Doing Good and Feeling Good: The Balance
Doing Good and Feeling Good: The Balance It is important to do things for ourselves that “feel” good. Play, physical joy such as making love, eating, meditations and Yoga are all food for the Soul for sure. Getting and giving complements, affirmations, and support are also good, and they feel good, both giving them and receiving them. “Doing good” for others, working at a soup kitchen, cleaning up trash, all of these activities can also be good for the Soul. However, as in all things on Earth, balance is key. The pursuit of happiness, out of balance, can become a habit to avoid deep issues, personal growth, Spiritual Evolution. Life on Earth is duality, Spirit encased in flesh, Yin and Yang, light and dark. Growth is always paired with violence and destruction. The seed shell cracks for the baby plant to emerge, the female has contractions for a baby to be born, the caterpillar sheds its skin at least five times before turning into soup inside of a chrysalis to emerge with not...