Suicidal -- the dilemma
"Razors pain you, Rivers are damp, Acids stain you, And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful, Nooses give, Gas smells awful. You might as well live" Résumé by Dorothy Parker.
These days, with mandated reporters,woe to the poor person who declares s/he might have a suicidal thought. You will be confiscated, confined, medicated and more. Even though mainstream psychology absolutely knows that it is better to vent, to speak, to share, rather than internalize intense disturbing feelings apparently certain feelings have been labeled dangerous and must be lassoed at all costs.
Yet it is okay, in fact considered normal, for the majority of society to daily and publicly engage in suicidal behaviors..... such as eating into obesity, smoking cancer sticks, functional alcoholism, prescription drug over use (see the stats on death by prescription overdose), disconnected sexual encounters, using toxic chemicals in the home and garden.... and so much more. What if you are one of those awakened healthy people, self aware, educated (self, not necessarily school) living in a sea of the walking dead. Wouldn't you feel like you wanted to die? When society has gone crazy, the sane are now considered crazy....the anomalies to a mad paradigm (see one of my favorite movies-- King of Hearts -- Summary).
Mainstream pathology and drug driven psychology has only some studies on the effect of a malfunctioning culture on emotions (most studies are prescription drug driven studies). A stunning example was a declaration that took centuries acknowledging that depression among Native Americans "might" be related to the complete destruction of their culture and loss of their homeland ( Another of many examples, decades ago, Drapetomania was listed as an official psychiatric disorder of black slaves because for some strange reason, slaves had an obsessive desire to be free. In the sixties, wives, prisoners, and black "domestics" were medicated (Valium), given electric shock therapy and lobotomies so they would be more docile and less dissatisfied with their role in life. And there are many other examples. In industrialized nations, the mainstream answer to discontent, despair, or a feeling of hopelessness is some kind of remediation to bring those not in the ruling paradigm back into the "fold," usually drugs and/or some kind of behavior modification to get folks to accept the current cultural norms. Don't get me wrong-- there are many wonderful tools I use from psychology. This is simply a call out to all of those who are different, awakened, and sickened by so much of what we see, feel, and perceive. It can be overwhelming.
There is a great deal of discussion about Indigo, Crystal, Star, Children. This might be a little new-agey for some. However the reality is, some of us adults who currently work as psychics or healers, were little kids at some point-- living with intuitive, psychic and other inter-dimensional talents. We had to cope, usually alone, with the sometimes painful or overwhelming hyper awareness those gifts can bring. My mother was a gifted one in an era that did not recognize or discuss those traits. As adults we inhabit this earth trying to fit in as we watch the majority of the population (muggles and mundanes..... and no Hogwarts as a refuge) daily abuse themselves, the earth and living creatures that are on earth. Sensing the daily acceptable suicidal behaviors and sufferings of society can be sensory overload for many intuitively gifted people. I am sure it must have been unbearable for some people in slave owner families who could sense and feel what was happening to humans being treated as property and were powerless to do much as it was the accepted norm. And having feelings for slaves was considered abnormal or perhaps even mentally ill. The same for some settlers watching the genocide of the gorgeous cultures of Native American nations.
When you can hear the thoughts of animals, it is hard to be around pet owners who lie to you about how they care for their fur person. The animals know you can hear and understand them, but there is no way to get through to the owners (without being committed). Try riding horses with people whose horses are in pain and are telling you, but the owner is oblivious. Be at a party filled with chronic over eaters, mind altering poison filled chemical foods and mood altering alcohol knowing the side effects are slow suicide, and yet you are expected to smile, chat, participate and not notice, comment or intervene in clearly identified self destructive behavior. However, try expressing your sadness, depression, upset, occasional feelings of hopelessness and see if the system doesn't come crashing down on you.
Depression is normal. Suicidal thoughts are normal, if you are an awakened light being. It is challenging to find your way in a dysfunctional society especially if you are resistant to participating in the the daily suicidal norms that are not only acceptable but expected. It can also be lonely. Therapists often warn people that when they start to get healthy and mature, it can become a bit lonely as so many people are not emotionally healthy (as evidenced by government statistics on prescription drug pill popping.) If you add to this mix that you are an intuitive, and spiritual (in a country that is religious but not spiritual), it can be very lonely, and sad, indeed.
If you are living well (good eating, exercise, spiritual practice-- or at least trying in these areas) but have suicidal feelings (as opposed to the current accepted norm of thinking you are feeling well however committing daily acts of suicide), you will have some difficulty finding ways of getting help without getting reported or medicated. But don't give up. Help can be found and we cannot always do it alone. It is essential to have a Spiritual practice to survive if you have talents and if you have had a tough childhood (often the case with gifted people -- that is another article), you cannot ignore that history. It must be healed at some point, the sooner the better. Go on Meetup and find a local spiritual or meditation group so you can have some company. If you are a grown up Indigo, Crystal, Star child you will have to find your "people" and create your social milieu. It is not the current norm. Please do not stuff or deny your feelings but do be careful where you share your despair; it will not in general be understood or accepted and mandated reporters must comply.
Dr. Marie is officially an educational consultant (PhD Health
Psychology), is not a mandated reporter and is not licensed (on
purpose), therefore has no legal reporting obligations to any
controlling agency. See MarieFeuer.Org for more information and current reviews.
Dr. Marie offers classes, private work session and ongoing monthly work. Dr. Marie has decades of solid training in earth plane psychology (after all, we are currently incarnated on this planet) including addictions, sexual dysfunction, depression, obsessive behaviors, family systems and more. Since the 1970's she has trained and practiced in numerous esoteric healing arts including past life bleed through issues, life between lives, shamanic journeys, inter-dimensional healings, recovery from government mind control abductions, and more. She is your guide to functioning in the mundane world no matter what has happened to you, or what gifts and talents you are living with. Pet readings and rehabilitation are also available. Work can be done in person (Yucaipa CA) at Life Path Healings, via phone, Skype (video) and monthly work is primarily done via email (writing is an important part of the process).
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