Why Readings don't come true

These Darn Articles …. and….Why Readings Don’t Come True

Every week people contact me to say the email I sent out seemed to be written directly to them. Given that these emails go to over 300 people that should be evidence enough to clarify that is an impossibility. What I have noticed is that there are “trends” in what’s up in the ethers so to speak. Whether this is astrological, cosmic, serendipity, the Universe or a blessing I cannot definitively say, but it is true. Each week something comes to me to write about and I follow that Message. And each week there is a percentage of people who swear I have sincerely addressed the current relevant issues in their lives.  Some have felt like they were being “called out.” If  you feel that way you need to go inside, and look to Spirit as the one calling you out as the topics are revealed to me every week. There is an old adage, take the best and leave the rest,  and we can add to that, if  the shoe fits, well it is up to you to put it on, ….or not. 

Why Readings don’t come to fruition is a common question and a good one.  First off, common sense, not all clairvoyants, mediums, energy people etc. are good. People often tell me that psychics are a fraud, based on an experience. Well in that case one could claim that car mechanics, lawyers, dentists, doctors etc. are also frauds as everyone has had a bad experience with a person in each of these professions. Not all Spiritual Workers are equal, just like any profession here on earth.

When seeking help via a Reading there are many factors to consider, free will being an important consideration. Readings offer information on the best potential for the approaching future. But then there is what the person chooses to do and just like receiving information on diet and exercise, how many people actually take that information to heart and follow it, few do, especially if it is “inconvenient” or takes any kind of effort. We are in the effortless (but I want results) era right now, at least in this country. For example if you tell someone who is concerned about finances that s/he can make a financial killing in real estate that person can decide that they really hate many or most aspects of the real estate business and not proceed to follow the openings to a future in real estate (long term or short term). While the Reading does not “come true” what does happen is the person instead learns that finances do not trump the desire for feeling good at a job. However, if a clairvoyant were to explain this process instead of giving the “answer” to the question “how can I make money”, the person will be frustrated and angry and often then denounces the Reader. Until the circumstances around money unfold, until the learning happens, the person is convinced that s/he wants more money in life and is certain they can do real estate and the Reader will not be able to convince the person otherwise. You cannot tell a person a truth they cannot comprehend (such as “you can make money but you will hate it). The lesson must be learned through experience.

Having a Teacher that is clairvoyant, who focuses on the process and priority of Soul Evolution and who does not succumb to the pressure of outcome based questions, will take you down the path of learning rather than give you a straight “psychic” answer that will ultimately prove disappointing.  A person who is only outcome based can only tolerate a limited outlook and a limited amount of information in a Reading and because s/he “wants” something, that person will always find fault with a Reading unless s/he gets what s/he wants. This is a very common occurrence on psychic hotlines. I work on one and people will call 8 different psychics until they get the answer they want to hear, and psychics who do not have a strong core succumb to the pressure of the person’s overwhelming neediness.  People will go to (and pay for) numerous Readings of all kinds until they hear what they are seeking to hear, such as that they have met a soul mate, or a relative from a past life (rather than doing the work themselves of a regression or other methods of self-discovery). This is how psychics and the new age industry generate billions of dollars of profit; telling people their heart’s (and ego’s) desire rather than taking them to a place of learning as a priority. In the profit driven psychic industry, I was “coached” by owners of the businesses as well as other psychics to do just that, tell the people what they want to hear, just enough so they “come back” and pay some more. Needless to say, I am not a billionaire lol.

Readings also don’t work out when there is advice given as to what behaviors or practices must change in order for a particular future in that person’s web to manifest. In this case the person does not make any of the suggested changes but instead continues the same unworkable behaviors hoping that magically s/he will still get want one wants; sort of like wanting to know how much weight one is going to lose, and by when, without making a single change in diet or exercise. This desire to get an outcome with no effort is prevalent in our culture as can be seen in the billion dollar diet industry that successfully sells diet programs and exercise machines that promise weight lose with little to no effort needed by the person.  How many people do you know who have “tried every diet” and own every machine?  People who want outcomes with no effort seek to get Readings to hear those promises just like they try and fail with each diet or exercise machine spending hundreds in the process. People like this will then blame the diet or the machine for lack of results or false advertising, and people who do this pattern with Readings will also blame the Reader when they don’t get what they want without making any effort on their part.

A final factor to consider is that if one studies with a Sat Guru, a True Teacher, one’s Path is both accelerated and protected. If a Reader is dependent on a tool such as astrology or numerology s/he will not be able to account for the bending and adjustment of karma that one’s Teacher can facilitate. Students with a True Teacher have the opportunity to expand beyond the construct of their Life Chart and a Reader who only uses “tools” without also having a strong ability to Read Soul Records will be inaccurate.  This last version is rare in this era not many people commit to a “Teacher” and few have an actual personal Spiritual Practice. People like Pema Chodron (and a few others) who while being a Teacher herself still has her own Teacher, still meditates, goes on personal retreats, are a minority.  Most people I meet tell me how “gifted” they are that they do not “need” to meditate. One can only “hear” words and thoughts of lower energies from Source. To be taught truly new material, there are no words, and at first no thoughts, because the information is so new there simply are no words….yet. Your atoms first have to be rearranged for you to be able to receive the new. This process can happen over time via life lessons, or accelerated through the process of silent meditation and yes there are some other practices of the mystery schools that can facilitate this. However, talking to your “guides” in the shower or having “them” “tell” you information, while valuable, can only transmit in the realm of what you already know, what you already have language for, concepts that you can currently accept as okay, viable or real. 

The truly new, transcendent material, when first presented, has no words.  The Path of Light is manipulating matter as light is part of the three dimensional earth experience. Knowledge is matter. The Path of Sound is Enlightenment, vibration. New agers call themselves light workers, and they are. they work with light, with matter and knowledge.  Finding a Teacher of Light and Sound, is rare these days and finding people who practice both Light and Sound almost an impossibility.

If you want a Reading, make sure you want to hear the answer and are willing to either do the work or accept the learning. Otherwise, you will find yourself doing Readings for yourself telling yourself your same story over and over to calm yourself down or feed your ego or only finding psychics that will do the same for you, confirm your limited “I want this” perceptions and ego desires. How can you make sure you want to hear the answer, or that you are willing to learn? Have a Spiritual Practice where you sit in Sacred Silence, and surrender to the Sound of Spirit. That “sound” is energy, not words.

Journey On


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