Ghosting Your Spiritual Teacher
Ghosting Your Spiritual Teacher
In the Eastern Traditions, one never
leaves his/her Teacher. Pema Chodron stayed with her Teacher until his death,
and then sought out another even though she was already a world renowned famous
author and persona, and by the way, her Teachers were not. In other words, she
was “better”, more famous even, then her Teachers yet she, gasp, stayed! In the
USA, ambition tends to rule, not development and growth. And ambition often is
translated into climbing onto the backs of others or even kicking down the ones
that helped you, not always because of meanness and new-age ambition, sometimes
from deep seated, even unconscious, insecurity. If you are insecure, you see
threats and competition where there is none and like a frightened animal will
lash out at others, causing harm, rather than seeing others as colleagues.
Secure people trust their Path and Guidance and feel secure enough in the world
to be able to communicate with others rather than blame or run away and stonewall.
Many adolescents feel the need to rebel or act out against parents as a way to
form a definition of self. They seek to prove what they are “not” when in fact
they don’t know who they “are”. For an immature person, taking action against
someone, lashing out or “punishing” the person by ghosting or stonewalling can
produce a “high” which is used to subdue their fear and insecurities. The
alternative to this dysfunctional choice is to move forward into the unknown
future with support and communication with others. This also means you have to
be willing to feel your feelings (and communicate them) which can be terrifying
(which is why so many make the dysfunctional choice). Taking healthy steps
forward and keeping communications open means
facing and taking responsibility for your next steps rather than seeking out the
dysfunctional emotional rewards of lashing out against another to create an
emotional diversion for yourself by blaming someone or making them bad in order
to escape your own internal fears and insecurities.
A Spiritual Teacher is not someone
who simply supports you with positive feedback or lectures telling you what to
believe. Your Teacher challenges you so you can find your truth, your center,
and teaches you to own your learning and knowledge. This is often referred to
as the Socratic method of teaching. In a nutshell, the Socratic method is
questioning a person or sometimes “turning the tables” to see if what one
believes or believes s/he has learned can withstand scrutiny. While this can be
done verbally, it is even more effective when your Teacher creates situations
for you so that you have a challenge to work through. By working through a
challenge, Students learn what is true for them. They learn to not only trust
their Truth but to also become able to stand by their beliefs in strength
rather than hide their secrets and insecurities in shame. When a person has unhealthy
shame, s/he holds their beliefs (opinions, and choices) in secret, ashamed to
admit to them or own them and instead of behaving honestly and in a straightforward
manner, s/he engages in manipulative and ultimately hostile and even vindictive
behaviors. In psychology this is termed passive aggressive behavior (look it up
if you think this is you) and it is a bear to identify and overcome, even for a
trained therapist. Spirituality is not just knowledge, it requires a
practice. Your practice will increase
your intuition and also the Guidance you receive. Following Guidance takes
strength. Therefore your Spiritual Teacher has an obligation to develop your
strength so you can live your practice and keep up the discipline of your
practice even when life is challenging you, or you just get bored and lazy. If
you cannot even speak up to your Spiritual Teacher who Loves you and defend or explain
your actions or choices, you are either still shame based or need more work to
strengthen your Center and your connection to Self and Spirit.
If you leave your Teacher without a
conversation about leaving, if you leave with silence or hostility, you can bet
you are coming from shame, fear and hostility. Ghosting, like stonewalling,
doesn’t work. Both of these feed shame and are ultimately hostile. When you
feel good about your choice you have no problem expressing yourself without
being defensive or hostile, and have no desire to force others to agree with or
even support you. To be able to be “you”, to express yourself, and not feel
threatened about reactions from others or opinions from others, to not hide
your thoughts or choices in order to avoid conflict or look good, that is
strength! To be able to love and differentiate,
love and hold different beliefs, love and tolerate differences, without feeling
the need to hide or leave is not only the earmark of psychological maturity, it
is an absolute necessity for any person who wishes to be “awakened” and on a
Path, with a Practice. In fact, it is the honest strength needed for any
intimate relationship be it a mate or dear friend and it is essential if one is
to be intimate with the Self and therefore Spirit.
If you have or had a Spiritual Teacher
and left that Teacher ghosting or stonewalling instead of speaking and seeking closure
about moving on and especially if you have done so while self-declaring
yourself to now be a so-called teacher/healer/channeler etc., or you have
decided you now know more than your Teacher and have “outgrown” him or her (after
short period of study) you can count on being deep in a life lesson. To grow
and evolve on a Spiritual Path never involves self-declaration of your “amazing-ness”
(often called “a gift”) especially if you are succumbing to the adoration of surrounding fans who are basically on the same
level of development (or less) than you. This is in fact, a typical start up
pattern of cults. Self-declarations
without the courage to speak about it to your Teacher can be considered a red
flag not only regarding your ego desires running rampant, but a lack of integrity
and personal strength. Your choice to
stonewall or ghost is an indicator of deep inner weaknesses and shame. Spiritual growth and evolution is not just
about pursuing a “career” or seeking out recognition as a “spiritual somebody”,
it also means to look at and confront dysfunctional behaviors. If you don’t choose
to look at your dysfunctional behaviors, believe this: Life (and your Guides ) will definitely make
you pay attention. You can only work with the level of Spiritual Energy you can
handle. If you cannot face communicating with people who are or have been
important to you in your Life, what makes you think you are strong enough to
handle evolved Energies as opposed to lower Energetic Beings who are posing,
looking for an easy feed off of people who live in fear.
Journey On
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