
Showing posts from May, 2017

Tell me, what is my "gift"?

Recently in a Reading someone asked me what his/her “gift” was. When asked why s/he wanted to know the answer was, “Because I don’t want to study or work on unless I know I am going to succeed and be good at it.”   My jaw dropped. That is like saying I will only get married, or have a child (etc) if there is a guarantee that “it will work out” usually meaning, forever, with no mention of love. Even if you have a so-called gift, it doesn’t mean you will be “successful” in earth plane terms. Jesus, Budhha, and so many others did not become rich and famous, well famous after they died. They used their talents, their lives, because they believed in what they were doing.   As a performing artist (in the past) I saw gifted, breathtaking, dancers, who choose to leave dance to raise children. I saw dancers with challenging bodies and no family support work and work and work and become brilliant dancers (others thought they were “gifted.”   Sadly this idea of having a “gift” ha...

Declarations, Affirmations, and Setting Goals

Declarations, Affirmations, and Setting Goals As soon as you make a declaration, you are lying. A bit extreme perhaps, but worth looking at. Pop psychology, motivational speakers, new age prophets, neural linguistic programming and others use the tool of declaration indiscriminately and dilatants who have done some light reading (or spent thousands on workshops, seminars, webinars) apply declarations like mayonnaise, well these days perhaps coconut oil (the newest “will fix everything” item).   What is so very interesting is that everyone I have met has absolutely no delusions that if one was to “declare” world peace, or an end to world hunger, or that they are going to pass their lawyer, doctor or any other certification test, will have little to no effect on those outcomes. Yet people persist in using declarations (also known as affirmations or goal setting) to lose weight, make money, or find personal happiness (really, you have to declare that?) Declarations/affirm...

The True Love of your Spiritual Teacher: Longing to be seen and loved

The True Love of your Spiritual Teacher: Longing to be seen and loved Polite lies, fake love, the worship of manufactured positivism are all current norms and the fallout is a profound soulless invisibility. No one is really seen. What is seen is the social media façade that rents space in the realm of what is culturally acceptable. Any dysfunctions in life, at home either with parents, or spouse or children are carefully hidden behind a public construct.   In public numerous emotions and reactions are labeled “negative” and therefore you carefully choose what to show or express in public.   Entertainment value is primary and the majority of people ensure their daily life experiences and feelings are presented in a manner that will make a good story.   The desire to be accepted and loved is overshadowed by an overwhelming terror of being utterly revealed.   Public image is partnered with the angst of a profound loneliness. There is the subterranean shame, ...

Intentions and Manifesting: New Age Non-Sense

Intentions and Manifesting: New Age Non-Sense In your life between lives you are with your Guides, freed of a human body and all its desires and needs, you are pure energy, a Soul. It is in this higher form that you carefully plan all the details of this life before coming to Earth as a human (if that is your current form).   Again, you plan all the details. Did I mention ALL?   You intend and manifest it all, BEFORE coming here. Why? You do this on the Other Side, as a Soul, with your wise Guides when you are detached from the lower body desires that are aroused when you are in a body. What are lower body desires?   You have five senses. Therefore things like eating (taste), sex (touch), beauty (sight), music (sound), and intellectual stimulation (mind) start to dominate your desires. You start to worship money, adventures, security, possessions and many other distractions. Why are these distractions? They are distractions because you already decided, and arrang...