So you want to be a psychic.....

In a materialistic culture, it is so easy to be  infected by the bizarre and all pervasive ideas of  self measurement such as popularity, income, recognition. It can sometimes be disorienting to hang onto your Soul Path with little to no reinforcement other than the voices we hear in our head or the messages we receive from Above. How can I be sure I am not crazy, or worse, on an ego trip about having spiritual gifts that help people ? We often swim in the murky waters of feeling the Calling with no evidence of Reality creeping in to confirm or rebuke the experiences.  How I envy those Chosen by a Medicine Person or Taoist Wizard as  a successor, or as  "The One."  Thankfully I remember that Jesus, Buddha, and many others had no such reinforcement regarding their callings.

What do I say to the smirky and snarky comments from humans inquiring how my Calling is going in the Real World, especially when I can Read their thoughts which are NOT  filled with compassion ,but rather with a kind of wicked glee as they challenge my (to them crazy and/or loser) reality.

It doesn't help to hear the running  (and usually funny sarcastic) commentary of my Guides who think little of human pain,  bruised egos,  or identity crisis (at 60 plus years old -- go figure). These are the same Guides that run the Readings I give, which typically address Soul issues, not giving the audience the answers their human desires are lusting after. Not a good formula for material success. 

So when confronted by the well meaning or not so well meaning human inquisition, I usually retreat into what I call The Field while praying my face maintains some rational and acceptable expression for the public. Simultaneously I am participating in the repartee of  my Spirit Guides and feeling my mouth make some reasonable sounds to the humans.  Do I dare write about this ? Perhaps someone  or many someones will come to lock me up or medicate me.

I am weak. There are days that I wonder about the lack of evidence that might prove (to ?  ) others that I am ...... yes, just that, .... I am.  How DID Jesus do it ? I lived in the movie The Last Temptation of Christ which embodied the journey of Christ....a Christ that once in the human body struggled with the dichotomy of Soul experiencing a human life. The movie was banned as the Church claimed Christ never doubted his Journey. But for me, the Journey became even more sanctified with the idea that even Christ experienced doubt-- it is built into the human brain. Doubt is the sister of faith, she builds faith.

If He could make it,maybe I can too. In His time there was no evidence of His "success." Nor did he act rationally. He never married, he did not handle small talk well,  and his career path was a bit of a disaster -- at least it looked that way at the time.  Same for Mary, the Disciples, Kwan  Yin, Buddha, Lalla, Hafiz, Rumi, many others and many artists.

What do I do in those times ..... those days that sometimes seem like 40 years in the desert.  I stay away from humans. I drum, pray , meditate, and talk to my Guides. There is one human I can talk to. One. I converse with my animals, and nature.  I have to pry away the tentacles of thoughts that I often suspect originate from David Icke's inter-dimensional reptile entities colonizing earth.

Living the life  of Spirit has its glorious  rewards; a depth of joy and a complexity of flavors that enhance each day with experiences and revelations one simply cannot get from texting or a road trip. There are those days however that the lack of  reinforcement from the human earth plane sector can, at times, be challenging and or lonely  ...... but all I have to do really is spend about 30 minutes with humans, in the 3rd dimension,  and I am done.  I run for cover, for the aurora borealis of my ever shifting world of light and energy ..... down the magic rabbit hole where I find Alice and others waiting for me and we do our mad dance together in The Field.


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