Working with Dark Entities

Working with Dark Entities

People just love entities. They are so much more fascinating than looking at the fact you might be selfish, or cruel. Yes they are real, there are many different kinds, and yes they cause real problems. (See link to an informative article at the end of this article.) I am more interested in how and why people pick up entities. Learning about those ideas can help you to detect and prevent entity attachment on yourself.  The ability to detect and remove entities on others, while an exciting and often dramatic skill (for new age people who love this kind of drama as opposed to chop wood, carry water ongoing work on the Self) simply removing an entity is typically not that beneficial in the long run if the source of why the entities were able to fasten in the first place is not addressed. This is a bit like Western medicine that treats symptoms with pills with dramatic “results” that produce often deadly long term side effects as opposed to holistic (body, mind, spirit) medicine that treats “cause” rather than suppress symptoms. If you work on “cause”, almost all entities begin to find their attachment repulsive and leave on their own rather like changing the environment so that parasites no longer find you or your energy field a delicious petri dish of “food”.

Most entities are experienced as mood disorders and/or physical problems, John of God has stated to protégés that work closely with him (before he turned himself in for abusing women sexually) that while his work looked like physical healings (people flew in from all over the world to see him) 90% of what he actually did was entity removal. And yes, then there is physical or emotional damage left from the entity (entities) that also needs cleaning up hence the follow up work needed. However, again, “cause” is not addressed. Why is that?

Some entities are related to karma, ancestral issues etc. Some can be from black magic however I have never seen black magic for real in the USA. Black magic takes a great deal of discipline and US citizens are too lazy for that. An entity, working through a human, can reach out and that can look like black magic, however an entity working through its human host is not the same as a human that has the skill, energy and discipline to work with darker forces. The majority of the entities I have encountered are “critters” and like all critters they “sniff out” environments that are friendly to them. Friendly environments are people with energetic cracks in their aura or energy field, people who are split meaning they have pushed themselves in two opposing directions (usually unconsciously), powerhouse energetic human beings who are distracted or are careless with self-care or who are being stalked by another entity.  There are many other examples but these are the most common.

People have a hard time looking at themselves. I find new age people have an even harder time as so many use the drama and excitement of new age stories and narratives as a way to deflect not only their feelings but as a way to avoid actual work. New age people say things like “I did all my rituals to get rid of _________________ (whatever the current story is)” and that is about as effective as religious people going through the motions of Hail Mary’s or confession with no investment of one’s energy.  People typically want a solution, just fix it. We see this in the fact that in the USA we are the largest consumers of prescription drugs in the world. Working on the cause of something is just that, work. In addition, if you choose to work on “cause” you will have to face the uncomfortable task of actually looking at yourself, at your part of why the situation exists and happened. Most people find this too uncomfortable especially if they have a big ego about being some kind of new age healer/teacher type.

The best way to remove entities is to shift your Self so you become a very uncomfortable environment for your entity. New age people like to say everything happens for a reason (but then don’t like to look at the reason!) so taking the approach of working with Source to shift your energy means you actually do examine “everything happens for a reason”. Your entity has something to teach you and simply removing it without learning the lesson attached means the lesson will come back to you in another form (for sure) and it also means you do not trust Source, you do not have faith that everything happens for a reason because you just want to get rid of the damn thing rather than cherish the learning of the lesson. When the entity leaves of its own accord, you will be finished with that lesson! It is like a graduation gift from that particular class given to you by Source to help you grow, learn and be stronger.

At Life Path Healings we do work on sensing and removing entities. When they are “ready to go” it is easy to give it a little help in leaving. We also work on feeling energy shifts in people as that helps to “feel” the timing of healthy and authentic entity removal. Students who work on learning this (some have an aptitude for it, some not) learn to not listen to the narrative or story the person (with the entity) is telling everyone, and telling his/herself and instead to sense, feel, perceive, see what is really going on.  This is not easy to do because most people work hard on their narratives, love to tell them, and insist on being heard and on being “right”. (So many people come for Readings and end up talking more about themselves than listening to me even when they say, or think, they have come to learn something new from a Teacher.) At Life Path Healings we always try to learn from every situation and to allow Source to teach us rather than insisting on “knowing” everything from a left brain “story” perspective. Dig deep. Accept what you are shown Surrender to the lessons.

Maharishi on How to deal with spirits, Squaw Valley, 1968
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Question: Tell us more about the spirits and is it possible for a
spirit to enter one and one not know it or one be by spirits and not
realize that it is happening?

