The Tao of Life Path Healings
It is a rare blessing to find and study with an exemplary, masterful Teacher especially for Spiritual Warriors. The writings of Pema Chodron and her presentations on teaching Spiritual Warriors mirror what I have experienced with my Teacher. The great love of a Teacher invested in the spiritual growth of the student above and beyond any need to make people “feel good.” The great love of a Teacher who is willing and able to tolerate with loving detachment the often explosive reactions of a student, and a Teacher who never gives up on a student. These characteristics model a tradition that I present at Life Path Healings. The path of a Spiritual Warrior is not for everyone. Hopefully the Pema Chodron material presented here, which so beautifully expresses my Path and tradition, will give you a clear picture and help you decide if The Way of Life Path Healings is for you. These are excerpts from: The Spiritual Friend: Pema Chodron . If you love this material, you ...