Life Path Healings: The Culture

Photo from Yucaipa Calimesa News Mirror Interview

Many people have never experienced being in, participating in, a sacred safe place, a shamanic circle, a living temple. If you come from a dysfunctional family and have not healed and have  not learned boundaries you will carry your maladaptive behaviors into every social or public gathering without consciousness. 

In a Sacred Gathering, the Spiritual Teacher (of any practice) is responsible for calling in the energies to create and maintain a Safe and Sacred Space that protects the Gathering. 

Below are some (but not all) guidelines of behaviors and actions that are in line with keeping the Safety of your Sacred Space.


You are always welcome and encouraged to bring gifts (flowers, fruit, and other offerings) for the Altar which is a representation, a focal point of Your Path. These are offerings to your own work as well as to those with you on this Path. These type of Gifts do assist you in honoring the Sacred in your own life and those travelling with you.

Always give any gift you bring to Your Teacher for Blessings and distribution. Never personally hand out any gifts to other Chelas (Students), This is not your personal house and you are not the host.  This is Your Home, Your Temple under the protection of Spirit and Your Teacher. Learn to respect that.

Never approach another Student to give them your opinion, ideas or advice especially if they are working on deep material. Often other Students are triggered by the pain or other issues another is working with and they will offer unsolicited “assistance” simply because their own pain or other issues have been triggered and helping another person is their psychological coping mechanism to handle their own unhealed, unaddressed issues. 

If you are a “rescue” addict and/or have not worked on issues emerging from a dysfunctional or abusive childhood, please consider attending Codependents Anonymous or AdultChildren.Org (both are 12-Step programs) to heal your childhood wounds, a vital part of this Spiritual Path, this Work.

You can approach another Student and ask them if they would like to talk, later that day or on another day. Offer your phone number to talk at another time as at this moment they are with their Teacher and Spirit and those are their Guides and Protectors. If you wish to offer your human energy and perspective simply offer your contact information when outside of Life Path Healings and let them decide if they wish to contact you. 

**Better yet, don’t offer, let people decide for themselves and come to you if they wish to  reach out, talk and connect. Learning to ask for support is part of this Path.**

Inside, all are safe from solicitations and ego trips.  Many people come to Life Path Healings to “prove” they are “better” than the Teacher. This behavior will not be tolerated as it violates the choice people have made to come to Life Path Healings and study with the Teacher of their choice. 

Do not ever use the Space of Life Path Healings to sell tickets, other services or other Teachers or your own services. Life Path Healings is a Sacred Space, not a place to “network”. If you have something to share, discuss it with the Teacher first.

Many Students drawn to Spirituality have authority figure issues and come to Life Path Healings to “challenge” a Teacher or act out unhealed childhood authority and/or trust issues. (In psychology this is referred to as transference). While this is a part of Healing, outright hostility, or “rebelling” against authority (or a parental figure) and acting this out in classes or workshops will not be tolerated as this violates the safety of the Space, the Circle. You can work on these (and other) issues during private sessions with your Teacher and you are welcome to stop attending classes. Why study with a person you do not trust and respect especially if you are not willing to work on these issues?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding appropriate behaviors or actions or even to question your own feelings never hesitate to ask your Teacher. 

A good idea to keep in mind is to behave as you would if you were a guest at another person’s house or as a newcomer in an unknown foreign culture, or in a new never before experienced situation or event.  Rather than make assumptions or "fake it until you make it",  learn to  ask questions and learn to be teachable.

Yours in the Journey

Dr. Marie

Life Path Healings

PhD Health Psychology and Behavioral Therapies


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