Shadow work is the process of learning to speak your
fears, anxieties, shame, grief, and rage before Spirit and witnessed by humans.
The latter is needed to heal toxic shame and to get you comfortable with being
your authentic self, in front of other human beings. For some people Shadow
Work is speaking out about one’s successes, happiness, gains and accomplishments.
Shadow Work is speaking out whatever is currently uncomfortable for you to say
in front of others. Sharing works best when you are specific and refer to date,
time, place and people involved in actual events, occurrences, and describing
the specific emotions experienced at the time and describing actual behaviors
and actions that occurred. A Shadow Work group, like 12-Step programs, provides
a safe sacred space, a confidential space, where others are there to listen and
witness your Journey of Healing without interfering. Shadow Work groups
understand that they are just there to witness and know that the real work is
between you and your Higher Power. Shadow Work groups give you a safe place to
practice saying things that normally cannot be spoken or must be said with
careful attention and energy.
When you share dangerous, threatening, fearful or shameful
material with a safe group, you will slowly, with the help of your Higher
Power, be able to heal the emotions and energy connected to those issues and
events. Now instead of those issues and
events ruling you, you have the space now to make choices, choices on who to
talk to in your life circle about delicate personal material, when to do it,
how to do it, or if it is even safe to share with certain people or not.
As you unload toxic memories, occurrences, and emotions
you free up healing space in your psyche. Shadow Work occurs in layers and when
you first start you will only be able to address certain issues, certain
memories. As you get clearer, and stronger, Spirit will free up more up earlier
memories, more difficult material for you to address, look at and heal. People
bury pain as a way to survive, particularly childhood pain and extreme trauma.
You have to unwind slowly and the safest way to do this is to become willing to
allow Spirit, your Higher Power, to reveal material to you, trusting Spirit to
know you best, to know when you are strong enough to grow through the next
Sharing is only part of Shadow Work. As you learn more and
more about your Self you will discover wounded areas. Yes Spirit will help with
healing however you incarnated to learn and grow, to evolve. When you discover
wounded areas in your life, your psyche, your emotions, your social skill set, your
neurobiological patterns, you will have to literally educate yourself to learn
(and practice) new skills. Yes Spirit can “guide” you to the “right” books,
healers and Teachers, however you will have to do the heavy lifting, the work.
After all, it is your life that you are saving. Learn to research your wounds,
your wounded self, and read up on healthy skills and then practice them. Bring
your reports of your progress (and even your lack of progress) in practicing
new skills to your Shadow Work group. Often when speaking about your practice
you discover new details as you speak. Speaking your progress out loud, again
being very specific, also makes your progress and hard work more real for you
as you hear it out loud and have the added energy of others witnessing you
owning your work with your Self and with Spirit.
After some time with Shadow Work you will be able to
better distinguish between toxic shame and healthy shame. Toxic shame is self-hatred.
It is hating your very being-ness. Healthy shame can only be recognized when
you are balanced, not swimming in toxic shame. Healthy shame is when you can
identify actions you took, behaviors you chose, words you spoke that do not
make you proud, that do make you feel good about your Self and who you want to
be as a human being. It takes some time to feel balanced enough to take on amends
and this stage, as with all the others needs to be “guided” by Spirit, by your
Higher Power. Meditation and praying (“help me”, “show me”) should be a
consistent practice when you are doing Shadow Work.
Direct amends should be made when there will be no harm
done to yourself of others. Otherwise, you will have to (working with your
Higher Power) find very creative ways to make indirect amends. Amends are done
to heal you, so that you can feel better about your Self, so you can feel
better about the wrongs you committed against others and against your Self. Asking
someone else “How can I make amends to you?” is passing the buck. It is asking
the other person to do your emotional labor.This is another subject you can research, look
for good books, and also pray about.
In the beginning Shadow Work is done to clean up life from
childhood to the present and to learn new skills, and make amends for the past.
This typically takes about 2 years if you are seriously working, otherwise it
will take quite a bit longer, maybe even a lifetime. After all, your childhood occurred to set you
up to learn all the lessons you agreed to learn in this life in order to evolve
as a Soul. Everyone will learn and evolve; some will use life only as their
Teacher and others have agreed to consciously wake up in this life and tackle
their life lessons in a more conscious fashion. Once you are quite comfortable
with your Self, with being your authentic Self in your life, your work, your loves,
Shadow Work is still done. It is done on a daily basis, like brushing your
teeth, like eating healthy and exercising. You clear each day by some
self-examination looking at what worked and what could have gone better that
day. You look at your choices regarding your actions and your words and you
also examine how well you kept up your self-care that day. From this
examination you see if there are any amends you would like to make and/or any
better behaviors you would like to choose. All of this is done by first getting
connected to your Higher Power through meditation, and the prayers of “help me”
and “show me”. Now each day becomes “The Way”, “The Path” of mindfulness,
self-awareness, and connection to Source. Each day is your next step in
evolution, education, consciousness, being connected to Source and Self, as
well as joy. This is the Tao.
Shadow Work is related to Steps 4 through 10 in 12-Step Programs. Read through those steps so you can see how detailed this work really is. Most “spiritual” people, especially new age people hate 12
Step programs. Many hate psychology. They would rather identify any issues they
have with themselves, their relationships, their weight, their income, their
lives with past lives, astrology, tarot, entities etc. and prefer to use
crystals, ceremonies, rituals, regressions, etc. as solutions. I believe in and
support both. We chose this life, all of it. Therefore, when we were souls
designing this life we set up all blessings and all challenges in order to
evolve as a soul and yes to have fun too. We designed this life as a soul,
before incarnated, free from the temptations of human life, of human desires,
and we did it with all of our Guides present. Taking on your life, all of it,
your wounds, your shortcomings, as well as your blessings is The Way; it is
your Path to enlightenment. That is the Tao.
How you tackle that is your choice. I teach both psychology and
spirituality. Spirituality, to me, means having an actual practice. A practice
that involves connecting to and listening to Spirit, to a Higher Power, to yourself
and your intuition and that requires some form of quiet, usually meditation.
Psychology is also a practice. You have to actually use the tools for it to
work. For those of you that prefer using a Spiritual Practice for your
evolution check out Pema Chodron’s book “Taking the Leap”. For those of you
interested in the principles and work of 12 Step, take a look at this
The word God is not for everyone and 12-Step practices use a Higher Power, not
Again, you have to use the tools for them to work.
Remember that 12-Step means working with a Higher Power.
Journey On
Dr. Marie
Life Path Healings, Yucaipa California
Dr. Marie
Life Path Healings, Yucaipa California
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