"Calling In" the Spirits or Gods/Goddesses, Angels, Jesus, etc.
Many people drawn to Spirituality are wounded. It makes sense.... they were hurt as children, by alcohol, war, incest, natural disasters, economic disaster, etc., and they were powerless helpless children. Sometimes the wounds or dysfunction came from growing up with wounded parents, also unhealed, that were completely "checked out" and unavailable to their children (love Alice Miller's book "Drama of the Gifted Child.") Children from these households learned earth simply doesn't make sense and withdrew.... some into mental illness, some into imaginary worlds, some became introverts out of necessity, some acted out (overly sexual, becoming addicts themselves), some went to Spirit... secretly. All wonderful spiritual children but so many as they grew up continued to be unhealed from their early or ongoing earth plane issues. Part of why we are here is to take on the experiences of earth and work through them..... not work around them or rem...