Lying, lying by omission, lying to yourself, denial
Lying, lying by omission, lying to
yourself, denial.
Working with your Self, working to
help others, “lying” is one of the biggest obstacles. Lying can be subjective,
such as telling while lies to be “diplomatic” or to keep your job (or your spouse)
but lying can also be examined or confronted with evidence. Below are some (a very small sample) of
examples I experience. Details have been altered for privacy.
At least 10% (it used to be more)
people ask to work with me but also tell me they do not have money to work with
me (usually in an attempt to get some kind of free work) and then they go on
expensive vacations within a month. Why not say truthfully, “I have different
priorities and my money is going to vacations (or spas, or newer car etc.).
“I have no money and need a job and
cannot get a job.” I get this person a job a week later and the employer contacts
me to say the person does not want to work; that s/he has too many projects
(meaning she wants to do what she wants to do and have someone else pay her
bills?) to do and is only available to work 1.5 days per week (plus I am told
s/he is a slow, maybe lazy, worker…and I reached out for the favor). When I brought
this information to the person who needed the job, s/he felt “busted” and never
came back to classes etc. Oh year. S/he had been declaring to me how much s/he
wished she could do private work with me but had no money. A few months later
she was financially thriving but still never came back.
“I have to work and I hate my job.”
Turns out the spouse pays ALL the bills including many expensive recreational
toys. They make some “pocket” money for themselves, that’s it. Not only does
s/he not have to work, s/he definitely doesn’t have to work at a job s/he
“I came here to learn” and then uses
every opportunity to “teach” a class by “preaching” what s/he knows. Using
someone else’s venue to self-promote (I was told this is quite common in new
age “gatherings”).
Some other very common lies that are
lies to the self, not so easy to identify because the evidence is really not
there: “It’s fine with me if you sleep with other people.” “Yes I love making
love with you, it’s all good.” “No, s/he
is not using me; I like doing ____________________ for her/him.”
There are so many more examples. The
point is people lie, all the time. The
question of why this is true is a sociological and psychological question with
answers and research way too comprehensive for the scope of these short
articles. It is however a fact that
lying is an enormous waste of time sometimes taking 1-2 years in therapy (or at
Life Path Healings) to just get to a place of being honest with your Self and
being comfortable with who you are, ALL aspects of your beautiful perfectly
imperfect Self.
Denial is not lying. Denial is a term
meaning it is an area of the psyche that is currently completely blocked, so
blocked you don’t even know it is blocked and sometimes you don’t even know
there is an issue there (feelings, circumstances, events, memories etc.) that
IS blocked. A person does not know that
s/he was in denial until s/he comes out of denial. Coming out of denial is an
extraordinary shocking and often painful and definitely one of the most unforgettable
life events a person will ever have. No one can bring someone else “out of
denial”. You can point out evidence (drinking every day, getting beaten by your
spouse, etc.) and a person literally will not and cannot see the evidence until
they are “ready” and strong enough, and that is determined by Spirit, the
protector of your psyche and your emotional health. And when there is no evidence, such as
someone is covertly filled with rage or is narcissistic there is no way you can
address that; you have to leave it to Spirit (unless you are the therapist,
healer, Teacher etc.) and in the meantime trust your intuition, pay attention
to every subtle red flag, protect yourself with boundaries etc. and do not
doubt your own intuition about the red flags.
Lying by omission is definitely a
conscious choice and the tactic of preference by narcissistic, covertly
narcissistic, greedy, self-indulgent, self-absorbed self-centered people who
manipulate others to get what they want for themselves. Their ever present
orientation is to get the best options or themselves by manipulation their
stories and circumstances to obtain the best benefits out of every situation
and every person they know including, sadly their own children. One exception
are those with “secrets” who feel the need to constantly hide and use omission as
a kind of camouflage counting on the “social graces” of the culture to honor
their choice of unspoken, implied boundaries. This is often accomplished by a
great deal of silence, the use of humor, and/or changing the subject to deflect
away from sensitive or hidden subjects the person does not want to discuss.
Lying by omission is sometimes linked
to lying to yourself, when you have convinced yourself that your “story”, your
constructed narrative, is “real”. People talk themselves into realities that
will give them the best results. For example if you present well as a victim,
you can find others that will buy your story and (hopefully) will jump in to
rescue you with resources, or attention. Fortunately in this situation a trained observational
person (therapist, Teacher etc.) can always find ways to document and extract
enough real evidence, over time, about this kind of lying to the self and will
be able to eventually present this evidence to the person (client or student)
so s/he can see, “get”, what s/he is doing. This takes time and regular ongoing sessions
and most of all the courage (because there is usually quite a bit of blow back)
and intuitive timing of the trained person helping to bring this kind of
essential material up. It also takes the commitment of the student/client not
to leave, to bail out because this kind of self-growth can be uncomfortable to
the ego especially.
No self-growth or Spiritual Practice survives
lying to the Self or image manipulation to the public. Unfortunately most
trained people are reluctant or even afraid to confront someone they are
working with, with this kind of material due cultural restrictions, out of date
psychological training, but perhaps most of all, fear of losing a client or
student (lost income). Also, some trained professionals cannot handle the
blowback that often accompanies this kind of work (especially as opposed to “being
positive”, hugging, encouraging, nurturing and other “I will make you feel good
so I feel good” choices.
Lying to yourself is a kind of
denial, however it truly is not denial; denial is a completely hidden issue or
insight. When you are lying to yourself you will hear yourself telling yourself
“stories” about who you are (“Oh I am secretive because I am a Scorpio”), how
your day is going, why you made the choices you made. In fact one of the
signatures of people lying to themselves is their compulsion to (always) “tell
you who they are.” A woman does not enter a room and declare I am a woman; it
is obvious and it is also an accepted part of that woman’s identity. Whenever
someone has to tell you how you should perceive them, beware. Be careful here
because covert narcissists will deliberately manage their presentation and most
are psychology experts as they get through life by manipulating the perceptions
of others and they do this through deliberate presentations of their façade. So
if someone does not “declare who s/he is” do not take that as “sign”, you still
have to look at the whole picture. Covert narcissists will let you do the
talking so they can learn more about you quickly in order to more effectively
manipulate you to get what they want from you.
Again, this is a complex and deep
subject barely addressed in a short article. If you want to commit to self and soul
evolution you will have to learn a level of honesty that is not practiced by
muggles (the general population). How do you do this? One of the simplest ways
is attending 12-Step meetings as honesty is built into that culture of recovery
and growth. People who lie to themselves typically detest 12-Step meetings.
Other than that, you will have to find someone to work with who asks you tough
questions rather than simply hugs and affirms you. The latter you can get
anywhere these days. You will have to be willing to feel very uncomfortable and
vulnerable at times (read Bene Brown and look at her TED talk) and you will
have to be willing to be open to discovering who you really are and be less
invested in “proclaiming” who you are to other people or even your Self.
Journey On
Dr. Marie
Life Path Healings Yucaipa,
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