
Showing posts from January, 2021

Anger workshop coming up.... AND.....NEW podcast

  Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Selling you the story of your life purpose$$$$ feuer--life-path/episodes/ Selling-you-the-story-of-your- life-purpose-epmsnm A workshop on Anger. ----------  2 dates Mini Workshop Thursday evening February 18th.  Time: 6:30-8:30 Cost: $72 Full Workshop Sunday February 21st Time: 1-4 or 5 depending on attendees Cost: $135 So many, especially women, are afraid of anger. The new age toxic feel good industry sells shame and guilt about feeling anger. People attempting to emulate what they have read about Buddhism and other Eastern paths suppress their anger in an attempt to "behave" as they think an "enlightened" being would behave. The reality is, anger disappears on its own when you are able to feel your feelings, be honest with your Self and others and have a Spiritual Practice whereby you allow yourself to be taught and guided by Spirit, by a Source higher than your human mind. When you ...

Out of Body....Out of MInd

  Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Out of Body...Out of Mind Podcast, Life Path Healings    Ongoing weekly classes for Soul Evolution and Personal Growth every Wednesday Evening 6:30 pm. Cost: $20 . Pay at the door or via Venmo, Zelle, or PayPal Coming Soon: Feb 18th and 21st. Anger Workshop. Details on the Classes Page of [MarieFeuer.Org.]( ---------- Details will also be sent out via email in the near future. Follow Life Path Healings on Facebook and Instagram.

I don't trust....fill in the blanks // & Workshop information

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast (also available on our YouTube Channel): I don't trust..... Fill in the blank feuer--life-path/episodes/I- dont-trust------Fill-in-the- blank-eovhev  A workshop on Anger. ----------  2 dates Mini Workshop Thursday evening February 18th.  Time: 6:30-8:30 Cost: $72 Full Workshop Sunday February 21st Time: 1-4 or 5 depending on attendees Cost: $135 So many, especially women, are afraid of anger. The new age toxic feel good industry sells shame and guilt about feeling anger. People attempting to emulate what they have read about Buddhism and other Eastern paths suppress their anger in an attempt to "behave" as they think an "enlightened" being would behave. The reality is, anger disappears on its own when you are able to feel your feelings, be honest with your Self and others and have a Spiritual Practice whereby you allow yourself to be taught and guided by Spirit, by a Source higher than ...

Living a Victimless Life & Workshop information

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Living a Victimless Life * Weekly classes for Soul Evolution, personal growth and Mystic Arts Wed 6:30 pm. Available online and in person WORKSHOP: ENERGY PROTECTIONS AND BOUNDARIES **Two dates:**  Mini workshop Thursday Evening 6:30-8:00 pm January 14th. Cost: $54 Full workshop Sunday January 17th 12-4 (ish) depending on the number of participants. Cost: $108. Sensitive people or people going through growth transitions often find it difficult to negotiate being in groups of people whether it is in a social gathering or a work situation.  As a result they will choose to avoid group settings, or decide to shrink themselves down as a way to avoid conflict or to become "invisible" or go to the other extreme and "over present" and dominate or "show off".  In psychology the four horseman of trauma responses are flight, flight, fr...

The Terror of Transitions

  Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Terror of Transition feuer--life-path/episodes/The- Terror-of-Transition-eoies3 WORKSHOP: ENERGY PROTECTIONS AND BOUNDARIES **Two dates:**  Mini workshop Thursday Evening 6:30-8:00 pm January 14th. Cost: $54 Full workshop Sunday  January 17th 12-4 (ish) depending on the number of participants. Cost: $108. Sensitive people or people going through growth transitions often find it difficult to negotiate being in groups of people whether it is in a social gathering or a work situation.  As a result they will choose to avoid group settings, or decide to shrink themselves down as a way to avoid conflict or to become "invisible" or go to the other extreme and "over present" and dominate or "show off".  In psychology the four horseman of trauma responses are flight, flight, freeze, and fawn (look these up if you don't know this information---learn and be teachable). These respo...

Life Path Healings: The Culture

Photo from Yucaipa Calimesa News Mirror Interview Many people have never experienced being in, participating in, a sacred safe place, a shamanic circle, a living temple. If you come from a dysfunctional family and have not healed and have  not learned boundaries you will carry your maladaptive behaviors into every social or public gathering without consciousness.  In a Sacred Gathering, the Spiritual Teacher (of any practice) is responsible for calling in the energies to create and maintain a Safe and Sacred Space that protects the Gathering.  Below are some (but not all) guidelines of behaviors and actions that are in line with keeping the Safety of your Sacred Space. ----------  You are always welcome and encouraged to bring gifts (flowers, fruit, and other offerings) for the Altar which is a representation, a focal point of Your Path. These are offerings to your own work as well as to those with you on this Path. These type of Gifts do assist you in honoring the S...