What do to, and when?
What to do and when? Hahaha. Good luck on this one. As if there is an answer. Some people live by “if you wait, it will come”. Some believe you must consciously intend and manifest (because Spirit is sleeping on the job?). Some believe it must “feel good” or it is bad for you. (Well heroin “feels” great…. So what does that mean?). One answer for sure is that there is no one answer when it comes to personal growth and Soul Evolution. In fact one can only hope that you realize every article I write is from my truth(s) and if you find it helpful that is wonderful. And if you find these articles annoying, then hopefully you will disregard and move on. Take the best and leave the rest as is said in 12-Step programs. Your Life Path was designed by you and your Guides for you to evolve as a Soul. This means everyone is on a Spiritual Path, whether they know it or not, whether they believe in spirituality or not. No one “has to” work on his/herself. Life is the ultimate T...