The Great Conjunction
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: You are enough |
New Years Day Workshop. January 1, 2021 |
TIme: 1-4 ish (depending on the number of participants I rarely emphasize astrological happenings, although I do pay attention to them as I do the weather because they do have an effect. I don't use astrology much as I don't use "tools" much (crystals, etc.) because I rarely need them and prefer to work with pure energy. What I "got" about this conjunction is in alignment with information I received later, after the fact, by an astrologer/remote healer in an email at the end of the day (that email is included below for those that are interested). Living with the energy that is upon us will offer a great opportunity for many of us if it is used well. This workshop will focus on what are the learnings being offered to you, you specifically, in the coming year. The work you do in the workshop will need to be revisited throughout the year. Come well rested and well fed. If you don't have a teaching deck, contact Dr. Marie for some assistance. Feel free to bring some crystals as well, and a pendulum if you work with those. |
The Great Conjunction (the picture posted here is from a telescope in Australia and is Jupiter and her 4 moons and Saturn. |
This is the email I received from a Vedic (Eastern) astrologer. Vedic astrology is completely different than Western and is about 20,000 years older than Western. It also corrects for the Earth having shifted on its access in the millennia since the first use of astrology. Astronomy makes these same corrections. Western astrology does not. At this moment (10:49 am pacific time) saturn and jupiter are in exactly the same degree, 6 degrees and 21 minutes of Capricorn with jupiter just having over taken Saturn. I have not sent anything out about this conjunction because I wanted to wait until Jupiter was ahead like this. By now, everyone has heard about this conjunction and how rare it is in terms of relative closeness, 800 years ago. Wednesday, March 11, 1226 at 8:19 pm, pacific time was the last time they were this close. It is not rare in terms of their being together, an event that occurs roughly every 20 years but it is rare in terms of distance between them. When 2 planets are less than one degree apart it is called Yuddha in sanskrit, planetary war. This is in some ways a bit misleading as the idea of war connotes so much that is negative. There are 4 different planetary wars possible. This one is called Bheda. When two planets appear to have the same direction of movement on account of overlapping, they fight in Bheda. In this case the planet nearer to us on earth completely obstructs the farther one. This is also known by the name Chadanam. Each planet has its own significations, karakattwas. A planet is said to be a karaka of certain qualities. For example, Saturn is a planet of grief and hard manual labour. Jupiter is said to be bhagya karaka and gyaan karaka, a significator of good luck and spiritual knowledge. If 2 planets are less than one degree apart the planet with the higher number of degrees ‘wins’ the war and has their qualities predominate in a birth chart. To use a really graphic example, in Hitler’s chart mars, the planet of war and venus the planet of peace were at war with each other at the moment of birth. We all know who won that war. Easy to see. Easy to predict. Anyone born at this moment in time would have a chart where jupiter won the war with saturn. The qualities of jupiter would therefore be a bit more strong in their chart. We can say only a bit more strong because jupiter in Capricorn is debilitated, weak. The debilitation is cancelled beautifully at least twice but one of the ways it is cancelled is because Jupiter is in Capricorn with Saturn and Saturn is in his own sign. Jyotish says that when a planet is in his own sign, he is the dominating influence. So it is a bit of a toss up as to whom actually wins this war which makes global predictions very difficult. Not that they are easy at the best of times. Saturn was winning the war for the past day or so. Saturn representing contraction and grief would set in motion a period of time of continued hardship and restraint on the economic and social levels. He would be very good for all things related to machines including technological deveolopments. Jupiter representing expansion, knowledge, intelligence and wisdom now winning the war would set in motion a period of greater clarity and understanding, opening up avenues for great wisdom and knowledge to predominate. What does this mean? Is it a zero sum equation? We read some people predicting enormous difficulties and hardships, great suffering. We read some people predicting a new golden age being born. What is the truth? It would have to be both because it is life. Life is never just one or the other. It is always a coexistence of apparent opposites. We can be confident that the constraints that have been placed upon us for the past year will continue to be with us for some time longer, I predict at least 2 more years more or less. We can also predict more progress and stability at the same time. Witness this past year where so many businesses went bankrupt and yet the wealthiest people got wealthier. The world will probably continue to experience this intensification of polarization. That has some momentum and meets with Saturn’s quality of separation. The will at the same time experience continued growth of interest in all matters relating to spirituality and spiritual development in general as those are qualities that belong to Jupiter. These apparently opposite qualities are not mutually incompatible. Quite the opposite. They are symbiotic. One goes hand in hand with the other. The reaction to separation influences is to seek unity. The reaction to greater unity is for those who don’t want to change to seek more separation. This is the natural turbulence preceding a change in state. To say that we are on the cusp of great change is a bit misleading as well as we are always on the cusp of great change. It is the nature of life to progress and evolve. The past is always a lesser evolved state. If this is true, then it means that the future is always a more evolved state. This means then, that nothing ever happens to us. Everything always happens for us. But only 100% of the time.The question is, what will the flavour of that be like? That will depend on us and how we experience it within ourselves. Every interpretation of life experience is done by the mind. It is in our hands to suffer or not. If we choose to view the world as victims then the contraction of Saturn will make life more burdensome and Jupiter’s expansion will be seen as a threat to stability. If we choose to view the world from a more detached and neutral position, then the expansion of Jupiter will make life more stable and the contraction of Saturn will be seen only as a part of the refining process toward that stability. The world continues to grow and evolve, to greater happiness and better life for all is the promise. We just have to choose to see it that way. A clear mind cannot be unhappy. |
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