Addicted to "getting it"

Addicted to “Getting” It

Following Guidance, so many “new age” people do this after a lovely conversation, that they “understand” with (so-called) guides that talked to them (in words or “signs” that are easily and immediately understood) so that there is no anxiety of having to follow the next steps (because you “understand” them),  usually to get what you want. This is not Faith. These are not the stories in the bible, the Koran, the Talmud, the I-Ching, etc.  Westerners are addicted to understanding, to “getting” it.  

“Getting” it, gaining understanding, is a key component of modern psychology and it definitely has benefits. One way to change is to gain understanding either through a Teacher, a therapist, a nutritionist, a personal trainer, reading research, etc.  You can use that understanding to then implement change, which in some cases will change your energy because you implemented change you understood. However, many people gain understanding and use it as a way to be stuck in their inaction, their fear of taking action, of making different choices. Think about how many people “know” how to eat right, exercise, to not jump into bed with the “wrong” people. Now think about how many of those people put their understanding into action in their lives. I think you see the point here.

You can use understanding to get stuck.  Everything has a double edge, light and dark, yin and yang and the art of living is a moving form of balance. Some people demand (of themselves, others, even of Spirit) to be “given” (not work for it themselves) understanding before they will take action. As if being given “understanding” will somehow be a kind of protection or guarantee of success especially without having to work for it other than “asking your guides”. Let me know how that goes. That kind of errant thinking has become the mainstay of providing the new age and motivational trillion dollar industries with an endless supply of income. Paying lots of money to listen to, or participating in a workshop where you create a “narrative” be it early childhood or that you are a descendant from Atlantis as a way to  “understand” why you behave the way you do and why your life is going down a street you don’t like can feed your ego, left brain, and imagination for a few decades. Best of all, if you are busy creating a narrative, you don’t’ have to take risks because the narrative can only exist within the confines of your current paradigm, your current boundaries of your own imagination. If you are using words, you are using your left brain end of story. So you are “understanding” only what you already understand, maybe with a new twist, like the adorable stories we love to tell about children’s explanation of how the world works. You are the children, and Spirit listens and talks to you like you are four because you have made it clear that is all you are willing to handle or accept. You insist your guidance talks to you. You demand a narrative that “explains”. This is not bad in and of itself. This is how most people begin on a path of either self-growth or a spiritual path. It is a fine beginning, but if you are still there a decade later, well, how is that working for you?  Some of you have a mellow life path, so you can stay with this method forever as your trail in this life is not that challenging and your Soul Evolution this life is more about recovery and rest than evolution.

For those of you who are getting whooped with moods, finances, physical challenges etc.  or have made some major mistakes (and lost a business, or mate, or family members) and have tried therapy, read every alternative book there is on religion, meditation, and food and you still seem to be repeating the same patterns maybe with a slightly different twist (this one used to be an alcoholic, but he’s not drinking now, this diet is the one, etc) you  are usually the ones who (finally) turn to a higher version of Spirit, a version that does not primarily Teach with words and stories.  If you are one of those who is stuck, it is time to give up understanding. To work with Source, you will need to allow yourself to be led, step by step, to a place beyond your current cognition, paradigm, or even your imagination. This will take Faith (you have no “getting it” or understanding when using Faith), and the courage to follow what you are given by Faith. All religious scriptures, of all religions, are filled with these stories. Why? To give you courage because it is both terrifying and amazing to live with Higher Guidance, and to develop both the courage and the skill to work with Faith. Faith is only transmitted by the language of energy, just like deep art. There is no understanding in the beginning, just a “sense” of something, of your heart being touched, of your soul being moved, somehow. IF you are meant to “understand” anything, it will be granted to you, at a much later date. After your energy field has been changed, shifted, so you now have the capacity to receive this new material that you previously could neither make sense of nor handle until after you were changed by the experiences Source took you through step by step, in Faith. Now the “understanding” part is completely irrelevant because you have changed so much (like the world is flat, no it is round) that it doesn’t even interest you to “get it” because you now ARE IT. Hard to explain this with words here.

If you are working with Source you will not be working with language, nor will you be working with “oh, I get it” before you are required to take action. If your “guides” are talking to you with words, giving you a narrative you can immediately understand, they are lower level energies, like sharing with good friends who are intuitive and smart, but it is not Source. With Source you will be required to step forward in Faith and you will not be able to explain your actions (to either yourself or others) until the series required for new learning is complete. Any “insight” you need to gain will be given to you via hindsight, sometimes even a year or two later but never before you are making changes. Sometimes you will not need an “I got it “story at all.  If you are not working with a (human) Teacher who actually handles Spiritual Energies (which means s/he has an actual Spiritual Practice), if you are not practicing sobriety (including the sacred ceremonial drugs which are meant to be a tool, not a lifestyle) you might have a tough time getting started on this Path.  To get started you will have to change “I got it” to “I don’t know yet” in order to be open to Guidance from Source. You will have to refrain from making up narratives to explain or justify your actions or feelings or precognitions. You will have to be able to accept step-by-step Guidance in place of a narrative. Only by working with Source can you be taken to places beyond your imagination, beyond your limited “intend and manifest” from your current imagination.

Journey On


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