Lord, save me from "empaths"

"I am an empath."  The cry of the New Age citizen. Everyone is an empath to some degree- unless you are a Droid. The word empathetic is in our vocabulary. We all pick up emotions, non verbal cues, vibes. It is part of our communication systems as humans. And yes some of us are more sensitive, at times, than others. And that can make you a high maintenance person because the assumption (these days) is that if you are a "sensitive" of some sort that everyone around you has to take that into account with every word they utter, every action they take. Whew. What a burden. And what a drag!  Add to this that empaths tend to call everyone who does not  make the empath's needs  a priority, a narcissist. Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black. ?  I mean really.

If you are a highly sensitive empathic person, then you have some extra work to do, just like if you are someone who tends to put on weight easily. The latter does not insist that everyone serve diet food whenever there is a party or gathering....... so empaths cannot expect people to dance around their sensitivities whenever an empath makes an appearance. Well, they can expect it, but then we are looking at a narcissist who needs to be the center of attention and the object of everyone's priority consideration. Fat prone people do not berate folks with a normal metabolism for being insensitive for eating normally around them. Why should super sensitive people, who do not know how to take care of themselves, accuse others of being insensitive when most of us do not spend our social time mind reading the current issues (and they are unending) of an empath?

If you are super sensitive, you need good working boundaries. Not only to protect yourself from others, but also to protect yourself from putting yourself in dangerous or overwhelming situations you are not yet capable of handling.  If you have declared yourself an empath, you would do well to join a 12 Step program like CODA or get therapy. You will have to work on learning how to have fun in life.  Empaths tend to be walking Russian tragic novels and simply love to tell their story --- over and over and over. An unhealed empath will be drawn to unhealed people as a way to 1) get away from your own emotions  2) be able to do the one thing you are probably good at-- take care of someone  3) feed your ego in so many unhealthy ways 4) continue to be the center of attention as a "helper" person requires more attention than a simple love relationship between two mature people  5) draw in obsessive lovers as obsession is about the only thing that makes an empath feel truly loved and safe in love (if your partner is obsessed with you, one believes there is less chance of being abandoned).

If you are a healed and balanced empath or empathetic person, you have a strong center. You meditate (in some form be it actual sitting, or yoga, tai chi, spinning, etc) and have a deep solid ongoing relationship with both your higher self and Spirit. Your perceptions of others have about as much importance as knowing or feeling weather changes (... do I need an umbrella, or a sweater?).  You are able to use your incredible intuition to take better care of yourself rather than continuously walk naked into the lion's den. You are able to use your incredible intuition to sense what to eat daily, how to pace yourself, have fun, what to wear.  You are able to use your intuition to help others, appropriately and when you choose rather than being  a busy body over analyzing others and/or be the victim of blind compulsions.  You understand and truly know that Goddess is in charge so you don't have to run around saving everyone (unless you are truly Guided via your Spiritual practice to take some kind of action) or get lost in feeling everyone's feelings (which are none of your business) especially when you can't even handle your own.

So, stop crying in your beer (or wherever else you are telling your stories of woe) and get to work so your talent becomes your friend rather than continuing to be your self obsessed addiction.  We all have stuff to work on in life to get strong and be balanced.....empaths are no different.  When we are strong, we can serve Spirit, rather than our addictions or obsessions.  Namaste


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