Spiritual Development vs Putting Out Fires

Spiritual Development vs Putting Out Fires

Many people come to Life Path Healings when life gets tough, things go south, dreams are crashed, emergencies are looming, and then, once they are up and running so to speak, off they go.  I call this putting out fires, solving problems, quick answers, or even seeking to  “feel good” again once the externals in their life are “working”…. for now.  When the problems come back, people once again seek out another “fix” without addressing any of the reasons or issues or energetic or spiritual causes of the problems. Treating the symptoms will provide quick relief or perhaps simply some entertainment value or can be a way to distract yourself in order to feel good again. Sounds a bit like having a drug or alcohol or sugar or nicotine habit, no?  Therapists run into this same issue. People seek out therapy when there is an issue, problem, challenge or they don’t feel good, when actually the best time to get deep work done, to actualize your growth, expand and get stronger is when you are stabilized (at least a bit), when you are strong enough to have the psychic and emotional space to grow not just struggling to get out of pain or fear or grief.

Externals are excellent tools for healing, for comprehension of ideas, soothing the ego, boosting self-esteem and they are fun.  Ultimately externals will not save you or expand you unless those externals teach you Energy and how to go deep inside to connect with Self and then Source can come in because someone is home to receive. By externals I mean things like yoga, essential oils, crystals, oracle cards, shamanic journeys, past life or life between life regressions, churches, mosques, temples, etc.  In the end, it all comes down to you being willing to accept who you are and accept this life you chose. This deep meeting of the Self which is an energetic encounter, allows you to connect to own this life with all of the joys and challenges and emotions that come with it including taking care of the body you selected for this life.  Only when you connect with Self can you then connect to your Higher Self and only then are you truly connected to Source. Your Higher Self is your Soul Energy and that is part and parcel of Source. They are really one and the same.  You cannot bypass Self to get to Source. When you go out of body on purpose, through some practice, you are on your own or in the hands of some human leading a ceremony. These kinds of tools can show you the way, but ultimately you will have to internalize it and learn to do it yourself (without psychedelics, drums, chanting, oils, crystals, etc.).  Internalize it will ultimately mean, going In and then being led Out and Up by and with Source not with drugs or sounds etc.  If you go out of body because you feel it is so much better (or fun, or exciting, or you think it makes you “advanced”) than when you are present in this life, in this body, you are telling Source (and yourself) that you do not like yourself or this life which indicates your rejection of Source and your Higher Self and that implies that somehow Spirit (and your Soul) made a mistake in regards to you and your current life.  

When you go out of  body  as a way to get away  (although you may call that connecting rather than running away because it is all you know) rather than going inside first to connect with Self (Soul) and Source and then allow yourself to be Guided out of body by Source, you will be encountering other Energies, not Source. Yes so-called guides, entities, beings, ancestors etc. are all helpful but they will all reflect your current level of development.  That is something people are more comfortable with (rather than working with Source) because you are able accept what is happening as it will match your current level of development and understanding. Because you can understand and immediately make “sense” of that level of guidance it will soothe your left brain and boost your ego and confidence level all without challenging you to develop faith.  Faith is the ability to receive and follow Guidance that does not make sense to your human brain.  Receiving guidance this way is not bad at all, and it can be a good starting point but it is not a true practice. 

When you go out of body by yourself, in other words to get away rather than going in and then being led by Source you will encounter entities. Remember that entities that mean you harm will present as “good” beings just like bad people will seduce you then rip you off or rip out your heart. Being out of body  you will not be protected (unless you are with a truly talented Shaman or Medicine Person and they are near impossible to find these days) and your personal radar will be off because you are “away” from Self and therefore from Source  while you are floating out there looking like a nice energetic brownie.  When you accept you, this life you are in, you are telling Source that you have stopped fighting to get away from this current life, from who you are, and that you are now willing to be “taught” and guided by Source. Now and only now have you given Source permission to work with you and only now are you able to be “home” so you can actually receive Guidance and be truly protected and stay connected enough to have the strength and courage to follow the Guidance given to you from a higher level.

Guidance from Source does not just reinforce your current concepts, your current level of development. Source teaches you with Energy, without language. Guidance from Source teaches you what you don’t know. You will be loved as well, without language. Other Energies are great tools for healing, building your self-esteem and putting out fires. Source is the One that can open your doors for Soul Evolution, giving you Guidance, tools, and gifts that are so far beyond your imagination you cannot at your current level ask for them or even pray for them because you don’t even know they are possible. That is Spiritual Evolution and Development. Healing is putting out fires. Both are good but they are very different.

If you want to work on your Spiritual Evolution, your development, in order to have a better quality of life rather than just learning to put out fires, take classes and have private sessions when your life is working. Like going to graduate school, you cannot do the work required if you are suffering, or overwhelmed. You need to have the space, time and energy to study in order to practice and learn.  Get your life in order, and then continue!  Now you can study, learn, practice, and evolve beyond your current circumstances, beyond your current level of development. Evolution, not everyone is blessed to have that opportunity.

Journey On


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