
Showing posts from March, 2016

"Calling In" the Spirits or Gods/Goddesses, Angels, Jesus, etc.

Many people drawn to Spirituality are wounded.  It makes sense.... they were hurt as children, by alcohol, war, incest, natural disasters, economic disaster, etc., and they were powerless helpless children. Sometimes the wounds or dysfunction came from growing up with wounded parents, also unhealed, that were completely "checked out" and unavailable to their children (love Alice Miller's book  "Drama of the Gifted Child.")  Children from these households learned earth simply doesn't make sense and withdrew.... some into mental illness, some into imaginary worlds, some became introverts out of necessity, some acted out (overly sexual, becoming addicts themselves), some went to Spirit... secretly.  All wonderful spiritual children but so many as they grew up continued to be unhealed from their early or ongoing earth plane issues. Part of why we are here is to take on the experiences of earth and work through them..... not work around them or rem...

The New Therapists -- Instant Healers: Watch Out

I grew up in a family of therapists, and "lost" a number of friends to the career of therapy. What ??? My mother was a brilliant therapist. She was also an "untreated" never in recovery Adult Child of an Alcoholic, and incest survivor.  Like so many wounded people, she became a therapist rather than go to therapy herself.  This is a kind of self-treatment by proxy-- if it is done consciously. If it is done unconsciously, as with my mother, it is another way to avoid emotions and to dodge the sometimes painful (yet ultimately joyful) journey of self-recovery, and finally self-realization. I watched wounded former friends of mine make the same decision. To "heal" rather than be healed. The newest version of this are the instant "healers" of the New Age/Motivational/Self Help (self help meaning you do it all, with no help from Spirit).  So many of these folks are not in recovery, wounded, desperately seeking relief, and desperately avoiding shadow...

You don't drink-- but you are still an alcoholic .. wha????

The alcoholic culture. If you were raised by drinkers, or even by parents that didn't drink but they were raised by drinkers, all you have ever learned is how to BEHAVE like an alcoholic-- just without the high (or the puking, liver disease etc). What is the alcoholic culture?  First off, lying. Alcoholics learn, and teach their children to lie. Always get out of a tight spot. After all, that is one of the reasons people drink-- they cannot handle emotions or reality. It is too much pressure and they are lacking social skills and the courage it takes to implement social skills.  If you have been raised by an alcoholic, even if you do not drink... if you have not done some recovery or re-set work, all you know to do is lie:  To keep the peace, to make everyone happy, to not feel your feelings, or because you have no other social skills to respond. If you are first or second generation raised by alcoholics and again you have not done any recovery work all you have learn...

Earthlings Anonymous-- A 12 Step Program for Star Children

In my time among muggles,  I spent decades hiding my "other life..."  my life as a spiritual being.  I remember as a child being terrified thinking my mother (a therapist) might put me in a funny farm--- and made my big brother promise he would not let that happen. Poor guy--he was worried for me too. I was always so strange. A  full blown flower child that thought the world existed to share and support each other. And for decades I was able to live in and create that around me. I look back now and wonder how I did not get robbed, killed, raped, and other adventures as I wandered through life trusting everyone. I hugged the wrong people, never had a sense of danger even when guns were pointed at me and was always sure justice would prevail.  My brother once said with great exasperation..."Not everyone here is your friend!"  I was like a golden retriever...... expecting a pat on the head, a hug, or a treat from every one and every situation. As ...