of a Teacher as long as that Teacher is not telling you “what” you “should” be feeling or experiencing (like, “that is your heart chakra opening”) or...

Why I Write the Way I Do

Why don’t I write more about what to do, rather than what is “wrong” or what to look out for in order to be discerning. I don’t write much about what you can “do” as there is an overabundance of information out there. Information is good, and it is left brain, and you all know how to “google”, read, watch YouTube etc. What I teach is based on my personal Spiritual Cultivation and Practice with Energy, the language of Spirit and my experiences in life, with Spirit and my extensive education and work in the muggle world.   None of which has been turned into anything where one can be “certified” (even if you asked me to make up one for you, you know it is fake and you want that?). Even my Teacher, after over 32 years, we have no temple, no system, no audio, or books. None of these things are bad, just not part of what I Teach or work with.   I believe that Teaching Divine Energy cannot be written about. For example, you can write about sex, but you cannot in any written or ...

Are you being Defensive?

Are you being Defensive? Defense mechanisms are just what their name implies, mechanisms to defend you. Protection, this is Earth after all. I just read an article on how the Buddhist country of Myanmar is currently carrying out a genocidal campaign killing all non-Buddhists. Not relocating them, not asking them to leave but rather choosing genocide.   Just like the corrupt and brutal Christian crusades. Buddhist killing Muslims... We do need to be realistic about what's going on on Earth.   By the way, this is why I dislike all organized religions, because people start reading scripture and stop having a live Sacred Personal Practice. Reading literature is NOT a Practice. Even choosing “unconditional love” when someone is attacking you or abusing you, or just being a sh*t, is still a choice on how you wish to respond to defend yourself. Puppies roll over to submit and ask for love, and every animal has an “I surrender” gesture when they submit asking for som...

Transparency: A Warrior's Choice

Transparency: A Warrior’s Choice Secrecy, social presentations (FB, Gram, Snap etc.) and the motivational and new age industries, even the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, well hell perhaps humanity is the only species that tries to create and live a false front, a false presentation of self. I am not talking about dressing up for ceremony, or when one is in their “medicine power” as a Shaman or Healer. I am talking about working day and night to “present” to the public what you want them to see, in order to get something back: adoration, money, power, or sometimes just to be left alone. Often, this work, this presentation, becomes your drug of choice. You begin to believe your own BS (denial). It can be a powerful pain killer. “That’s my jam; It’s who I AM” can be the pill popping response to inner struggles with low self-esteem, addictive behaviors, poor body image.   Not the worse behavior in the world, or is it? Perhaps being an outright addict is more authentic. When ...

Beyond Bondaries

Beyond Boundaries Your evolution and growth never stops. Certain skills need to be learned and practice, then as your energy shifts and changes (more rapidly, more profoundly and with greater consciousness if you have a Spiritual Practice) you are able to change your skills, enhance them, and learn to handle and use new skills.   Earth plane changes in skills typically start with cognition, left brain learning of new ideas, theories, or skills (this is true in mainstream therapies as well).   After you learn an idea, you practice it, and then learn to handle what happens when you use these new ideas, concepts or skills. You learn to handle the energy of your implemented changes.   Life does this too… you get a divorce, your spouse cheats, you are fired…. This changes your energy, and then you have insights, a rough way to go. Profound Spiritual based changes happen differently. When Spirit is leading you forward (Source, not your “guides” that “talk” to you in...