After Enlightenment...uh..... now what ?
After we achieve our Life Lesson and our chosen Destiny for this life, we cross over. So really, what is the rush. It is a bit of conundrum that we have this Western culture desire to achieve a goal of enlightenment and then we die. This is like rushing through a vacation and obsessing if we are "doing it right" (what ever that means, as we each are completely different people on our own individual journey) so we can get onto the .... next.... what ? Vacation? Job? Lover? With music, art, great food, lovemaking, we participate in these so we can be engaged and engulfed in a full, all consuming, memorable experience, not an end result. One of the reasons people enjoy doing something very physical, or demanding in some fashion (including creating crises or drama in our lives), is because a challenge (or crises) demands our full attention. It forces us to be completely present, completely engaged and this allows us to immerse our self in enjoying or engaging in th...