
Showing posts from May, 2016

The Tao of Life Path Healings

It is a rare blessing to find and study with an exemplary, masterful Teacher especially for Spiritual Warriors. The writings of Pema Chodron and her presentations on teaching Spiritual Warriors mirror what I have experienced with my Teacher. The great love of a Teacher invested in the spiritual growth of the student above and beyond any need to make people “feel good.” The great love of a Teacher who is willing and able to tolerate with loving detachment the often explosive reactions of a student, and a Teacher who never gives up on a student. These characteristics model a tradition that I present at Life Path Healings.  The path of a Spiritual Warrior is not for everyone. Hopefully the Pema Chodron material presented here, which so beautifully expresses my Path and tradition, will give you a clear picture and help you decide if The Way of Life Path Healings is for you.  These are excerpts from: The Spiritual Friend: Pema Chodron . If you love this material, you ...

Living as a Soul

"What should I do?"  "What is my Purpose?"  I hear these questions in Readings almost all the time.  To me this is like asking "will I win the marathon?"  How does an answer to this question help in any way? Isn't it all about how we run the race and if we are having any fun doing it or if  we are taking good care of our self while doing it? Will knowing you will win make you train more.... or less? Will knowing change your attitude?  If you are told you will lose, doesn't that ruin the fun of training and entering and running the race?  When we want to know this information, it often implies that if we know the result, we (the human "I")  will somehow handle the details better than handling it living moment to moment, in partnership with our Guidance from Spirit and our Higher Soul Self. When we prioritize knowing the results as more important than the experience itself, this dishonors our original Spiritual agreement to come here and j...