Proving yourself to your Teacher
Proving Yourself to your Teacher
In the American culture we work hard to show what we know. It is demanded that employees, bosses,
students “know” information. You are asked to “prove” yourself over and over
again and have to jump through hoops to do so. You are taught to stand your
ground, prove you are “right” sometimes you even need to “take over” to show
you are “ready”. This is the excessive yang energy of the culture. But you are
made of both yin and yang energies. The work I teach in the tradition of my
Teacher emphasizes the responsibilities and compassionate and considerate
behaviors of this current life on Earth, as well as cultivating and developing
a stronger ability to follow the Guidance of Above. It is learning to live
balancing yang and yin energies, both. It is quite a challenge. You have to
learn to be soft and open while holding your ground in your Earth duties. You
have to learn information and knowledge for your work life and raising
children, pets, etc. and then be willing to work with Spirit and your Teacher
(if you are blessed to have one) with a Beginner’s Mind (a Zen concept, google
it if you are interested). Your Earth life often requires logic and
assertiveness to win and hold your positions. Your Spiritual work will take you
down the path of contradictions because you simply cannot learn until your energy
shifts, and what it takes to shift your energy will later completely contradict
what you were first “taught.” In case you haven’t noticed, this is often how
life itself works.
Therapy often goes this way. For example, you have no boundaries
so you are working on them now. You will find yourself encouraged, even pushed,
until you learn them, practice them. Now you set them, typically too hard, too
fast. You might become arrogant, “right”, and even defensive. Now you are
counseled to back off and soften, to keep your focus on you and you accuse your
therapist of being confusing, contradictory, not knowing what s/he is doing
etc. But as you are the one getting counseled, you have no understanding of the
process and the person guiding you has no obligation to explain to you
something that you cannot yet understand because you are in the process of
learning about it, and you do not have the decades of training and experience
to grasp the understanding even if you were told the explanation. You will be
unable to hear it because you do not have the context, yet, sometimes with
children they literally do not have the neural development to grasp the
concept. In energy work, your energy field may not be developed enough to in
any way grasp what is going on or even why or what is happening. It will feel
like a muddle. It might feel like you are being attacked because you are filled
with fear, fear of the unknown.
This is why one can stay with a Teacher for decades. The learning
goes from one opposite to the other, to teach you to find the middle while you
experience the extremes. You learn balance. Every time you take a Spiritual
step forward, your entire world of balance will change again. You will again
swing from one extreme to another until you find a new level of balancing.
Balance is not static. It is a work of art; it is not one answer or one new
behavior. Your Teacher will always have
something new to show you, unless you have decided you have learned all you can
from your Teacher, and then it is time to move on. How can you be sure your
decision to move on is coming from Guidance instead of left brain reasoning, or
your wounded self instead of Guidance (a very common occurrence)? There is no simple answer to this; it will be
trial and error. If you are working with a True Teacher, they will take you
back, even if you leave for ten years, even if you try to bring them down
(which has happened so many time with my own Teacher, which was painful to
Working with a True Teacher is not for everyone. It is extremely
challenging, much more so than working by yourself, or declaring yourself a “teacher”
of some sort, in some area, after a year or so of “experiences” and “working
directly with Your guides as they talk to you in the shower”. There is nothing wrong with practicing what
you have learned from the moment your learn it. And there are plenty of people
who will pay for “classes” with someone who has one or two years of experience.
That is a different Path than the Eastern traditions. In the Eastern traditions
you have a Teacher for life. All the Teachers in the Eastern tradition still
have their own Teacher even if they themselves are in their 70’s or 80’s (check
out Pema Chodron, and my Teacher as well). You are encouraged to “practice”
with others, to help others as a helper, not a “teacher”. You never assume you
are a Teacher unless specifically asked and supported to do so, by your own
Teacher, not by “signs” or dreams that you have decided have “shown you” you
have a “gift” and “should be” “teaching”.
For those of you bristling right now, none of this is criticism. It is
simply a different Spiritual practice than the Eastern and older traditions
which includes the work and teachings offered at Life Path Healings. And the practices
of these thousands of years old traditions may simply not be for you.
