How many Ways to have Sex ?
Sex-- a cheap trick to get attention. But somehow related to learning and growing and soul evolution. Sex, sexual desires and practices are all so very personal, and change during our life time. Sometimes it changes by the minute. So does how we learn, grow and evolve. Learning has no one way, no one answer, and it is a relationship. In sex, the relationship is between a partner or partners, and in learning is a relationship with your current Teacher.
Everyone can be our teacher.... however not everyone has a Spiritual Teacher in his/her lifetime. We are all here for different reasons.... each lifetime. Like sex, some of us are here to have lots of it, some of us are celibate. Some are here to have casual sex, or sex as a profession. Some are here to be pioneers, or kinky. Some only experience sex and an incredible Spiritual connection and cannot tolerate casual sex. None is better than the other.... just different. We cannot say that everyone needs a Spiritual Teacher.... or even an overt Spiritual practice. We are all on a Path-- whether we believe it or not. Just like we are all living with gravity and breathing air-- even in the days when civilization did not believe in either. For those of us who are overtly Spiritual, we often find our self lost in a sea of confusion. The heightened awareness that typically accompanies those on an Awakened Path offers so many options, and many pressures such as concerns about doing the "right thing" so as not to accumulate more karma, or wanting to be non-judgemental (often meaning that one has big issues with holding boundaries or protecting the self) and being unsure if one is taking the "higher path" or succumbing to lower body desires. Whew!
How do you know who to work with ? It is as difficult as choosing a therapist. If we are wounded... often our radar is set for dysfunction. If we are in denial, our radar will be set for people who will help us keep erect our fence of denial. If we are seeking power, or ego gratification as a Spiritual being, we will find a teacher or organization that feeds those desires.
If you end up finding cult leader, they will tear you down, but then they will also offer themselves as the one with the answers..... and the complements. They will have an organization of sorts.They will offer you an identity as long as you are with the organization and tell you there are ways to improve your position via the organization. There will be sex (real sex) involved, or drugs, or both. You will start to feel needy and dependent and want to spend more and more time with the leader or organization and you will be asked to do things that are humiliating or abusive all in the name of belonging to the organization or the leader.
Here are my suggested guidelines for working with a Teacher. Find someone who encourages you to find your own answers. Spirituality, like sex, is intensely personal. A good Spiritual Teacher will often put you in situations where you are forced to think. This means you will experience confusion at times. Learning always has sections of feeling a bit lost, or confused. If you are with a Teacher who has all the answers for you, then you are learning from someone who is encouraging you to be dependent, not independent. Be with Teacher that sometimes pisses you off. That means you are learning to stand up for yourself and your Teacher is not invested in having you love or worship him/her. You should even be able to get into an argument (or two) and not feel rejected or punished. You should be able to leave, and come back with no repercussions or feelings of guilt.
A good Teacher of the Light will make him/her self obsolete, so that you learn to internalize and develop your own line of Guidance to Spirit. And that goes for complements as well. If a Teacher is constantly complementing you, how do you learn to complement your self ? Funky teachers will be complementing machines.... it makes others feel so good. Getting complements from your teacher can become your new drug of choice (trying to please mommy or daddy figures), and again can create a kind of dependency as well as feed an ego dependent person disguised as a teacher. I am not talking about encouragement and occasional complements but rather if you find your self in people pleasing mode to gain recognition or "strokes' from a teacher, consider that a red flag.
An honest Spiritual Teacher will not present as perfect, because no one is. You will be forced to question his/her judgement at times so you do not become sheep. You will hear things that turn your world upside down and this will help you learn discernment and develop internal strength to follow your Guidance, not just blindly follow the Guidance of a Teacher. If you hear things you do not like, or feel confronted or criticized, before you run, sit with it for a while and see if you are running back to your rabbit hole or if it is something you need to hear and consider and then see if you can get over your ego being bruised. Or, leave for a while, knowing you will be welcomed back.
A Teacher of the light will encourage you to leave, to practice with others, to grow. S/he will present imperfections so you learn to be more accepting of your self, not present his/her self as a perfect, or the only, role model. Or present his/her Path as the only one, or the best one. There is no One Path. A great Teacher helps you to find your own way, your own Path and to uncover your authentic self by taking on shadow work as well as teaching you self love. This makes you strong will give you the confidence to travel your Path with your Guides.
Finding a Spiritual Teacher is not for everyone. If you decide this is your Path, and to have the courage to seek out a Teacher, look not just for talent, look for the Light. In the Yoga tradition, there are 4 defined paths to work towards enlightenment. Here is a brief summary: The 4 paths of Yoga
Dr Marie's emphasis is on Jnana (or Gnana) and also encompasses Bhakti, Karma and Raja.
