
Showing posts from 2017

Jumping into Spirituality

  Jumping into Spirituality You would think it is pure joy for a Spiritual Teacher when a new person jumps in whole heartedly into his/her Path and Practice and   if in addition the person has all the “right rhetoric” such as “my guides” or “my guidance, “I just know”, “I had a vision”… or prayed…. or “saw” or “ I just knew this is what I need right now one” that one would expect the great things, true commitment, from this particular “seeker.” One can observe this same kind of behavior in those “jumping in” to a new (again) diet or exercise program. In fact any time one crows about their commitment or newly proclaimed goals, this is a red flag, not the beginning of a success story. Neurological research has proven  once you set a goal, your brain feels like you have already attained that goal and your neurochemistry shifts which explains the euphoria you feel when you decide to “start a diet” or any other project. Unfortunately with this biochemical neu...

Stories vs Experience

 Stories vs Experience I was recently at a dinner with some professional new age people, meaning people who make a living promoting new age type of skills and information. Sort of like being a pastor without needing to be accountable to anyone else except their “guides”, and since their guides are in their head, invisible, and only talk to the “gifted” person (no one else can hear them) there is no way to question what you hear from these folks. I personally like asking questions and like Leah Remini says in her expose on Scientology if people or an organization are offering information that proclaims to help people (or save the world), it should hold up to some questioning and in fact the process of question and answer should make the information stronger.   In the new age, typically the problem is often no one asks questions. It is not cool to question a so called spirit that talks to only one person. It is too embarrassing to question someone who appears more “advan...

Why Readings don't come true

These Darn Articles …. and….Why Readings Don’t Come True Every week people contact me to say the email I sent out seemed to be written directly to them. Given that these emails go to over 300 people that should be evidence enough to clarify that is an impossibility. What I have noticed is that there are “trends” in what’s up in the ethers so to speak. Whether this is astrological, cosmic, serendipity, the Universe or a blessing I cannot definitively say, but it is true. Each week something comes to me to write about and I follow that Message. And each week there is a percentage of people who swear I have sincerely addressed the current relevant issues in their lives.   Some have felt like they were being “called out.” If   you feel that way you need to go inside, and look to Spirit as the one calling you out as the topics are revealed to me every week. There is an old adage, take the best and leave the rest,   and we can add to that, if   the shoe fits, well...

Make Your Students Happy

Make Your Students Happy In my last years as a Professor, education had changed. Between the economy and student lawsuits, the new goal of education became to keep your students happy. Happy students stay in school, boosting stats, and happy students pay tuition, boosting profits. Keeping your students happy means positive reinforcement, motivational speeches, complements, breaking down challenges into manageable “chunks” …sort of like cutting up someone’s meal for them, or perhaps even chewing for them so all they have to do is swallow. Not sure if that is truly what education and learning is all about. Typically people do not learn without effort. Look at nature; you will see the same thing is true. Learning, both kinesthetic as well as cognitive and neural, requires effort and practice over time.   No shortcuts. In the New Age Industry, anyone can declare themselves “teacher”   and many do so after a weekend workshop or seminar or after a few meditation classes...