Your Inner Child: A workshop

Your Inner Child Workshop

You are never too old, too wise, or too “advanced” to improve upon your relationship with your beautiful and wise Inner child. At Life Path Healings we teach you to go inside and connect, to Self so you can be receptive to the Teachings and Healings of Spirit. If no one is home, in your body, in your emotions, in your current life, then there is no one home to receive Guidance from Spirit.  

Your Higher-Self, unlike other spiritual guides that you may have (or think you have) has only one agenda: Your highest good for the evolution of your Soul.  It does not represent any other groups, opinions or agendas.  Your Higher Self is concerned with your life lessons. Your Higher Self keeps you on your Path, and keeps you connected to Source.  Your Higher-Self is that energetic part of you that is in constant contact with the Divine Source. It is that divine relationship to Source which functions as the central coordinator of your life’s plan the one you created when you were Soul working with Source, the life you are currently living.

However, if you are emotionally wounded be it from childhood abuse or neglect, or life circumstances (trauma, war survivor, racism, rape, extreme poverty etc.) you will have emotional blocks and your energy pathways will be corrupted, twisted. You will be unable to be in a deep loving and respectful relationship with Self.  Your Higher Self’s connection to Source is then corrupted and weakened like having “static” on your phone. When your wounded Self rules your life you cannot clearly receive Divine Guidance, like students who are busy being obsessed with their phone or social media while a professor or counselor is trying to communicate something important  that would eliminate a great deal of suffering. The Divine Messages will not be able to get through clearly because you are not all there, you are not able to be present because the voices of your wounded self  are dominating your thoughts, emotions and even your energy field.  In fact  you will mistake the advice and decisions made by your ruling unhealed wounded self as “your guide”.

When you heal your wounded self, which is a huge part of your current Spiritual Journey, your energetic channels are cleared and only then can you connect to your Inner-Child in its pure state. Only then are you able to experience that state of innocence and purity of love and joy that is your true state of being. Once you are on your way to healing you will be able see addictive and stuck patterns that you seem to repeat so often in your life and now start to make different choices.  You must choose to heal your wounded self; Spirit cannot force you to do this. When you are in a deep, authentic and loving relationship with your Inner-Child you are connected to your Higher Self and Source and with this triad you are energetically capable of having Spirit release and remove the traumas and blockages. Until you start healing you will continue to re-enact addictive and stuck patterns. These painful and stuck patterns are necessary because they make you pay attention to your unhealed wounds that you have been trying to ignore and will force you to feel them so acutely that you finally choose to heal them. Your unhealed wounds hold you back from emotional maturity and Spiritual growth.

When you take on a conscious relationship with your Inner Child you learn to re-parent yourself as a starting point especially if your own childhood did not model good care and good parenting.  You learn self-care and boundaries which are the essential ingredients to a deep loving relationship with your Sacred Self.  You are currently connected to and in a relationship with your Inner Child. Everyone is. However HOW you are connected is what is in question here. Do you treat yourself as if you have no value? Do you know how to check in on your inner emotions and energy and do you know how to use self-care skills(re-parenting skills)?  Like a good marriage or deep friendship, your relationship to your Self, to your Inner Child, is constantly evolving, growing and deepening, IF you put in the time, effort and focus.  Just like all relationships, if you neglect them, if you do not spend time on them, they deteriorate.  And just like your entire family benefits if the parental relationship is healthy and authentic, your relationships to your Inner Child and Higher Self  will either grow and benefit, or will fall into disrepair, based on your commitment, time, energy and effort consciously applied by you.

When your relationship to your Inner Child is strong, authentic, caring and loving, the Guidance from your Higher Self becomes a natural part of that flow and you can barely tell them apart at that point as the energies are so intimately entwined. Your ability to listen to your need, sense your emotions and energy and care for your Self,  your Inner Child, means you are better equipped to hear, feel, see, sense and receive your Higher Self’s Life Path guided overview. This overview Guides you in  your evolution,  helping you to avoid pitfalls and helps you stay in the Divine Flow of Source.

This workshop will be a combination of the use of Divine Energies via meditations, journaling, exercises and sharing and is appropriate for all who are willing to do this work.


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