Tell me, what is my "gift"?
Recently in a Reading someone asked me what his/her “gift” was. When asked why s/he wanted to know the answer was, “Because I don’t want to study or work on unless I know I am going to succeed and be good at it.” My jaw dropped. That is like saying I will only get married, or have a child (etc) if there is a guarantee that “it will work out” usually meaning, forever, with no mention of love. Even if you have a so-called gift, it doesn’t mean you will be “successful” in earth plane terms. Jesus, Budhha, and so many others did not become rich and famous, well famous after they died. They used their talents, their lives, because they believed in what they were doing. As a performing artist (in the past) I saw gifted, breathtaking, dancers, who choose to leave dance to raise children. I saw dancers with challenging bodies and no family support work and work and work and become brilliant dancers (others thought they were “gifted.” Sadly this idea of having a “gift” ha...