What do to, and when?
What to do and when?
Hahaha. Good luck on this one. As if
there is an answer. Some people live by “if you wait, it will come”.
Some believe you must consciously intend and manifest (because Spirit is
sleeping on the job?). Some believe it must
“feel good” or it is bad for you. (Well heroin “feels” great…. So what does
that mean?). One answer for sure is that there is no one answer when it comes
to personal growth and Soul Evolution. In fact one can only hope that you
realize every article I write is from my truth(s) and if you find it helpful
that is wonderful. And if you find these articles annoying, then hopefully you
will disregard and move on. Take the best and leave the rest as is said in
12-Step programs.
Your Life Path was designed by you
and your Guides for you to evolve as a Soul. This means everyone is on a Spiritual
Path, whether they know it or not, whether they believe in spirituality or not.
No one “has to” work on his/herself. Life is the ultimate Teacher (the Tao) and
you will learn what you came here to learn, one way or another. Whether you learn
well, or your learning is average, or if you don’t learn what you came here to
learn (and have to come back for a do-over) life and life circumstances will
teach you. How much and how well you learn is completely up to each individual.
If you decide you want to consciously “work” on yourself, that does not in and
of itself make you a better person or more advanced etc. What matters most
concerning a choice to do conscious work on yourself is how you take on the
work and the energy behind your choice. If you think you are broken, or you
want power and prestige, your work on yourself runs the risk of being
inauthentic and even abusive towards your own Self. Choose to work on yourself
because you are unhappy in life, or something, some energy is “nudging” you to
learn more regarding self-mastery and being an authentic being living with
integrity, morality and ethics. You might want to read Practicing Loving
Kindness by Pema Chodron as a starting point to better understand your
choices regarding doing conscious work on yourself.
This article is for those of you who
had a difficult childhood and feel those wounds are still having an unpleasant
influence in your current life circumstances and decisions. This article is
also for the restless souls that know and feel that this life is not all there
is. So where do you start? Follow your heart? Use your intuition? What if you
are an unhealed wounded person? What if you are an unhealed wounded person and
you don’t even know that… yet. If that is the case you will be led by your
wounds, and all the protective behaviors you learned and implemented over the
years in order to survive and keep living with your wounds until, hopefully,
one day you wake up, come out of denial and begin the journey of healing, personal growth and Soul Evolution. If you are part of the walking wounded you
will have issues with trust, trusting others and trusting yourself including
not trusting your choices regarding how you pick people to interact with or be
in a relationship with. The walking wounded often start off either isolating
themselves, hanging out with people crazier (even more wounded) than themselves
so you feel more sane compared to them, or trying to find people that will “tell
you what to do” because you are so empty
or broken inside. This leaves the walking wounded very susceptible to being
manipulated by people who are only too happy to tell others what to do. Quite
often the walking wounded get drawn to satanic, pagan, new age or cult practices where “leaders”
thrive on telling people what to do and even what to feel and to the walking
wounded with a history of neglect and/or abuse and a loss of trust and belief
in themselves this will feel like “home”.
You can get lost in these circles of isolation and/or bad choices for
Your unhealed wounds will often
misdirect you with so-called guidance cloaked in “meant to be” as is said in
new age circles. Your wounded self will be drawn to dysfunctional and even
painful or abusive “meant to be’s” especially those dressed up as “feel goods”
such as love bombing, toxic positivity and interesting (but ultimately
unhelpful) “narratives” told to you by other unhealed and untrained new agers,
narcissists and even cult leaders. You
will not be able to distinguish these nuances because your radar is broken. It
was broken and reset based on your wounds so you will be easily manipulated
into “feel good” strategies. Moving into healthy challenges is the heart of
healing, self-healing, and Soul Evolution but in the beginning healthy challenges
will trigger anxiety and fear in the unhealed. The challenges in your life are “meant
to be”; you designed them and set them up for implementation before you ever
incarnated. What is not “meant to be” is your suffering. Challenges are arduous but suffering is
optional and you and your Guides did not set up challenges for you to fail; you
set them up for you to grow and evolve through the process and actions of
taking risks, making mistakes, having patience, being persistent and developing
faith all of which are a part of learning. Recovery, healing, building trust in
yourself and others means you will have to take risks by changing your
behaviors, your choices, your actions and feeling your feelings, all of them.
Where do you start? There are no
rules and each individual journey will be different based on your history, your
character and integrity, your cultural and family background, gender, age, and
so much more. There are some things to keep in mind. First off, as a wounded
person you cannot heal in isolation. Even the shamans and monks that live in
caves in the Himalayas had Teachers though some do study with Pure Spirit, but
then you are looking at that as a practice and lifestyle attained by decades of
discipline and pursuit. If you want to live in this world and not pursue decades
of austere arcane practices you are going to have to risk taking a chance
working with someone or a group. If you have fear of being dominated or
controlled working with a self-directed spiritual group such as a 12-Step group
is probably a good first step for you. There is no “leader” in 12-Step and it
is not a self-help program; it is a spiritual program. There will be enough
humans there to be resources for you and points of contact in helping you to
work with your Higher Power and the learning you will receive will come from
listening to and hearing shares in the group without the fear of working with a
“leader” or a person who might dominate or control you.