MAHARISHI: Everything is possible, yes. But sure enough, those who
meditate, spirits don't come to them any more.

Question: Sometimes I feel spirits and I feel presences

MAHARISHI: Any time you feel the presence it it will be good to
find out, whether it is rooted in the inner activity of the system
anywhere - if there is any sensation in the body or something.
Whenever you feel something, some presence or some such thing, close
the eyes and feel the body and see if there is any sensation anywhere.

Maybe due to that particular type of sensation, some unwinding of that
particular type produces that hallucination, it may be that.

Hallucination, at the time of hallucination it is a very real
perception, only it does not exist. (laughter) Just like a dream. At
the time of dream it is very real. Only after that time we know that
it was a dream.

Now we'll verify whether it is a real spirit from outside trying to
influence us or whether it is some sort of unwinding from within and
due to that our vision is taking that form. Both could be a

How to verify? First we verify within ourself. When we see something -
close the eyes and very naturally, normally, innocently feel the body.
And if we are not feeling anything and if it is all quiet, feel that
quietness, maybe after a few seconds some sensation develops here. And
then be on it, be on it and feel it, feel it until the sensation goes
away and then open the eyes.

If the figure is yet standing before us without any sensation within
us, then continue to check for the second time. Close the eyes.
(laughter) Because before finalizing, better we check twice. And when
we have checked, maybe after a few seconds of silence again something
starts. We feel it and feel it until it is gone. And when it is gone
we wait for about a minute to see that it is not coming back again.

And when we don't see it again then we infer that it was due to some
inner unwinding of some sort of stress which was causing that type of
vision. There was nothing of outer spirits. We may verify this two,
three times.

And if we don't find anything inside, then we will think that
something is there of the outside value. Then we say "Come on, welcome
to you, we meet in the transcendent". (laughter) And then we start the
mantra and the mantra goes 'ding', 'ding', 'ding' (laughter). Because
if it is a spirit, real something, then it comes to us to find a
rescue in this body to refuge. This is a refuge for the spirit.

And then if we want to give it a refuge, then give it a refuge in
bliss consciousness. By the time he'll fly away thinking that we are
too big for him to be occupied. Just like a poor man, he can't take
courage to enter into a castle. He has to be a king, maybe of an other
castle, but he has to be a king to feel bold to step in.

Any spirit that might try to enter us would just stand outside and
wait and go away, feeling that it is too precious a castle to enter.
Therefore we don't feel afraid, we just either feel the body or take
the mantra and go deep and let it follow if it can. That is how we
meet the situation.

And there is absolutely no need to be afraid. Nothing, because these
spirits can't do anything to you unless you start accepting them -
positively or negatively. Negative acceptance is "Oh, he is coming, he
is coming, he is coming" (laughter) - fear. We are accepting it in
fear. This is negative acceptance.

We just don't take notice of them. And meditator's thought force, the
whole structure, the whole thing, is so precious that it can't be
occupied by these spirits. They are too confused in their structure...

...Question: Why spirits pick on some people and why not on others?

MAHARISHI: There is a proverb "Survival of the fittest" is the law
of nature. If there is some good, comfortable nervous system, good
soothing and the mind is weak, and intellect is dull, then in that
dull intellect, when the mind is not wide awake, a spirit may try to
come in.

The reason will be a good quality of nervous system and weak indweller
- beautiful body and weak indweller. The inner man who dwells in the
body and sometimes goes out of the body when the body is useless.

A house can only be entered by someone, who sees from outside "It
must be a good house, comfortable house". And the man who is living
there is so weak and he comes in and suppresses the man and turns him
out. Or for some time suppresses him, eats whatever is there in the
beautiful kitchen and rests in the beautiful bed. He uses the house,
goes away, leaves the house to that weak man. Some times he comes back
again and the weak man is suppressed.

For the body to be possessed ...(break of tape) ...this huge,
enormous, expanded mind can not be suppressed by any spirit. Because
the spirit itself is a very confused entity. Highly confused people
become spirits - a man, those who commit suicide or who have no
direction in life, completely confused and in that confusion the body
ceases to function and they die. Then they have not paved a way for
their where to go. They remain hovering in the atmosphere in the form
of spirits.

All these spirits want to have a comfortable place somewhere...

Journey On
Dr. Marie
Life Path Healings, Yucaipa California


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