
Showing posts from October, 2016

After Enlightenment...uh..... now what ?

After we achieve our Life Lesson and our chosen Destiny for this life, we cross over.  So really, what is the rush.  It is a bit of conundrum that we have this Western culture desire to achieve a goal of enlightenment and then we die. This is like rushing through a vacation  and obsessing if we are "doing it right"  (what ever that means, as we each are completely different people on our own individual journey) so we can get onto the .... next.... what ? Vacation? Job? Lover? With music, art, great food, lovemaking, we participate in these so we can be engaged and engulfed in a full, all consuming, memorable experience, not an end result. One of the reasons people enjoy doing something very physical, or demanding in some fashion (including creating crises or drama in our lives), is because a challenge (or crises) demands our full attention. It forces us to be completely present, completely engaged and this allows us to immerse our self in enjoying or engaging in th...

Maitri -- Self Hatred and Love

Self Love. We throw that term around (along with many other trending terms). Often confused with narcissism.  The narcissists’ self-love is dependent upon praise and admiration from others. Narcissists need that praise and admiration because there really is no love of Self, so like a perpetual vacuum, they seek to fill themselves up from external sources. Empaths feel that emptiness and are attracted to it, seeking to fill the hole and to be assured they are loved because they are needed .... not just loved.  Need and love. A combination destined for dysfunction. Without shadow work, one remains wounded, confusing need with love or combining the two with no distinction. Without shadow work, buried emotions and shame create a deep and usually unconscious need to bolster a false self love by the desire to be needed by another (proof one is valuable, good, worthy, etc) guaranteeing repetitive dysfunctional attempts to participate in  mature and healthy love relationships....

Dark Night of the Soul...Shadow Work

Dark night of the Soul, Kali Ma, the Tower card in Tarot, Shaman's Death. Some throw these words around with little idea of the Journey. All  of us have external circumstances that flatten us. A child or loved one dies. We live through war or cancer. This is the Yin and Yang of a Life Journey. Shadow Work is different. It is when the Darkness emerges and engulfs you, driving us into a deep often despairing or exhausting examination of the Self...... while your external life is quiet, with no "event" or person to blame for your dark feelings.  It is just the Darkness itself.... and you. The Self. And even though you may not feel it... Spirit is there, and you are being held in the arms of the Beloved. Many Spiritual Teachers demand this work of their students after a certain level of study,  progression, or Soul Evolution. It is often called taking inventory. Twelve Step programs offer a structure for this work as well, if one does not have a specific Teacher.  On...

You Are Enough

You Are Enough I was recently at a Faire.... doing Readings and talking to people. It was different this time. The majority of people came by to tell me how amazing they are..... that they have powerful totem animal guides, are psychics, healers.... and more. I actually wanted to make a sign saying "You are Amazing..... that will be $10." I was kind of shocked. Why would people seek out a practioner, just to proclaim their amazing-ness?  I have seen this in my current classes.... some people attend to get recognition or perhaps endorsement.... not to learn. Or maybe to learn just enough to poach and pass it on ... with no practice, no life style, no mastery. All of this makes me love my Teachers all the more. I know their history, their practice, their humbleness. The current trend of instant teacher, to me, violates the world of Sacred.... like cheap sex. There is nothing wrong with cheap sex, or sport sex...... as long as you call it what it is.... not package it as love or...