However if you have a ginormous ego
or you are a major control freak (a symptom of deep trust issues) or a huge
people pleaser you would probably prefer to jump off a cliff rather than show
up in a group. People pleasers and those with a falsely bloated ego (the
walking wounded often create a false bloated ego as a defense mechanism in
order to avoid feeling shame) will look for a “cool” person to be their teacher
so they can seduce or suck up. If you are a people pleaser having a “leader”
you can orient yourself around so you can adapt your behaviors to win approval
is your powerful dysfunctional pattern and it will call you, at first, on the
beginning steps of your healing journey. If you have created a giant (false)
ego as your coping mechanism in life, you will want to “win” the approval of
some powerful or “gifted” (in your mind) “leader”. That coping mechanism will
help you to (falsely) feel “good” about yourself, by association. In other words if a cool teacher (or “gifted”
or “powerful”) accepts you, that will help define you as cool or powerful too.
It is a fantasy but it is also a very common coping tool of the walking wounded
and a powerful tool used by cult leaders to manipulate potential followers.
You can (and should, if drawn to)
read books, watch videos, and self-educate. But at some point you are going to
have to actually practice, put into action, what you are learning. How will you
evaluate those efforts? You will need a trusted person to observe you, listen
to you, talk to you and give you feedback. You cannot simultaneously practice
new learning and observe and evaluate yourself in new behaviors. Can you use a
good friend? Perhaps. Most good friends will not risk the friendship when
giving opinions, observations or feedback meaning that they may not be able to
have difficult or challenging conversations with you. This is why people choose
to work with a mentor, someone who has made the journey his/herself. In order
to determine if a potential mentor is the real deal you will have to spend some
time observing the person because everybody these days has a good story. In
fact as far as I am concerned, the better the “story” about being “chosen” or “gifted”
or “called”, the more skeptical I tend to be. Look at behaviors and actual
lifestyle as compared to “presentation”. Listen with care and read between the
lines. Authentic people are not consistently consistent. I personally look for
inconsistencies because that is a sign of authenticity and choose to work with
people whose inconsistencies are acceptable for me within the boundaries of my
parameters on what constitutes a good human being. For me a quality person is
honest and transparent about who s/he is and does not hide his/her emotions by
presenting a “smooth” or “non-reactive” front.
I need to look up to and respect any
mentor I work with. Some people can dislike their mentor and are comfortable “using”
someone because they “want” what their mentor has (or you think they have) such
as a “gift”, talent, connection (for career or love), or because they somehow
think this mentor will “save” them. For some people it is built into their
family or ethnic culture to use people. There is nothing wrong with using
someone in a healthy fashion if you are honest about it and don’t add in
sucking up or people pleasing or other manipulative techniques to try to ensure
a (unhealthy) connection. Mentors are used to being “useful” and really that is
their job. They are not your friend or lover or savior. However if you add in emotional seduction to
your relationship with a mentor it will definitely muddy your waters. Some
people cannot work with a mentor without adding in emotional and/or sexual
seduction. It is what they learned as a child especially if there was sexual
misconduct or abuse. This is another danger of working with a mentor and not a
group or at the very least and mentor and a group. Until you are well on your way of coming out
of denial and into at least the first stages of recovery working with a mentor
and having no group participation at all, you can expect drama and/or loss in
your mentor relationships. This is not meant as a threat rather information for
you to use to prepare yourself. Prepare for the worst and expect the best.
You can have more than one mentor
however I would suggest they not be in the same area of recovery as that can
become confusing. For example you can have a 12-Step sponsor, a meditation
teacher and a health (nutrition and exercise) coach all at one time. The same
holds true with groups. You can work with a church group, 12-Step, an artist
group and an incest survivor group all at the same time (should you be so
inspired). This might be a good choice for you until you have a stronger
version of discernment regarding what is healthy for you. Setting up a network
of support is a good choice. It means you will have some checks and balances in
place to try and offset your tendency to be guided by your wounds or to
inappropriately bond with a mentor or Teacher. I don’t care how introverted you are, if you
refuse to be part of any group even as a listener, you are more committed to
being “right”, “looking good” and staying in “control” than you are in your own
recovery and growth. You are a human and until you can embrace your humanity
you will use your isolating techniques (or excuses) to avoid fully
participating in the journey you signed up to do when you chose to incarnate.
In groups you cannot manipulate, suck up, win approval or manipulate the feelings
of yourself or others, at least not forever and not with everyone. In groups
you learn to hold your own space in your own recovery work. Speaking in groups
is the only way to expunge toxic shame. Speaking in groups gives you a chance
to practice social skills. Where else can you safely do that? Being in a group
teaches you to be able to tolerate the emotions of others without trying to
hide or fix things.
You don’t “have” to do
anything. Life and the situations and
circumstances your life brings to you were arranged to happen, by you and your
Spirit Guides when you were a ball of light. Life will teach you. Life will
force you to change and grow. Life will
force you to work with groups such as in-laws or co-workers so you change and grow. Life will also send you
mentors, usually they are the ones that hurt and betray you the most as that is
how many deep lessons roll in, with pain. You can also choose groups and mentors and be
willing to accept your lessons rather than trying to resist them or “manipulate”
the Universe to “get what you want”.
Either approach is fine. Some people get a career or make a living by going to school;
some do so without going to school. Some never even have the opportunity
to attend “school”. Some of us prefer to
go to “Spiritual School” and some prefer “Life School”. Be aware of your
choices. Only then can you “move at the pace of Guidance”.
These are short articles and reflect
my thoughts, experiences, education, knowledge base and personal practices of
my Path. Take the best; Leave the rest.
Journey On
Dr. Marie @ LifePathHealings
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