
Showing posts from December, 2020

Detachement as Grace

  Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Detachment as Grace feuer--life-path/episodes/ Detachment-as-Grace-eo7pv0 Please excuse the coughing section. I am not techy enough to edit. Check the Classes page of MarieFeuer.Org for upcoming classes and workshops. New Years Day Workshop. January 1, 2021 TIme: 1-4 ish (depending on the number of participants Cost: $108 Bring Journal material, Oracle/Tarot cards (a teaching deck) I rarely emphasize astrological happenings, although I do pay attention to them as I do the weather because they do have an effect. I don't use astrology much as I don't use "tools" much (crystals, etc.) because I rarely need them and prefer to work with pure energy. What I "got" about this conjunction is in alignment with information I received later, after the fact, by an astrologer/remote healer in an email at the end of the day (that email is included below for those that are interested). Living wi...

The Great Conjunction

  Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: You are enough feuer--life-path/episodes/You- are-enough-eo1cu3 Check the Classes page of MarieFeuer.Org for upcoming classes and workshops. New Years Day Workshop. January 1, 2021 TIme: 1-4 ish (depending on the number of participants Cost: $108 Bring Journal material, Oracle/Tarot cards (a teaching deck) I rarely emphasize astrological happenings, although I do pay attention to them as I do the weather because they do have an effect. I don't use astrology much as I don't use "tools" much (crystals, etc.) because I rarely need them and prefer to work with pure energy. What I "got" about this conjunction is in alignment with information I received later, after the fact, by an astrologer/remote healer in an email at the end of the day (that email is included below for those that are interested). Living with the energy that is upon us will offer a great opportunity for many of us i...

You have to be strong to be soft

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: You have to be strong to be soft PRICING CHANGE AS OF JANUARY 1.  :1 hour  $135   1/2 hour $70 Other changes posted on the website MarieFeuer.Org For those who are doing ongoing weekly work with Dr.. Marie, pricing will stay the same until you discontinue the weekly, or monthly work. Classes remain at $20. Thank you for your continued support and commitment. SUNDAY GROUP--DAY CHANGE TO TUESDAYS @ 7PM. THIS WILL START DECEMBER 21ST.  THE  DECEMBER 20TH TIME WILL BE MOVED TO DEC. 21ST.  STILL FREE. We are changing the name from Shadow Work to TALKING CIRCLE. We have changed the evening based on request. Everything is staying the same. There is a one page handout regarding protocol and behaviors. It is a group for sharing whatever is on your mind regarding your life, your emotions, your personal and Spiritual develo...

Living and Awakened Life

  Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Living Awakened feuer--life-path/episodes/ Living-Awakened-en85nb Wednesday 6:30 pm class for Soul Evolution and personal growth. $20. Please RSVP. Available online and in person. Online only, Thursday 6:30 pm. MUST RSVP. $20. We use Free early morning (7 am California time) online. Join Dr. Marie in her practice. Stay as long as you want. Attend at your own convenience. Contact Dr. Marie for details. Text/call 818-439-9929 Holiday Workshop: Let your Light Shine during the Holidays, Self Healing workshop and mini-workshop. 2 different times, same date. Sunday December 20th TIME: 10-3 with a lunch break. Cost $108 Mini-workshop for those who work weekends or have family obligations. Sunday December 20th TIME: 6:30 pm 8:30 pm. Cost: $54 Make your holidays Spiritual. An evening of working with Energies to hone your skills in keeping your Energy at the highest vibration through the hol...