Intensive Monthly Work with Dr Marie available--limited enrollment. Scroll down on this page link for details: Intensive Soul Work with Dr Marie
Local Meditations/Healings/Readings weekly: Wed 6:30 pm and Thurs 10 am $20. RSVP required by TUESDAY 6pm to guarantee attendance. Pay at the door. Yucaipa CA-- Life Path Healings.
Everyone can be our teacher.... however not everyone has a Spiritual Teacher in his/her lifetime. We are all here for different reasons.... each lifetime. Like sex, some of us are here to have lots of it, some of us are celibate. Some are here to have casual sex, or sex as a profession. Some are here to be pioneers, or kinky. Some only experience sex and an incredible Spiritual connection and cannot tolerate casual sex. None is better than the other.... just different. We cannot say that everyone needs a Spiritual Teacher.... or even an overt Spiritual practice. We are all on a Path-- whether we believe it or not. Just like we are all living with gravity and breathing air-- even in the days when civilization did not believe in either. For those of us who are overtly Spiritual, we often find our self lost in a sea of confusion. The heightened awareness that typically accompanies those on an Awakened Path offers so many options, and many pressures such as concerns about doing the "right thing" so as not to accumulate more karma, or wanting to be non-judgemental (often meaning that one has big issues with holding boundaries or protecting the self) and being unsure if one is taking the "higher path" or succumbing to lower body desires. Whew!
How do you know who to work with ? It is as difficult as choosing a therapist. If we are wounded... often our radar is set for dysfunction. If we are in denial, our radar will be set for people who will help us keep erect our fence of denial. If we are seeking power, or ego gratification as a Spiritual being, we will find a teacher or organization that feeds those desires.
If you end up finding cult leader, they will tear you down, but then they will also offer themselves as the one with the answers..... and the complements. They will have an organization of sorts.They will offer you an identity as long as you are with the organization and tell you there are ways to improve your position via the organization. There will be sex (real sex) involved, or drugs, or both. You will start to feel needy and dependent and want to spend more and more time with the leader or organization and you will be asked to do things that are humiliating or abusive all in the name of belonging to the organization or the leader.
Here are my suggested guidelines for working with a Teacher. Find someone who encourages you to find your own answers. Spirituality, like sex, is intensely personal. A good Spiritual Teacher will often put you in situations where you are forced to think. This means you will experience confusion at times. Learning always has sections of feeling a bit lost, or confused. If you are with a Teacher who has all the answers for you, then you are learning from someone who is encouraging you to be dependent, not independent. Be with Teacher that sometimes pisses you off. That means you are learning to stand up for yourself and your Teacher is not invested in having you love or worship him/her. You should even be able to get into an argument (or two) and not feel rejected or punished. You should be able to leave, and come back with no repercussions or feelings of guilt.
A good Teacher of the Light will make him/her self obsolete, so that you learn to internalize and develop your own line of Guidance to Spirit. And that goes for complements as well. If a Teacher is constantly complementing you, how do you learn to complement your self ? Funky teachers will be complementing machines.... it makes others feel so good. Getting complements from your teacher can become your new drug of choice (trying to please mommy or daddy figures), and again can create a kind of dependency as well as feed an ego dependent person disguised as a teacher. I am not talking about encouragement and occasional complements but rather if you find your self in people pleasing mode to gain recognition or "strokes' from a teacher, consider that a red flag.
An honest Spiritual Teacher will not present as perfect, because no one is. You will be forced to question his/her judgement at times so you do not become sheep. You will hear things that turn your world upside down and this will help you learn discernment and develop internal strength to follow your Guidance, not just blindly follow the Guidance of a Teacher. If you hear things you do not like, or feel confronted or criticized, before you run, sit with it for a while and see if you are running back to your rabbit hole or if it is something you need to hear and consider and then see if you can get over your ego being bruised. Or, leave for a while, knowing you will be welcomed back.
A Teacher of the light will encourage you to leave, to practice with others, to grow. S/he will present imperfections so you learn to be more accepting of your self, not present his/her self as a perfect, or the only, role model. Or present his/her Path as the only one, or the best one. There is no One Path. A great Teacher helps you to find your own way, your own Path and to uncover your authentic self by taking on shadow work as well as teaching you self love. This makes you strong will give you the confidence to travel your Path with your Guides.
Finding a Spiritual Teacher is not for everyone. If you decide this is your Path, and to have the courage to seek out a Teacher, look not just for talent, look for the Light. In the Yoga tradition, there are 4 defined paths to work towards enlightenment. Here is a brief summary: The 4 paths of Yoga
Dr Marie's emphasis is on Jnana (or Gnana) and also encompasses Bhakti, Karma and Raja.
Intensive Monthly Work with Dr Marie available--limited enrollment. Scroll down on this page link for details: Intensive Soul Work with Dr Marie
Local Meditations/Healings/Readings weekly: Wed 6:30 pm and Thurs 10 am $20. RSVP required by TUESDAY 6pm to guarantee attendance. Pay at the door. Yucaipa CA-- Life Path Healings.
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