
Showing posts from August, 2015


Some days, when awakened by my Ranch Manager Mateo (the tiger tom cat) who has decided that I have slept way too long (5 minutes past the beginnings of the sun to  yawn over the horizon), I open my eyes to marvel at the beauty of the lines of fur around his infinite eyes. I feel my bones healing from the vibrations of his purr and then the satin of the sheets sliding across my skin as I move to accommodate His Majesty, feeling the exquisite softness of his fur. It is at these times I am absolutely convinced that there is a purpose to life, that there is a Creator and that having a body is so completely worth it. For the moment. As the day crashes in (truck breaks, dryer dies, pail full of gallons of horse poop cracks open, and so on) there is a tendency want to excavate a rabbit hole and dive in. Retreat from this life. From the culmination of these kinds of moments. That is, until the wind brushes my skin, a horse whisker blesses my neck, and one of my ever present Angels whispe...

Muggles and BFF's

It is hard to have friends when you are a psychic or spiritually gifted person. Often others want to be your friend just so they can sneak in some “free questions”   or get some support while in a tough time (and to end the friendship as soon as life gets better again). Below however is a lovely description I found via Karen Davidson (edited down) of what it is like to have a BFF that is spiritually gifted. I have had Spiritual friends since the 1970's and this is how it was for me before I "came out" so to speak and started doing Readings. "What’s it like to have a psychic best friend ?   Why ask that? Because there is a bit of weird fear people seem to generate when they find out what someone is a full time psychic and does that for a living. People get all uncomfortable in their own skin.   What would a society be like where you couldn’t lie or even hide your true feelings?! So I figured I’d let you know what it’s like to hang out with a psychic: Whe...

Unicorns and Enlightenment

In 2013 a ground breaking research article on animal sentience was published . Many of us already have experienced this and it is not news to us, and many cultures have subscribed to this "discovery" for tens of thousands of years; however industrialized nations worship science so thank goodness for this article.  The majority of current industrialized cultures believe that the animal "human" is at top of the evolutionary chain with the paradigm that evolution stopped with humans as the crowning glory. The most interesting proposal regarding our placement in evolution is presented in the fascinating award winning book  Ishmael .   In Ishmael it is proposed that we humans have crossed a wall of fire via our pre-frontal cortex  gifting us with meta-cognition which is the ability to self ...