If your Teacher is asking for your fortune, or your sexuality, or
behaving in any manner that feels like a “cult” to you, of course step away and
observe in a way that feels safe for you. Other than conditions that truly
threaten your safety, expect to sometimes feel unsafe with a True Teacher. Your
energy field itself will be challenged. In all fields of science including
quantum (energy), stress is ALWAYS needed for any change, good or bad, any
growth. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction ~ Newton’s
Third Law. Your left brain, your emotional child, your dark arrogant self, your
wounded manipulative self, your “I don’t need or want anybody” self, etc. WILL
at some point, and more than once, be challenged. How to slow down your development if you are
working with a True Teacher: Spend your time analyzing your Teacher and how
s/he is teaching and whether or not s/he is “saying it the right way” “getting
the facts wrong” etc. Take a defensive stand
with your Teacher and justify your words, reactions, choices, behaviors, etc. Use
your energy to “explain” to your Teacher what you are “really thinking” and
what “really happened” (because your Teacher obviously got it wrong) when you
are told something or shown something by your Teacher, instead of simply
immersing your Self in your own lessons, analysis of your own reactions,
choices, actions and behaviors, and be willing to feel your feelings until
something deeper is revealed to you after a bit of time. Being receptive is
scary for most people in America. They associate it with being a loser, a
doormat, giving up, losing control. Waiting, to see what develops, what is
revealed, is something not familiar in America. Instead, you thrash, and in your
thrashing often lash out, or spend a great deal of time with like-minded people
discussing your “story” and why you are “right”. When this happens (not
everyone goes through this to this degree), your Teacher will have to back off
and simply leave you alone. You are thrashing. When people are in the thrashing
stage of learning (and not everyone goes through this stage), there is no room
for learning. Your teacher is not “punishing” you or “ignoring” you. There is
absolutely no way to engage when a person is thrashing. Your Teacher needs to
let you thrash, while holding his/her own space as a Teacher.
If you would like a very detailed journaled account of a Westerner’s
experience of studying with an Eastern Master and engaged in profound work with
the energies of Spirit and true Soul Evolution, read the book Daughter of Fire.
If you want to “prove” yourself to a Teacher from any of the Eastern traditions,
you will have to be willing to “wait and see” and many times for one or two
years if the Spiritual leap you are currently taking is a profound one, not a
small adjustment in a step forward. You will have to be willing to “trust” as
you wait and see, without attacking, without making yourself right, using your logical left
brain to try and make sense of something that is currently “unacceptable” to
your analysis of what is wrong with your Teacher or what was said or how it was
said or the timing of when it was said (the list is endless). You will have to choose
to be Spiritually soft, keep your Beginner’s Mind, be willing to “not know” and
not have a “story”, and if you decide to leave and then come back you will need
to be able to get over your ego especially if you left in a huff or perhaps
even acted against your Teacher in word and/or deed (as I have observed
happening in many Paths, and with my own Teacher).
At Life Path Healings, as with the work and Path of my own Teacher
(both Leong and Wong Loh) no one is endorsed as a Teacher unless you hear that
directly from the Teacher. My Teachers (of over 30 years) guide and advise me
in my current work and know my work and situations at Life Path Healings. This
is the tradition and discipline of this Practice. There are many Paths. The
Eastern esoteric path of Mystery and Service may not be for you. At Life Path Healings, some students practice
helping others. They give “readings”, teach crystals, act as a medium etc. Some
charge money, others simply give. Have fun. Learn. Help others while you learn
and help your Self. Do use discretion regarding any choices you make regarding
whom you practice with or “work” with and do not assume anyone has been
endorsed in any manner even if they claim to be. This is something we had to go
through with my Teacher as well, people proclaiming themselves to be some kind
of representative when they were not and written warnings were sent to all people
coming to study as students as part of the “new comers” packet, until it
finally died down. If you have any questions about a particular person, do not
hesitate to ask questions at Life Path Healings regarding that person and their
Journey On with an Open Heart. Be Soft for in softness there is great strength.
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