Dark Night of the Soul...Shadow Work

Dark night of the Soul, Kali Ma, the Tower card in Tarot, Shaman's Death. Some throw these words around with little idea of the Journey. All  of us have external circumstances that flatten us. A child or loved one dies. We live through war or cancer. This is the Yin and Yang of a Life Journey.

Shadow Work is different. It is when the Darkness emerges and engulfs you, driving us into a deep often despairing or exhausting examination of the Self...... while your external life is quiet, with no "event" or person to blame for your dark feelings.  It is just the Darkness itself.... and you. The Self. And even though you may not feel it... Spirit is there, and you are being held in the arms of the Beloved.

Many Spiritual Teachers demand this work of their students after a certain level of study,  progression, or Soul Evolution. It is often called taking inventory. Twelve Step programs offer a structure for this work as well, if one does not have a specific Teacher.  One looks deeply into the Self, and writes down all wrong doings not only to others, but to the Self as well.  This Inventory is then shared with a human and before Spirit/God/Goddess/Creator/Higher Power. It is shared with a human so we have the courage and humbleness to stand in our authenticity before a human, here on Earth. We develop a deep compassion for others in confronting our own shame, or worse.  We look at mistakes we have made, harm we have caused even if due to ignorance at the time.  We admit to actions taken out of rage, revenge, envy, jealousy, competition.  We admit to the areas we believe we are losers, cruel, or uncaring.  Sharing all of this with another human who quietly listens, and perhaps shares some of his/her experiences as well,  allows us to experience real support and gives us a witness as we hand over our shortcomings to Spirit.

We then tell Spirit we are ready to face, accept and release these shortcomings and the pain of mistakes made, and harm done that cannot be undone or forgotten, nor buried.  And with another human,acknowledging our courageous often twisted Path on Earth, we Pray for Spirit to take the Shadows from us. To Release us. To grant Grace and Forgiveness. To Bathe us in the Light of Revelation and Forgiveness.... fully faced, head on. We Bow.  This is the work of moving mountains. 

Rarely do I find people diving into this level of evolution. And in this age of overload of social media, medications, so called medical marijuana, alcohol and the "just do it" culture, there is not much encouragement or room to embark on this kind of journey. It changes you, for the rest of your life.  And frees you...... from hiding, from shame, from pretending to be someone you are not or pretending that you never made a mistake or had regrets for some of your decisions and behaviors. It frees you to be deeply compassionate as you need to develop compassion to look at your own bottom, your own shadows and work through to amends.

Some of us fall into this work, like quick sand. Some elect to partake. You cannot do this alone, or with a friend.  If you have a Teacher you might consider stepping into this work and making it part of your Path.  This is also a process you can do through monthly work with Dr. Marie at Life Path Healings.

Once you do the first "cleansing" a daily practice of reviewing your day, your decisions, actions, behaviors, spiritual discipline and choices becomes as important as breathing.  A new habit has been created to maintain your dynamic Spiritual Inner Life. Keeping you clean and available to be a Light Worker should Spirit call upon you that day. Your energy field blossoms as you are not longer required to constantly run internal security, to monitor, hide, and protect dark secrets and feelings. And perhaps best of all, there is a lifting of a giant pressure. One you have gotten so used to living under you have forgotten to live any other way.  The quality of your life completely changes, and you become more clear vessel for Spirit to connect with, to direct you,  to use you, in the Light.

Journey On.


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