The Terror of Transitions


Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Terror of Transition


**Two dates:** 

Mini workshop Thursday Evening 6:30-8:00 pm January 14th. Cost: $54

Full workshop Sunday  January 17th 12-4 (ish) depending on the number of participants. Cost: $108.

Sensitive people or people going through growth transitions often find it difficult to negotiate being in groups of people whether it is in a social gathering or a work situation.  As a result they will choose to avoid group settings, or decide to shrink themselves down as a way to avoid conflict or to become "invisible" or go to the other extreme and "over present" and dominate or "show off".  In psychology the four horseman of trauma responses are flight, flight, freeze, and fawn (look these up if you don't know this information---learn and be teachable). These responses are learned in childhood as defense and coping mechanisms and as adults can become outdated and dysfunctional self-care tools. This workshop will teach you new tools that are more successful and much better self-care choices.

This will be, as all our workshops are, a practice, hands on experiential learning workshop. You will learn and practice using energies to "hold your space", stay "safe", and even "send out" protections before you enter a space.

We will be practicing verbal boundaries and managing self-care protective energies, and addressing feelings of  being "attacked", defensiveness, and other uncomfortable feelings that often arise when setting boundaries or implementing self-care energies. 

Be fed and rested. Bring journal material. You are also welcome to record sessions (audio).



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