On Feeling Lost

America (and many other industrialized nations ) place a great deal of emphasis on being special, getting noticed (sometimes just for existing such as Paris Hilton, Kardashians etc.). Many citizens would never say they have this desire or need; many do not notice how ingrained this is in the culture of our societies. Yet many people get Readings because they want to be told about their Mission, Purpose or Special Gifts.  Many people I work with have an unbelievable plethora of undefined and persistent physical ailments that disappear when the person gets busy, or starts being of service.  This leads me to wonder if an egocentric existence, (promoted by the media but bought by the consumer) isn't one of our primary ailments-- making many prime targets for grandiosity sometimes offered via the Spiritual/New Age Industry, the Motivational Speaker Industry, and other Feel Good Industries. Don't get me wrong, there are wonderful people/helpers out there.  But just like finding a great (and honest) car mechanic, it takes some searching.... some trial and error.

Do we realize what it takes to have a Mission ? Or Gifts/Talents?  Life is not your own....you answer to a Higher Power and usually you look quite bad, silly or like a failure here on Earth ! Look at the lives of some of the giants we know about-- Gandhi, Martin Luther, Buddha, Jesus, Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa, John of God....etc.  They were not about having a great marriage, a Mercedes or even having their Mission recognized and applauded, in fact they were typically pitied, hated, persecuted, ostracized or misunderstood. All had their Faith severely challenged-- more than once !  Often jailed, beaten, friendless, poor, and sometimes dying for their Mission these enormous Souls needed Spirit to be their constant and steady companion as human reactions were so varied and inconsistent. 

So what is feeling lost ? Is it we do not have an external validation that makes us feel alive, recognized, valued ? If so, perhaps feeling "lost" is not such a bad place to be. If we are in our body, connected to Spirit, how can we be lost ?  Where would we be if we were "found"?  It is quite a Mission to BE in your body (which means feeling everything !!) and then to also cultivate your connection to the Other Side, to Spirit.  Having a Mission does not take away from feelings. In fact the more Open you are to Spirit and your Gifts, the more  you will feel everything.  And that in turn will either drive you crazy or drive you more deeply into a relationship with Spirit. Which often means wading through some uncomfortable feelings and thoughts about yourself and your life first, and then your Gifts and Talents grow as you become a clearer channel for the Great Flow from Above.

Feeling lost happens before a breakthrough. Like the Tower card in the tarot, the way must first be cleared before something new can grow. Forest fires promote plenty of healthy new growth after the destruction.  The flooding of the Nile wipes out all while fertilizing and preparing for new growth. Embrace being "lost"-- it is only your ego, your old ways of defining and validating some part of your Earth self. Float with it.  It is only a cycle and all of life is cyclical. Use it as a time to let go, to "not know", to become a beginner again instead of an old stale know - it - all. It is a fragile time as well so play, choose companions carefully during this period, sleep more, or exercise more.......forgive yourself over and over as you clear the path, again.  Allow Spirit the room to make you born again. Step out of the way. Float. Wear water wings if it makes you feel safer. It is okay to to be gentle.  Being "lost" is a huge and wonderful event in the roller coaster of life. Use your deepening Faith to ride the ride. It can be and will be thrilling to move into a new space, one defined not by you, but by your Guardians, Guides, Higher Self, Angelic forces, Soul. Be willing to live in wonder and wonderment for some time. It will not last forever.


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