"Calling In" the Spirits or Gods/Goddesses, Angels, Jesus, etc.
Many people drawn to Spirituality are wounded. It makes sense.... they were hurt as children, by alcohol, war, incest, natural disasters, economic disaster, etc., and they were powerless helpless children. Sometimes the wounds or dysfunction came from growing up with wounded parents, also unhealed, that were completely "checked out" and unavailable to their children (love Alice Miller's book "Drama of the Gifted Child.") Children from these households learned earth simply doesn't make sense and withdrew.... some into mental illness, some into imaginary worlds, some became introverts out of necessity, some acted out (overly sexual, becoming addicts themselves), some went to Spirit... secretly. All wonderful spiritual children but so many as they grew up continued to be unhealed from their early or ongoing earth plane issues. Part of why we are here is to take on the experiences of earth and work through them..... not work around them or remain in denial. Wounded and unhealed folks crave external events, circumstances, or people that will make them feel better. This includes creating invisible people, or choosing to spend time in a Spirit world of their creation. Did I say, THEIR creation.
If you have been wounded, or come from dysfunction, you will have control issues. Unresolved, unhealed hurts require control so one can feel protected from any future hurts. Instead of healing, becoming strong so you can rely on your relationship with your Self, and with Spirit, one becomes strong in dictating events and controlling (also manipulating--passive aggressive control) people. Or retreating into isolation.... often another form of controlling one's environment--- if it is not going my way, I am leaving (not all isolation is like this by the way). So let's say I am unhealed.... "calling in" Spirit (in any form or religion or belief system) to do my bidding. This is like a three year old "calling in" his/her parents to create a dinner menu of one's choosing-- say ice cream and soda. Just as children can in no way parent them selves..... nor can they have the perspective of elders, so we cannot with Spirit. Wounded people have no good example or any experience of receiving guidance, so they have no concept of asking for guidance.
Asking for Guidance does not mean we become slaves to Spirit. We ask of Spirit, what do you think I should work on ? Often what people think is the main issue going on in their life, is simply a symptom of a deeper cause. Let's say a child were to try to fix his/her anxiety...... when in reality, the child is not anxious at all but rather having a reaction to too much daily sugar intake. The child would not know enough to even ask about sugar intake and instead would call in the gods to fix anxiety. Since the child is addicted to sugar, there will be no room, no acceptance, of any message from Spirit to cut out sugar as the child is convinced that sugar is not the problem. In fact the child might even call in the Ice Cream God or Goddess to help him/her. This is how it is with addicts, or wounded folks addicted to avoiding healing childhood or earth plane wounds. They often (or maybe always) worship the god/goddess/spirit etc. that will most keep them out of pain, or help the person feel in control (of themselves and others) as these are the priorities of a wounded person.
I see this "calling in" mainly in wiccan, pagan, and magick spiritual paths. Whatever the name, what I always see with this "calling in"..... are wounded children in a grown up body. My path, not saying it is right or better, just different choices, does bow to Spirit (see the picture with this post), in respect and reverence. We ask for help and see who shows up. We ask for guidance, and for the strength and courage to follow and carry out that guidance. We do ask Spirit(s) to assist us in our journey. We have to climb the mountains, but we let Spirit show us which mountain, and let Spirit show us how to be strong, and in some cases, yes, hold our hand or heart. "Came to believe that a power greater than our selves could restore us to sanity" (or perhaps give it to us for the first time). "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Spirit as we understand Spirit."
This path of turning it over (instead of calling in spirit) will not be taken by the wounded until they bottom out. And each person's bottom is different. And some do not bottom out.... in this lifetime. They maintain.....until they cross over. No decision is wrong by the way. Ultimately people learn. Some faster, some slower, some in this life, some in lifetimes to come. It is just hard to watch....when people do not understand there are other decisions, and choices that can be made. If you are wounded, ultimately you are scared. And there is no way you would turn anything over to any body, any one, any Spirit. Turning it over does not mean you don't do the work. It does not mean you become a victim. It means you finally realize, as Einstein said, you cannot solve problems with the same mind (or mind set) that created the problem in the first place. Turning your life over to Spirit means you no longer wish to control your spiritual evolution with your limited human mind and perspective. In Eastern philosophies (and 12 step programs) this is called surrender and acceptance, which to most Westerners means loser and doormat. Turning your will (willfulness) and life over to Spirit means Spirit becomes captain. If you are one of those that calls in gods/goddesses or Jesus, you might want to examine who is in charge. You call them in, you tell them what the work is that needs to be done and when.....when do you listen? What if there are Others out there waiting to help you and you cannot call them in because you don't even know they exist. What if your agenda is so limited you are like a child worshiping the Ice Cream God/Goddess?
Wounded people believe the reality from their un-examined, unhealed childhood experiences and believe in the ego constructs that were created to protect the fragile wounded child mind/persona. These constructs and unexamined beliefs become a person's personal internal personal cult leader. Over time cult members cannot see any other options than those told to them by their Leader (be it an external Cult Leader that attracts the walking wounded, or the Cult Leader of the unhealed dominant wounded self or ego self). Once that happens, cult members will spend a life time becoming "the best they can be." Not realizing all they are becoming is the best cult member they can be.
How do you not drink the Kool Aid? Stop bossing around Spirit. Stop telling Spirit what to do, for you, or for others. Stop "calling in" and learn to ask "who is this?" Learn to use these simple prayers: Show me, Help me, Thank you. Then listen. And wait. You will at first feel your ego thrashing around, scared. Wait. And wait some more. Yin energy. Life in the West says, don't just sit there, DO something. A Spirit driven life says, don't just do something (that is the fearful ego self speaking and the wounded self running away from unhealed emotions)-- sit there. Spirit WILL come. Like a feral kitty, you sometimes have to be patient and show Spirit you are finally willing to surrender your control. And that you are finally willing to be courageous enough to go down the Path that you never even saw.....until now. Let Spirit take you where you have never been before.... down Paths you could not "call in" because until now you didn't even know they existed. Because now it is Spirit, not you, not your ego, your unhealed self, or your imagination showing you a new way to live. Showing you parts of your best Self hidden from you by your cult leaders-- your wounds, your ego...... until now.
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