I am Sick of Meditating

Not really. But there are days. I just give up and want the car, the love of my life, money, FUN. I still have those days of being an addict. It takes a bit to remember that even when I do have all or some of those things, I can be, and often am, miserable.  Those externals are like crack. Smoke 'em and you get off for a while, then go looking for the next high. After a while, every mood starts to get ruled by the acquisition of some external.  Except.....externals, like every thing of earth, die. Only the Eternal is eternal.

The culture of earth sells drugs of choice....... cars, trips, lose weight, get your  "dream."  It is not easy to be a non-addict. After all, if you aren't chasing the externals, what do you talk about ?  A friend called me and asked me how my day was and I told her I had spent the day watching the light change, and that a hundred years had passed. She was a fellow meditator and I  assumed she "got" what I was saying. I found out years later that she had NO idea what I meant....... until one day she had a similar experience and called in joy to share and bond. That drove home the point that in our culture there is little experience or language to share our adventures with the Eternal with our dear friends or loved ones.......except by doing it !

That drives me back to meditation. It IS the cure for all addictions to externals. It is always available, it is free, it never lets me down, it never dies or goes away, and always is slightly different so never boring. When I do" it" with others, we have a shared experience that is beyond words and is very real and beautiful. There is still the problem of conversation...... how do you talk about joy?  Energy experiences?  Revelations? Epiphanies?  Well, I a still working on that. But I have a few, very special friends, and while the words cannot truly express the Eternal, we can share the wordlessness of the joyful encounters with incomplete sentences, sighs and knowing looks. Meditation Rocks. The Eternal, including my own Soul, Rocks. And meditation is the red carpet to that Joy.

Meditation and Energy Pathways to Joy.  Visit MarieFeuer.Org  - Life Path Healings


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