
Showing posts from June, 2018

How to Help Others without Your Ego Being in Charge

How to Help Others without Your Ego Being in Charge Once again this is a big subject, and in reality an article is absolutely no substitute for having a mentor or Teacher guide you.   Typically, even with people I work with, people continue the same ego driven behaviors over and over not catching it because they can’t catch it without practice and guidance from someone who can help them catch the nuances of slipping back into ego dominated behaviors. In other words, one workshop (or so called certification), reading some articles or books, and then practicing on your own typically will not give you success in change. As Einstein said, you cannot solve problems with the same mind (read mindset, paradigm, consciousness, level of awareness) that created the problem in the first place. This is why people go to 12 Step meetings, therapy, support groups or work with a mentor, Guru, Teacher, to get viewpoints, input, suggestions, guidance, from other people who are also on a Journ...

Spiritual Development vs Putting Out Fires

Spiritual Development vs Putting Out Fires Many people come to Life Path Healings when life gets tough, things go south, dreams are crashed, emergencies are looming, and then, once they are up and running so to speak, off they go.   I call this putting out fires, solving problems, quick answers, or even seeking to   “feel good” again once the externals in their life are “working”…. for now.   When the problems come back, people once again seek out another “fix” without addressing any of the reasons or issues or energetic or spiritual causes of the problems. Treating the symptoms will provide quick relief or perhaps simply some entertainment value or can be a way to distract yourself in order to feel good again. Sounds a bit like having a drug or alcohol or sugar or nicotine habit, no?   Therapists run into this same issue. People seek out therapy when there is an issue, problem, challenge or they don’t feel good, when actually the best time to get deep work d...

How to Give Compliments

How to Give Compliments Compliments, affirming others, validations are all powerful tools. Children absolutely need them in order to learn, through modeled behavior, how to practice self-love, self-affirmation. As adults, this can get a bit more complicated. If an adult has had childhood damage, and it has not come to consciousness and been worked on for healing, that damaged behavior will still be in effect. Children who are harmed or neglected (including benign neglect such as being a latch key kid, or being raised by “nannies”) have to learn how to manipulate in order to survive. Powerless people resort to manipulation because they are not regarded as worthy (or human in the case of racism, gender discrimination, or economic bias such as someone looks or is homeless etc.) and therefore they cannot make direct requests, adult to adult, peer to peer, equal to equal. In order to survive, and protect themselves (often literally from dying, or rape etc.) these people have been f...