The Art of Arguing
The Art of Arguing In many cultures, arguing is a form of affection. Middle Eastern, Armenian, Italian, etc. will treat you with cold un-engaged politeness if you are a stranger of no concern. If you are “family”, someone loved and cherished, you will be engaged in arguments followed by respect and often hugs. For those of you who have never traveled, been around diversity, or studied sociology and/or social psychology this is probably a foreign concept. Arguing even when it is not part of the culture and enjoyed, is actually a natural part of life and healthy intimate relationships, even animals argue and bicker. Dysfunctional families keep secrets and there are no arguments, only the silence of keeping secrets until that builds up to rage. Instead of healthy arguments, using rage and the fear (and violence) that rage creates, ensures that the secrets will continue to be kept. There are many wonderful books on how to have healthy arguments with no rage, no fear and no below th...