Living as a Soul

"What should I do?"  "What is my Purpose?"  I hear these questions in Readings almost all the time.  To me this is like asking "will I win the marathon?"  How does an answer to this question help in any way? Isn't it all about how we run the race and if we are having any fun doing it or if  we are taking good care of our self while doing it? Will knowing you will win make you train more.... or less? Will knowing change your attitude?  If you are told you will lose, doesn't that ruin the fun of training and entering and running the race?  When we want to know this information, it often implies that if we know the result, we (the human "I")  will somehow handle the details better than handling it living moment to moment, in partnership with our Guidance from Spirit and our Higher Soul Self. When we prioritize knowing the results as more important than the experience itself, this dishonors our original Spiritual agreement to come here and journey in a body so we can shift our Soul energy and evolve. Do you really think you can screw up enough to "miss" your Life Purpose?  Do you really think you are so evolved you can handle knowing your Life Purpose ahead of time?  If you were, or are able to handle this information, why did you come down here to do it?  Do you ask to know every detail of the roller coaster ride before you get in the car and buckle up? NO! Because that would take most of the fun out the ride. I mean really..... time to lighten up.

Our work is to enjoy the ride and let the journey change us as a Soul. That is why we chose to incarnate..... to experience and to be affected by the experience.  Having kids changes you-- forever. Reading about having children does not.  When we are a ball of light, we cannot have children and be changed by the experience....that is why we come into a physical body. So why get Readings?  Why have a spiritual practice?  Good questions.  We are all on a spiritual path. Just like gravity, we don't have to believe in it for it to exist. Some of us are here to get drunk, have kids, commit crimes, keep a crappy job for 20 years, be rich and famous..... without much consciousness. Nothing wrong with those journeys. By the time we leave Earth for good, we will all have had lives like that. However some of us are here to live more consciously and with more self awareness. This does not necessarily make us more evolved, smarter, better etc. That is all Earth plane ego nonsense. It just means we chose to be awake for this particular operation.  Which by the way can make the lifetime quite a bit more complicated.... being awakened rather than numbed out or distracted.

Which is why many do seek out a Spiritual Practice or Discipline. Because it is so much more complicated to be awakened while journeying on Earth.  Does everyone need a Spiritual Practice?  Let me ask you this... does everyone need to eat organic ?  No. It is a choice, with obvious benefits but it also changes one's lifestyle and often relationships. I have people who find me distastefully high maintenance because I don't smoke .... anything... or drink, and I eat organic and many people have ended their association with me because of my choices. And I have ended association with folks because their house is filled with second hand smoke which makes me sick. These are not "I'm better than you" or "I am more evolved" measurements, they are simply choices. And we all get to make choices.

Having a Spiritual Practice or Discipline does not necessarily make the alcoholism go away, or end an abusive relationship, or increase your prosperity. What it does do is change one from victim to warrior. We embrace our journey, and start to use Spirit to better navigate the trail.  For example, if you are snorkeling in the Bahamas, and Spirit lets you know that it is time to climb a mountain, you can ditch the snorkel gear and get some mountain climbing equipment, a walking stick and hire a Sherpa. Without guidance, you will still climb the mountain however there is a good chance you will show up for mountain climbing in a bathing suit and fins.... making the journey much more challenging.

When we have a Spiritual Practice, we often still struggle with alcohol, relationships, repairing childhood damage etc. What changes is that we now have an understanding that while healing and growing, we look at the learning that is being presented to us rather than just focusing on blame and being a victim. Now we can look at a Purpose just like we would look at a trail map, with a bit of detachment and with the idea of taking on the Journey rather than trying to simply avoid pain or confusion which is part of every journey.  So as one tries again for the 14th time to lose weight, or is once again breaking up with someone not good for us, we are also aware of what we are learning and not just looking for the next "soul mate" or diet. When we focus on what we are learning, and on filling our self up with Spirit we will find we move through lessons more quickly, and repeat the same lessons less and less. Also, instead of working alone on giving up or stopping certain habits (bad relationships, self destructive choices) we choose to focus on filling our Self up with Spirit. Being in daily relationship with Spirit allows us to surrender to the power of Spirit which can better push out our clinging to the old bad choices. When we are filled with Spiritual Guidance, there is little room for the co-existence of  self destructive choices. We are left with the challenges of the Path minus decisions that make the journey harder-- like showing up for mountain climbing with snorkel gear.  We shift from "I" have to change to "I choose to handle this situation with action Guided by my partnership with Spirit."  We seek Guidance before acting. We tune it before analyzing.  To do this we need to build up our relationship with Spirit via a daily practice in order have the discipline to be connected to Spirit even under pressure. Our Practice also gives us the courage to then follow the Guidance we are given !  It is a whole new way to live life. It is not a choice for everyone. And this choices does not make you "better"...... just different.

Live as a Soul. Adopt a Spiritual Practice. Then Readings can help you read your trail map so you can Journey on, to learn, not to get results coming from ego, greed, fear, or old bad habits.

Locally in Yucaipa CA-- you can Journey with Dr Marie  Wednesdays 6:30 pm and Thursdays 10 am. $20 for 2 hour group sessions with energy and meditation.  RSVP by Tues 6 pm required. Late RSVP's require you get confirmation from Dr Marie.

Journey On


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